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Dinged for High Milage
We have had our LD for sale for two months. One really hard bite, but they backed off after discovering their finances would be stretched too tight. Maybe a lot of folks are stretched tight right now? It seems the strongest interest is in rigs selling for less than $25,000. To full time in.

We have 130,000 miles on our LD. That's not a miles for a Triton engine. It is however a lot of miles for an LD or most any MH.
Most RV owners only use them on weekends and maybe a one week trip. I see rigs that were made prior to 2000 with maybe 60,000 miles. That's seems typical, especially for SoCal rigs that have been used to go the beach for a few days. Dozens of them for sale.

We used ours, every year. 1,500 miles just to "get west" from Alabama where our trip started. That racked up a lot miles. So our milage is compared to older rigs with less miles and we come up short in their minds.

I personally would not be interested in MH that has spent it's life parked. Doubtful the owner even knows what's wrong with it.

It is my understand that the Tritons used in commercial service do well over 200,000 miles.

Oh well, in my mind, I wrote the LD value to zero when we were driven off the Mothership lot. So I can give it away with few regrets. But. I will not sell it cheap.

Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #1
I fear the same will happen if/when we sell our '94 LD with currently 139k miles and climbing!!

But I gotta agree with you, now with all those miles of experience, I can't believe for the same year there are those 60k mile LDs, that's a LONG time just rotting dry! Unless they would keep it Ina climate controlled garage and took it for a "walk" every week around the block.

The reality is that the vehicle is welded to the hom, so for a vehicle it's too many miles in people's eyes, so instead I've focused updating all the wearable mechanical parts and everything in the home part, renovated the interior, redid the electric, added solar, all the bells and whistles so that if one day LadyBird has to continue her travels with someone else at least she's feeling like new and well worth the value!
1995 23.5 Rear Lounge

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #2
161,000 on our 2000 Rear Bath.

Runs like a sewing machine.
2000 RB

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #3
2 thoughts

(1) It is a tough RV market right now, with interest rates, and gas price uncertainty, and all of the RVs that were produced (record numbers) by the industry over the past few years.  Our RVs attract a certain type of buyer, and there aren't many of us. 

(2) At 130k miles, I think the quality of maintenance makes a big difference.  If you think buyers are hesitating due to the mileage, I would confront that issue head on in the ad.  Detailed maintenance records, % highway miles (estimate), something about the Ford V-10 engine reliability.  Make it clear that this coach has been well cared for. 

My LD is approaching 110k, and there is a different level of maintenance needed vs when I bought it with closer to 25k.  Even though the engine runs strong, I've started replacing things like bushings, hoses, belts, and so on.  I think I can make it to 200k, but it will require some extra attention.  You will either need to convince a buyer that these issues have been handled, or reduce the price to compensate. 

2003 MB

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #4
Sadly Don your experience has become part of our culture for a long time.   We’ve been in a newer neighborhood since 2010 and most of our neighbors sold for newer homes in newer developments since we moved here.  We have a 2014 Honda Accord and it’s the oldest car on our block.  The popular mantra is newer is better and older is troublesome.   Btw, I’m older than most if not all my neighbor’s parents!!  And I am certainly considered troublesome.

Perhaps your LD would attract more attention if you could somehow move it further West?   I imagine LDs are not well known or appreciated east of the Mississippi.

And see if the following article could be an option?

Can You Trade In An RV or Camper For A Car? (Campervan, Motorhome)

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #5
It's been my life's opinion "you pay it upfront or you pay it on the backend'.   I.E. in the long run it will cost the same.  If you buy quality it's the upfront cost, If you buy cheap you'll pay to make it quality in the long run.  Either way, you are out the same amount of money. 
I, like you, use my RV all the time.  We got about 66,000 miles on it (2014 TK).   I also as we left the factory made the value to zero in my head.   In my mind, an object is not worth anything to you use it. 
I believe in my heart there are value customers out there.  Just the other day I was getting the brakes and tire looked at at a local tire store.  When I came to pick up the RV the mechanic and salesperson commented on the quality and looks of the RV.   I guess what I'm saying is if folks what cheap there is a market, if folks want quality they will seek you out.

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #6
Maybe we could make up business-type cards for rigs going on the market to pass to people who are interested in our rigs.
No, mine is not for sale,  but here are a couple of good ones.......maybe with a link to the LD for sale thread.
just a thought.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #7
Hi Joel;  I want to make some business cards. I just attended the Caravan Club at Lake Elsinore. I am amazed by the number of people who are unaware of LDOG. Many, I think, aren't online much. Others think it is just full of advertising, obviously they were on some other website.  We can all benefit from he experiences of other owners. Especially some really!   long time owners.
     As a sales tool, it might reassure a potential buyer that there is a support group 'out there', especially now that the factory is gone.     RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Dinged for High Milage
Reply #8
Ron, Maybe even better for someone to join some RV groups - FB, IRV2, etc. and talk anout LD there.

FB is popular with more traffic.
I see asked, all the time, quality questions.
Things like: I hear about the big problems wi to many RV brands, any out there without the problems?
Or which RVs are better built ones.

Someone did a post on their LD (in a not LD specific group) and got a lot of curiosity about it.  Just not well known about outside of the Los Angeles area.
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.