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Topic: winter trip 2023 (Read 284 times) previous topic - next topic
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winter trip 2023
Here is a small photo montage of our annual winter trip from Portland to find the sun.   <smile> ah the gods had a few surprises for us like they always do.

As we left Portland we had to dodge three, yes three, atmospheric rivers.   We weaved thru the first two.  Missing them by driving on dry days.   Luck ran out on the third one.  We left Bakersfield early just in time to arrive and met the third atmospheric river hitting the SoCal LA area as we were crossing the grapevine.   Nothing says fun as me and only three or four vehicles going up then down the grapevine.  Over all the years I've driven this pass this was the least traffic I've ever seen.   Once we made it to the cutoff at I-210 life become 'normal' again on the road. 

I'll let the images tell the story.  <smile> trust me I've spared you all the 300 plus I've had to sort thru.

Winter Trip 2023 - Google Photos

I'd be happy to answer any questions about any stop on our path thru this trip.


ps at least this time we didn't come back just in time for a pandemic to hit and lizbeth didn't break anything. 
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #1
Your supplies jamming the aisles and everywhere else looks like the movie, "DAS BOOT", when they were leaving port.  My uncle who was in subs during WWII told me that Das Boot was the most accurate sub move he had ever seen
2000 MB

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #2
Your fascination with sticks and rocks is admirable and I liked them.  I went all the way thru your photo collection and saved a few pictures.   I would switch to black and white for the stick pictures.  It gives a dramatic appeal to the sticks, trees, bushes.

Do you think someone was buried at the rock grave marker, or was someone ambitious enuf to gather the rocks and make a pseudo grave.
2000 MB

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #3
  I would switch to black and white for the stick pictures.  It gives a dramatic appeal to the sticks, trees, bushes.

Without getting too deep into the 'weeds' about my personal philosophy of photography.....  I don't think any photograph represents 'real' life.   No photo is 'real'.  All images are interpreted thru many filters, ie camera type, lens, and process (be it wet or dry).   And after the image is made 'real' we humans then infuse it with our personal emotions. 

I said all that to say I like b/w because it removes the basic color emotion  ( red, blue and green) and 'forces' humans to inject their person more deeply held feelings.   See my personal b/w portfolio at Flickr for my b/w images.


ps I'm working on just the project you are suggesting.
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #4
I've seen some of your B/W work, which are quite good. 
The pic in your montage of a black and white chihuahua is not a good candidate for that- the color of his Christmas sweater is essential to the pic.   ;)
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #5
Without getting too deep into the 'weeds' about my personal philosophy of photography.....  I don't think any photograph represents 'real' life.   No photo is 'real'.  All images are interpreted thru many filters, ie camera type, lens, and process (be it wet or dry).   And after the image is made 'real' we humans then infuse it with our personal emotions. 

I said all that to say I like b/w because it removes the basic color emotion  ( red, blue and green) and 'forces' humans to inject their person more deeply held feelings.   See my personal b/w portfolio at Flickr for my b/w images.


ps I'm working on just the project you are suggesting

I REALLY LIKE YOUR BW IMAGES.  EXCELLENT!!!!  They show great work and composure.  I love it.

What software are you using??  I'm sure your photos are prized possessions

Ansel Adams did both, camera and then the development process. His photos were all silver paper and very hard work in the dark room.  His work is really the grandest, but you're no slouch either.  His signed photos have gone up in value in recent years. 

I tried to buy "Tetons and the Snake River" at the Domeneli asset auction many years ago.  Domeneli was a Ponzi schemer that went bust in San Diego.  I stopped bidding at $4,500 as that was the price at which I could buy a duplicate signed photo.  Bidding was quiet on this picture and the high bidder thought they were going to steal the picture for less than $1,000.  I didn't start bidding until the auctioneer said, "all done".  I bet they were disappointed when they heard late bidding start from me.  I made them pay market value.  Today, the value of the large format Tetons and the Snake River is VERY EXPENSIVE.
2000 MB

Re: winter trip 2023
Reply #6
What software are you using??  I'm sure your photos are prized possessions

I use all sorts of software.   Between you and me some of my old stuff I could never reproduce as those images were done with software and cameras that are no longer useful or manufactured. Sometimes I run the image thru multiple programs in all sorts of orders.   I've forgotten the steps.   I 'play' with the image till I am either happy or I dump it in the trash.

But to your question ....  I'm a Apple user for the most part so I load my images into three different machines.   One I call the main backup system.   It's an old Mac that can no longer be updated.   I have a very old version of Lightroom that organizes my images somewhat.    The other two Apple machines I use depending on what room I'm in when the mood strikes me.  (I know 'first' world problems.) 
First I review the images in Apple Photos.   Then I either load then to  Affinity Photo 2or Pixelmator Pro.   Sometimes I'll run them back and forth.   <smile> bottom line the magic is all in the feeling I get then says I'm done.   I do run most all the 'finished' projects by my wife.   Most of the time if she likes it I keep it if she doesn't I dump it.   But there are a few I keep no matter what she thinks.

Oh, btw, Google on android offers a program called Snapseed that I paid $300 plus before Google brought the company and gives it away free today.    Here's the link for Apple Snanseed Apple Version


personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King