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Topic: Where does the dog go? (Read 442 times) previous topic - next topic
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Where does the dog go?
I have a 2001 Twin King and have acquired a 65 lb senior dog.  I went on an overnight camp to assess where he would travel. He wanted to go on the passenger seat but was just too big to lie down comfortably, so he stood between the seats with his front paws up on the passenger seat the whole way. It did not look comfortable.  He does not seem to want to travel in the back. He is 10 and never been crate trained. He was great otherwise, but I want to make him comfortable while driving.  I was thinking about building a platform to extend the passenger seat forward.  Any suggestions? Thanks.
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #1
"He does not seem to want to travel in the back."

At age ten he definitely has his own opinions and preferences! I'm not familiar with your floorplan but if there is a couch behind the passenger cab seat do you think he could be tempted to lye there, perhaps with one of his blankets or an appropriately sized doggy bed? From that position he's able to see you in the driver's seat, something important to a dog of any age.  ;)  
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #2
Our dog of similar size stays between the driver and pax seats most of the time. He alternates between lying down and leaning on the driver and passenger. Once in awhile he repairs to the back and watches from one of the couches (mid bath). I'm betting your new puppy will figure out what he likes best after a trip or two.
09 27' MB
10  Suby Forester

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #3
Our dog is much smaller, but he seems to like the area between the driver and passenger seats.   He enjoys the warmth from the engine/transmission. 

2003 MB

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #4
"He does not seem to want to travel in the back."

At age ten he definitely has his own opinions and preferences! I'm not familiar with your floorplan but if there is a couch behind the passenger cab seat do you think he could be tempted to lye there, perhaps with one of his blankets or an appropriately sized doggy bed?

That’s possible, it is very near the stairwell, in front of the bathroom. He certainly wants to be close to me 100% of the time.
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #5
I've had a dog bed between the driver and pax seats since 2014 for a succession of dogs.
We also have a ramp on my side of the bed so the current chihuahua doesn't have to jump up to the bed.
Laps are his preferred habitat.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #6
We have two dogs between 40 and 50lbs.
I didn't care for them getting right up between the seats, so I put this fan there to block that area. Then a bed just behind it. The older dog mostly lays on the dog bed we put up front or under the table. The younger one likes the bed in the rear and sometimes on the front dinette seat looking forward.  She too would try to get way up front.  Also they would have tried the front passenger seat but the wife sits there and now the fan blocks it,,,sometimes the younger can access the passenger seat from the dinette seat when the wife isn't sitting there.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #7
I had a 62 lb dog who also wanted to sit in the passenger seat. I put a big rolled up sleeping bag on the floor in front of the seat and then a dog crate mat over that and the seat. It made a good bed for her and she happily rode there on trips and slept there for years when I camped.
2007 MB

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #8
Before considering a platform that puts him in front of the passenger airbag (which could injure him if it deploys), consider a dog bed on the floor between the front seats.  Also look at dog seat belt harnesses like SleepyPod to keep him from becoming a puppy projectile in a sudden stop or lane change.

We were lucky during one of our first LD trips (in 2000), before we knew about the pet seat belts, that one of ours was small/light enough that he didn't breech the door lock and fall out of the coach when he fell down the entry stepwell while we were underway.  All pups have since been belted in 100% of the time when we're moving.

For one of ours who liked to be up front, we set up his bed between the seats and clipped him in via the passenger seat belt - loop of harness down low where the seat belt clicks in.

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #9
I had a 62 lb dog who also wanted to sit in the passenger seat. I put a big rolled up sleeping bag on the floor in front of the seat and then a dog crate mat over that and the seat. It made a good bed for her and she happily rode there on trips and slept there for years when I camped.
This seems like a great option.
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: Where does the dog go?
Reply #10
We bought inflatable foot rest off Amazon. It fits between seat and dash.
1992 Mid Bath