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Topic: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon (Read 277 times) previous topic - next topic
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Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
After 72 years, Oregon has lifted the ban on pumping your own gas.  Welcome to the 21st century Oregon 😊


- John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #1
After 72 years, Oregon has lifted the ban on pumping your own gas.  Welcome to the 21st century Oregon 😊


- John

Just in time - we'll be in Oregon next month!  Thanks for posting, otherwise it would have been one of those "what the heck moments?"    Now, maybe it will happen in Baja within the next decade!
2004 MB Lazy Daze, Jeep Wrangler Sport 2 Door
Previous LD: 92 22RB, 98 30IB, 15 27RB
Previous TT: 2020 Lance 2185

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #2
Probably done because of a lack of pump jockeys available to work.
Finding employees is getting harder, and a pump jockey isn't much of a job to begin with.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #3
Last thing I want to do is visit Oregon for a while, where many folks have never pumped gas before.  It’s not rocket science, but still.

2017 TK

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #4
During cold, wet weather trips in Oregon, having the attendant fill the tank has been convenient.
A lot of folks are going to lose their jobs.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #5
Probably done because of a lack of pump jockeys available to work.
Finding employees is getting harder, and a pump jockey isn't much of a job to begin with.

If I may…..there are human beings who would be very happy to be employed in these roles…we have a son who has a disability, while will never have the type of careers his brother and sister have, who working in jobs that others may snub their noses at gives him the dignity and self esteem that comes with being successful at his position
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #6
If I may…..there are human beings who would be very happy to be employed in these roles…we have a son who has a disability, while will never have the type of careers his brother and sister have, who working in jobs that others may snub their noses at gives him the dignity and self esteem that comes with being successful at his position
A very thoughtful perspective on what might initially seems like an uncomplicated matter.  So often there’s another perspective that would be helpful to consider.

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #7
Last gasp of Service Stations turning DIY.
What is the status of New Jersey?
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #8
"...there are human beings who would be very happy to be employed in these roles..."

Indeed there are, actually beyond imagination. My late son was one of them! He held several menial jobs, pump jockey only one, that were within his capabilities and took pride in his efforts when he brought home a paycheck each month.
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #9
During cold, wet weather trips in Oregon, having the attendant fill the tank has been convenient.
A lot of folks are going to lose their jobs.
My experience was quite different, in part because my travels were almost entirely in eastern Oregon with mostly a desert climate. I didn't like the system, because it almost always took longer, sometimes much longer, because the attendant wouldn't come over and start the pump immediately, and when it stopped, it often took a while before they hung up the hose. I learned  to give them 30 seconds, then I'd hang it up myself and leave. Nobody seemed care, and eventually I discovered the Indian owned stations (usually part of a casino complex) let you pump your own gas, so I only used those going through Oregon. Quicker, cheaper.

The "make work" part of it seemed very inconsistent: I'm allowed to mow my own grass, scan my own groceries and take them to my car, so why not pump my own gas? "Full service" can still be offered by the gas station for those that want it, but now everyone is not required to pay for it for the few that do want it. I'd be OK with the previous "make work" system, as long as I could legally pump my own gas. It wasn't the extra cost that annoyed me, it was the extra time it took.
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #10
Count me among those lamenting the end of this practice. We used to travel to Oregon frequently and always enjoyed just pulling in and having the attendant pump the fuel. In our experience, we never had to wait. Reminded me of days of yore with the old Vickers stations. Pull in and five guys dressed in red jumpsuits would swarm the car!
09 27' MB
10  Suby Forester

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #11
Count me among those lamenting the end of this practice. We used to travel to Oregon frequently and always enjoyed just pulling in and having the attendant pump the fuel. In our experience, we never had to wait. Reminded me of days of yore with the old Vickers stations. Pull in and five guys dressed in red jumpsuits would swarm the car!

As a kid, I remember the different gas companies competing for business with full service and sometimes giving 'gifts' of Green Stamps and other items. It is a much different world today.
I don't mind pumping my own gas and no attendant checks the fluids anymore, a crucial task when driving long distances.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #12
I worked at a gas station in 1963 from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm for $5.00 a day.  The owner told me an older lady came to the station every Saturday for many years and was his best customer.  She would buy only one (1) gallon of gas for $.25.  I was to check all the fluids, tire pressure, and clean all the windows.   And that’s what I did.  Btw, they also bought us a bag of hamburgers (6) that cost a $1.00 for lunch. 

I was grateful for the $5.00 which allowed me to buy 4 gallons of gas for my 1953 Ford and go on a date which included dinner at a drive in restaurant.

Some days I feel a little out of place in today’s world.   Fortunately our LD always helps us to get balanced again.

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #13
I spent one summer of my youth pumping gas at a Sunoco station in Indianapolis. Despite the song lyrics about “it don’t rain in . . .”, we got tremendous downpours all summer. During one monsoon, I and another pump jockey were in the bay staying dry when a beat-up car crawled into the pumps. My partner cursed, put his slicker hood up, and went out. He took the guy’s order through the driver’s window and turned my way with a very sour expression. He proceeded to pump 13 cents worth of gas — the guy’s order— over the car’s bumper and onto the ground. He replaced the cap, collected the 13 cents, and bade him to have a good day. Just one hazard of not self pumping. ( No, I don’t condone my coworker’s action).  — Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Finally you can now pump your own gas in Oregon
Reply #14
During cold, wet weather trips in Oregon, having the attendant fill the tank has been convenient.
A lot of folks are going to lose their jobs.


Under Oregon law, the gas station must keep at least 50% of the pumps serviced by an attendant.  The price must be the same for both full and self-service. 

Now I'm going to have to figure out where the gas tube/tank is ..... is there end no insult to this old man's brain.....

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2014 Twin King