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Topic: Water Heater AC Heating Element Installation (Read 20 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Water Heater
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 99267
...For some reason I can not get the water heater to stay on.

I've had the same problem from time to time with my Atwood water heater.  I found that adjusting the air shutter (the sliding tube which changes the size of the air holes on the main burner) seems to do the trick.

According to my Atwood documentation, you want to adjust the air shutter until any yellow in the flame just disappears.


Re: Water Heater
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 99269
Thanks Rick.
 As I thought about the water heater situation this morning I replayed my steps from yesterday.  Last night when I was trying to get the water heater going, I was also running the water, expecting to get warm water almost instantly.
 This morning I went back to the 22FL and just turned on the water heater.  30 minutes later I returned, the water heater was off, the red indicator light was off and I had warm water.
 Perhaps, I was contributing to the water heater shutting off last night.

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Re: Water Heater
Reply #27
Yahoo Message Number: 99275
This morning I went back to the 22FL and just turned on the water heater.  30 minutes later I returned, the water heater was off, the red indicator light was off and I had warm water.
I don't have anything factual to offer.  This is just a guess.  But, given what you said, I would look to see if the igniter wire is well into the flame.  I believe that the control board senses the flame by measuring the resistance of the igniter wire to ground.  So if the wire isn't in the flame it won't work.  This also fits with Rick's message in that adjusting the air shutter could also move the flame around the wire.

This is just a shot in the dark.  The flame sensor is a known reliability problem with these water heaters.  It could be that the circuit board is getting flakey and erratic so that it doesn't work well when cold and does OK when the water in the heater warms it up.

But, looking to make sure that the ignition wire is well into the flame is cheap and not risky so it is worth a moment's attention.  In trouble shooting, it pays to always look at all the cheap stuff first before even thinking that something expensive is a problem.


Re: Water Heater
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 99288
I had the same problem when we first bought our used 2005 30'IB. Turns out the water heater bypass was still on bypass and no water was getting into the heating chamber. It might be something to check.
Unscrew the plug and see if you have water in the heater.


Water Heater
Reply #29
Yahoo Message Number: 125159
Noticed soot mostly above the water heater on the exterior yesterday afternoon. We check the exterior regularly and it wasn't there a day or two ago and I don't recall it happening in the past.

Checked the LD companion Don and nothing there, whats up with that?
 Anyway, we started it and starts fine and flame looks and sounds good. No indication from that that there is anything clogging the burner. I have looked at the various causes and can't test for most of them other than a clogged or blocked burner.
 We ran it last night and there was no problem and no sign of soot. Just wondering if this can happen due to some temporary issue or is it always a sign of a problem?

Jim C

Re: Water Heater
Reply #30
Yahoo Message Number: 125415
This is a real problem here in the east with stink bugs.
They get in the input tube and cause real problems. I had to clean both of my units last fall and knew of several others with the same problem. If you have soot your flame can't be right...it almost has to be running rich and about the only way that can happen is restricted input air..
 In my case I couldn't see the bugs until I took the tube off at the elbow.
 I saw a Florida man in a Georgia state park that had orange flames locking up the side of his class A and couldn't convince him to fix it. He had been in Maryland for several weeks in the fall.
 Other bugs and spiders can cause the same problem and there may be other causes but I think restricted airflow is by far the most common.

Good Luck - Garry

Water Heater AC Heating Element Insta
Reply #31
Yahoo Message Number: 66612
Hydronic heating systems are common on Diesel MH's and Bus Conversions. Usually the boiler is Diesel burning, but I do believe that some were LPG. Many of those systems (such as Bluebird) utilized a loop with the boiler and Engine, therefore you can preheat the engine on cold days (reduces large diesle engines tendency to smoke on startup) and also to utilize the heat produced by the engine going down the road. They use a very elaborate system of plumbing to sent this hot water to multiple heat exchangers, and also to warm the tile floors in the kitchen and bathroom.
 Very nice, but expensive and heavy. Most 53k lbs buses can deal with the hundreds of pounds, but LDs cannot reasonably.
 Bluebird water heaters were either Electric heated (but they utilized 12k+ watt diesel generators) or engine water heated. So, as you say, when you arrive @ your destination, you can immdeiately take a hot shower.
 However, I have not yet seen one of these water heaters that also burn LPG. No reason that it couldn't be done, just have not yet seen one.

ken wannabe in SoCal

Water Heater AC Heating Element
Reply #32
Yahoo Message Number: 66696
Will wrote: "PS Once I sat in the 23.5 TK at the factory with the two sofas and panoramic windows, I knew I was home.
 I felt exactly the same way!  I actually looked at thr Born Free.  It is a well made coach, but it is constructed like a boat.  Small portholes and lots of nice cabinetry.  When I compare it with the T/K, the diference is phenominal!  BF is probably right for some people, but not for us.



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Reply #33
Yahoo Message Number: 66713
Will wrote: "PS Once I sat in the 23.5 TK at the factory with the two sofas and panoramic windows, I knew I was home.

"Allen Scott" wrote: I felt exactly the same way!  >
My husband and I also knew as soon as we went in them at the factory that the TK floorplan was not for us, we wanted the FD[front dinette].
Different strokes for different folks!

Judy G.
"Elsie" the brown COW [cottage on wheels]