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Topic: Rough Ride - NOT (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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Rough Ride - NOT
Yahoo Message Number: 56556
To my friends who offered advice and suggestions with respect to my complaint of a rough ride in my LD.
 On a recent trip to Campobello Island I encountered a few stretches of US-1 in Maine that were unusually smooth. Over these areas my ride was noiseless,  smooth and vibration-free. So, I've concluded that it is not my rig that is the source of my consternation but the atrocious and shameful state of our nation's roads, highways and interstates.
Let's hope the recent load of "pork" foisted on we taxpayers, called the highway appropriations bill, will actually result in help for our road system

Thanks to all for your ideas and willingness to help.

Paul NE 50

Re: Rough Ride - NOT
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 56577
We have experienced the same thing for years on varying qualities of road sufaces.  We have a standing joke when coming in to California on Interstate 80.  Literally, at the border, the road goes from smooth to bumpy.  We have a real mix of roads out west.  Some will jar your teeth and others are like floating on air.

Our tax dollars at work...