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Topic: Rose Bowl LD sighting (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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Rose Bowl LD sighting
Yahoo Message Number: 48579
Hi Gang,

A friend calls at the last minute and offers grand stand seating tickets for the Rose Bowl Parade, their friends are sick and can't make it. Hitting the road at 4:30 am News Years morning from Santa Barbara, we get Pasadena and find our way to our seats at 316 W. Colorado Street. Settling in, I say to my wife, "look across the street, between the Porsche and Bentley dealerships, a Lazy Dazes!" Nestled between a big class A and a 5th wheel is a blue LD of around late 80s Ford vintage. So, all parade we had the backdrop of a Lazy Dazes as the beautiful floats cruse by. It had a Caravan number of 2342, I looked it up and it appears not be a active number in the Caravan Club member list. Anyone on this list?

Happy New Year Everyone.
