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Topic: Bad News on the New Rig :0( (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bad News on the New Rig :0(
Yahoo Message Number: 57590
Well, we got home on Wednesday evening and I have been meaning to sit down and write out a full pick up report, but haven't gotten around to it yet . . .
 Then late yesterday afternoon, we went out to the rig and opened the door to the refrigerator to a strong smell of ammonia, Never Good!!
 Immediately got on the phone to Tim (who has the patience of Job with me, being that he is the only one manning the factory this week).  Since we are already home, he said our options were either come back down or deal with Dometic re the warranty route.
 This morning, we've been on the phone with Dometic, who agreed to a brand new refigerator, but after calling all over (on the Friday before Labor Day, of course) the soonest that anyone within a few hours of us can replace it is September 12!  Since I still hope to make the LaDeze get together, we have been looking for other options.  While CW would do it on the 12th, I'm not completely comfortable with them working on the brand new coach and after being told by Tim that they will replace it for us on Wednesday (09/ 07/05) if we like, we have decided to drive back down for the replacement.
 Wouldn't mind so much but we figure the price will be between $300 & $400 in gas alone, GRRRR!

So I guess I'll save my glowing pickup report for later . . .


That said, we do LOVE the coach

Re: Bad News on the New Rig :0(
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 57592
"kkeight"  wrote: "While CW would do it on the 12th, I'm not completely comfortable with them working on the brand new coach..." ---- First good decision.
 "after being told by Tim that they will replace it for us on Wednesday (09/07/05) if we like, we have decided to drive back down for the replacement." ---- Second good decision.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Bad News on the New Rig :0(
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 57596
"...we went out to the rig and opened the door to the refrigerator to a strong smell of ammonia, Never Good!!"

"...being told by Tim that they will replace it for us on Wednesday
07/05) if we like, we have decided to drive back down for the



So very sorry to hear of your sad situation! But, looking on the bright side, it COULD have happened under far worse circumstances. I support your decision to run back to the Mother Ship, better to let them fix the problem than someone else compounding it. Major appliances do have an attrition rate, too bad it was your number that came up.

Let us know how things turn out.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Bad News on the New Rig :0( - Dometic frig
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 57603

"...we went out to the rig and opened the door to the refrigerator to a strong smell of ammonia, Never Good!!"

"...being told by Tim that they will replace it for us on Wednesday (09/ 07/05) if we like, we have decided to drive back down for the replacement."



So very sorry to hear of your sad situation! But, looking on the bright side, it COULD have happened under far worse circumstances.
I support your decision to run back to the Mother Ship, better to let them fix the problem than someone else compounding it. Major appliances do have an attrition rate, too bad it was your number that came up.

Let us know how things turn out.

Steve S.
Lazy Bones
Also sorry to hear of your plight. Good luck on the replacement. On the good side of the Dometic Americana, we have again been dry camping for a week over 9,000 feet with the frig working like a champ.
 There was a Q & A in a recent "Motor Home" Magazine wherein a person was griping about his Norcold not working at a 6,000 foot altitude and the manufacturers answer {and the answer confirmed by the "Answer Man" in Motor Home} was that frigs are not guarantee to work on propane above 5,500 feet so go find an electric hookup - not an acceptable answer to me when you find a bit of God's earth in the middle of nowhere.


Ruby the Red 04 RK

PS - MANY trees at Heaton Bay on the Lake Dillon Reservoir in

Colorado have died and although you still have beautiful views and
lakeside sites, Loop B is kaput for our lifetimes IMO.

2017 TK

Re: [Life With A Lazy Daze RV] Bad News on the New Rig :0(
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 57606
 Oh, what a drag! We will be in Felton this weekend. We can cry in our beer at Monty's, if you're around. Too bad about your driving lessons this time around, but you know what, its not so bad driving the rig. You'll be fine.
We hope to get down to Felton tonight, if we get our act together. When are you taking of for So Cal again?

Kathy, soon to be at Smithwoods, (831) 335-0404
1999 MB

Re: Bad News on the New Rig :0( - Dometic frig
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 57618
"Dave"  wrote: "There was a Q & A in a recent "Motor Home" Magazine wherein a person was griping about his Norcold not working at a 6,000 foot altitude and the manufacturers answer {and the answer confirmed by the "Answer Man" in Motor Home} was that frigs are not guarantee to work on propane above 5,500 feet so go find an electric hookup..." ------ I don't ever recall the having a problem running the refrigerator on propane at altitudes from 5000'(the "flatlands" in many parts of the west!) to 11000' during 12 years of camping with my previous class C or two years in the LD. (The refrigerators in both rigs were/are Dometics, not Norcolds, but I don't know why the brand would make a difference.)

IMO, the manufacturer wanted some "weasel room" on this one, and the "Answer Man" might not have wanted to challenge the opinion of one of MotorHome's advertisers!  ;-)

2003 TK has a new home