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Topic: Wireless Email and Internet (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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Wireless Email and Internet
Yahoo Message Number: 19050
After reading many of the posts about the "Bluetooth Conneciton" and the different ways of connecting to the internet and or email, here is an option that I currently use.

I did a lot of research about this before I went fulltime, and have ended up with Unlimited time on the internet for $54.99 a month.  A little pricey, but I get to use the web, or send email just about anywhere you get basic cell phone service.
 Basically I had to buy a PCMCIA Laptop card from Nextel, and pay the monthly fee, and now I use the web to my heart's content.  Most other unlimited services with this flexibility cost twice or three times as much. My speeds are typically in the 20-30kbps, with peaks up to 56k (about the same as basic dial-up).
 If anyone wants more info, let me know.  I am authorized reseller of this service, and provide computer solutions to those living the RV life.

Robb Provost The Computer Guy 619-865-5152

Re: Wireless Email and Internet
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 19052

I agree that the Nextel's Packetstream Gold service is a good semi- high speed option for full-timers that use the web a lot and don't want to go to a sattelite system because of costs.

The Nextel Packetstream Gold coverage

Wireless Email and Internet
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 19057
Robb -

Perhaps you could let us have a note of your e-mail address for private inquiries???

Virtual hugs,

Judie SKP     #17907 NKK     #12906 R-CHAR 00165

Re: Wireless Email and Internet
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 19198
 My email address it  if you would like ask any further questions.

And Barry was correct on the coverage area being

Re: Wireless Email and Internet
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 19202

The problem I see with this is that Nextel has about the worse coverage area of all the major wireless providers. They are only in urban areas and really only the larger and more populous ones. While it's true that the higher speed internet service from all providers is only available in more urban areas closer to larger towns and cities their competitors have this service in far more areas already and are expanding those areas.
 The price you quoted from what I've read in the Telephony magazine is also an initial offering price to get users signed up and they plan to raise it just like Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T did, that may or may not happen depending on competition. With Sprint you can get unlimited PCS Vision with a Sprint PCCS Vision calling plan and though during peak business hours it uses your anytime minutes they do have unlimited nights and weekends so if you use it at those times you have unlimited PCS Vision at night and on weekends with those plans. Verizon's Express Network plans aren't available bundled with voice plans from what I've seen but I could be wrong. The lower speed internet service is but not Express Network.

Nextel's technology is also not as good for data as Verizon's and Sprint's CDMA2000 technology and won't be ramped to even higher speeds as quickly as theirs either. From what I've heard from those that have the Verizon and Sprint higher speed 3G internet service they all seem pretty happy with it where they can use it! Unfortunately that area is rather limited with them all but more so with Nextel. Many on the Verizon and Sprint plans claim higher speeds as typical also but that would be what I'd expect due to the difference in the technologies they use.
