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Topic: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting... (Read 419 times) previous topic - next topic
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Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
OK, you know from the subject what this post is going to be about...

Recently, I've been going back and forth to the storage lot for my Lazy Daze in preparation for my sojourn to Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico for the winter.  I've found I'm not a "holiday orphan" on the Sea of Cortez with lots of activities, friends, etc... to fill up my time.  In short, it's my "happy place." 

I was at the storage lot today, packing and rearranging items with a smile on my face looking forward to my winter adventure.  Just before I left, I decided to start the RV to check the fuel level and tire pressure (which hasn't been done since mid-October when I returned from volunteering at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta). 

When I started my RV and heard the "unsettling sound" I knew immediately what had happened, although I didn't want to admit it.  I called my RV mobile tech (who was able to come out) and went to the office to ask if any catalytic converters had been recently stolen.  The office manger confirmed that two had been stolen a month or so ago, but couldn't remember the exact date and thought I wasn't there at the time.  *sigh*

My RV tech looked underneath and took a cell phone picture to show me that my catalytic converter had been sawed off.  He also said that basically all the RV storage facilities in Las Cruces have been broken into and had catalytic converters stolen.  Yes, I filed a police report and contacted my insurance company to file a claim. 

My anxiety level has risen and I feel frustrated.  If I'm paying for a storage facility with cameras and a gate code, how do I keep my RV safe?  What am I paying for in a storage facility if there's a disclaimer stating that they're not responsible for loss  and/or theft?  Sorry, not sorry but I hope there's a special place in Hades (if there's an afterlife) for people that steal and violate others...
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #1
I'm really sorry to hear that, Cheryl. Not much I can say (at least in a PG-rated forum), but... 😖
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #2
I'm really sorry to hear that, Cheryl. Not much I can say (at least in a PG-rated forum), but... 😖

Thanks for replying Andy, I usually am logical (and somewhat reserved) but I found myself completely unprepared for this "surprise."  I suppose the good part is I started my RV before I just left for Mexico on Sunday, but now I find myself wondering how to protect my Lazy Daze in a storage lot with cameras, high fences and a number pad code for access.  It's not only the violation of someone stealing something in a seemingly protected facility, but I feel "gutted" by the act itself...
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #3
I’m so sorry that you and your much loved LD are victims of worthless dirt bags.   On the other hand I’m hopeful you bounce back and find a way to make it down to your happy place.  Best wishes. 

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #4
So frustrating, and I hope you will be back on the road soon. Unfortunately, the downside of a storage facility is that whatever transpires is out of view of the public - you are relying on the vigilance and sophistication of a security system that at most has a single person at the helm for a large observation area, and a high concentration of available targets. Parked on a street or driveway a vehicle is a riskier target for thieves due to its public location, and if some deterrent device is installed that would complicate and require additional time to tackle, thieves will likely move on, as there are plenty more to choose.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #5
Recently I was looking at the LD owned by Forum members David and Wendy I noticed that most of the clamps securing their Cat-Strap were either loose or gone. They park their rig in an outside RV storage facility. Someone was in the middle of removing the converter when, for some unknown reason, they stopped and left it as is.
I replaced the clamps, adding more clamps and two more steel cables clamped to the converter and exhaust pipes to inhibit another attempt.

Outdoor RV storage yards are ripe targets for thieves, you might as well park your rig on a dark street in a bad neighborhood for all the protection a storage yard provides.
We have other Forum friends whose LD's converter was cut off in another RV storage yard. They soon sold their rig.


2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #6
Cheryl, sorry to hear about your stolen converter. Hope they catch the !#$*&%!

I had Nocona at a covered storage facility in Tehachapi for a while but was always concerned that a similar fate might happen as the storage facility made no guarantees or assumed any responsibility for theft or damage. Between that, and the restriction of not being able to work on the rig in their facility, I decided to store it back home. Not everyone has this luxury but, thankfully, I did.  Thankful that I am able to park Nocona at our new home on the Central Coast where I can keep a close watch on her!

Best of luck going forward.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #7
Cat theft has been an ongoing problem that many people have fallen victim to. As I mentioned in the past, my Toyota Sequoia had its two converters stolen.

I had my mechanic install the Cat Straps and all was well until a couple of years later when another attempt was made but the thieves were unsuccessful and left the cat strap dangling.

I took the Sequoia to a local welding shop and had several more pipe clamps installed and their nuts Spot Welded in place. It’ll be quite some feat to remove those Cats ever again.

So it is my advice that Any Cat Theft Deterrent have its Pipe Clamps nuts welded in place. Although I have installed the Cat Strap on my RB, and store my LD in my driveway, I will soon weld its nuts in place.

Life is a tricky proposition. Stay a little trickier than the thieves.


2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #8
I’m sorry to hear the cat was stolen. Hopefully you can get it quickly repaired and be on the road to your happy place. 
And you are correct, there must be a special place in … for the scum that take what is not theirs. 
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #9
What a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach to have this happen! Ugh! I am so sorry!

I am thinking about installing a deterrent on my new to me TK. Came across this recently written article:

Best Catalytic-Converter Anti-Theft Devices for 2023, Tested

Any advice from those who have installed or had these installed on which to use? I would probably have a shop install it - unless its pretty easy diy. I do not have the capability to weld.

After searching the forum I found this: Catstrap RV Max Protect specialized for the E450 chassis - a review

It seems that most of the LD fam uses this device and will probably be what I go with. Any insight to the other deterrent devices?
Jodi, Kevin, and Lincoln (the crazy doodle dog)
2011 TK - also the "DogHaus"- adopted October 2023
2000 30IB - the "DogHaus" - adopted April 2020 - rehomed October 2023

Re: Catayltic Converter Theft - Sorry for the venting...
Reply #10
"When It Rains, It Pours..."

First of all, a member of this forum contacted me privately to make me aware the the Lukeville/Sonoyta border crossing is going to be temporarily closed (both ways) tomorrow.  Sadly, I already knew.  It's basically an easy entry - especially if you travel early in the day and only a 65 mile distance.  Obviously, there's no way I'm going to have my Lazy Daze repaired by tomorrow to make it there before the closure.  You can read more about the closure and the reasoning at Lukeville Border Closure.

It's my feeling (and I could be wrong) that the public outcry will make the closure brief and another solution will be explored.  If not, I'll arrange with friends to caravan "the long way" and enter at the San Luis border crossing.

The "insult on top of injury" has been the lack of concern from the RV storage owner.  After finding out I called the manager after hours at 8:15 p.m.  She told me that the manager had already informed her and that she would contact me the next day as she was "busy" bathing her 4 year old grandson.  She didn't call me, but had the manager call me to say "since I wasn't happy there, it's better for me to look for another place to store my RV."  Now that I can't make it to Mexico I still have to have a place to store my RV as it's a code violation for it to be parked on the street. 

I haven't made any trouble and my storage fee is paid automatically every month.  It's a slap in the face for her lack of concern for the safety of RV.  I didn't get angry or yell at her but (here it comes) I "did remind her that my Lazy Daze has now been broken into/vandalized now three (3) times.  I think I have a valid right to be upset and question the security there. 

No, I'm not happy there now but people are storing their rigs after traveling for the summer and there's not a lot of choices.  I've now had to file three insurance claims regarding the thefts.

The first time thieves broke in through a window, dumped all the contents and basically took anything electronic.  I asked the  sheriff who came to the scene what the loaded syringe was and he replied "Oh, they must have dropped their hotshot."  The second time they cleaned out the RV next to me and damaged my door and window but apparently got "spooked" and didn't take anything.  Of course you all know about the recent event with the catalytic converter. 

Tomorrow morning I'm going to visit the muffler shop here in Las Cruces where several people have refereed me for repairs.  Sadly, I think I'm also going to have to contact an attorney to advise me of my rights regarding eviction when I'm the "victim." 

Thanks for listening - I'm just struggling a bit now. 

This too shall pass...
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V