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Topic: Non-member Classified Listings for 2022 (Read 1304 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Non-member Classified...
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Re: Non-member Classified Listings for 2022
Reply #25
Once bulletproofed the 6.0 is a good motor.
Pre DEF is always a good thing and the 6.0 is.
However, there has been a crack down on doing the mods needed to make the engine reliable.
Many states will not let you do it and a lot of the shops that were performing the needed fix, have been hassled and even shut down.

And with the current high price for diesel fuel, along with DEF required makes getting a diesel less popular as it once was.
Ford's new 7.3 gas engine is becoming a choice of engine to get for the overland expedition folks.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Non-member Classified Listings for 2022
Reply #26
Suggestions redux: When buying any big-ticket item, doing diligent research on every aspect of the product, pricing, financing, engine, systems, aftermarket changes and add-ons, red flags..., will pay off. So many times on this forum - and on other boards, I'm sure - we've read about new-to-the-lifestyle people making expensive and "What do I do now?" buying choices because they didn't understand what they were getting into.

We all make regrettable mistakes and sometimes wish for do-overs; it does take time and a lot of digging, but, in my experience, taking advantage of the information available (on just about any topic) to help one along the learning curve and minimize the number of opportunities to screw up is well worth it.


2003 TK has a new home

Re: Non-member Classified Listings for 2022
Reply #27
[Merged the non-member ad discussion of the 2005 Highly Modified topic here.  The Classifieds section is for member-owned items only]

Re: Non-member Classified Listings for 2022
Reply #29
Posting a reminder that this thread is to be used to post ads for LD you find elsewhere.  Please do not post links to non-member ads in the classifieds - that board is for member-owned or -wanted items.