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Topic: Screams from Yellowstone NP (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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Screams from Yellowstone NP
Yahoo Message Number: 66375
El Groupo

All of those good folks who are contemplating a visit to YNP this season, before or after the GC, should be aware of an article which recently appeared in the pages of the Twin Falls "Times-News".
 "LIVINGSTON, Mont. (AP) -- Anglers in Yellowstone National Park must use barbless hooks when catching fish starting later this month [27 May], in part to reduce injury to native species like the Yellowstone cutthroat and arctic grayling."

Now we sensitive LD people surely wouldn't want to hear those screams of anguish emanating from the Rainbow Trout we snatch out of those pristine waters. It would probably traumatize every kid for miles around.

And since when is an artic grayling a "native" species in YNP???

Steve S.
Lazy Bones
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Screams from Yellowstone NP - Off Topic
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 66382
 Montana's Official State Website - "The Arctic grayling is a species native to northern North America. The only populations native to the lower 48 states were in Michigan and Montana, and the Michigan population is now extinct. Consequently, the fluvial or river-dwelling population in the upper Big Hole River are the last remnants of this native Fish of Special Concern. Originally, the fluvial Arctic grayling was widespread throughout the upper Missouri river drainage as far downstream as Great Falls. Lewis and Clark made note of these "new kind of white or silvery trout" in 1805. Grayling are gullible to the angler's lures and also seem to be easily out-competed by other salmonid species. This probably explains much of their demise from their native range."

True sports men and women will welcome the new barbless hook regulation and practice catch and release. Perhaps this is one YNP species that will be saved from loss due to callousness and indifference.

BTW, I wonder what happened to all the messages posted yesterday between 1:51 and 9:21pm. This is a repost of a message that disappeared into that void.

NE 50

Re: Screams from Yellowstone NP - Off Topic
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 66426

"Montana's Official State Website - "The Arctic grayling is a
species native to northern North America."

Paul NE 50

Hey, thanks for that info. Even at this late stage in life it's a good day when a person can learn something new.

I also was wondering which Black Hole yesterdays messages were sent to.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones Outbound for Cheyenne (soon)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!