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Veteran’s Day
Attention all LDOF Veterans

Thank you for your service.  We’re very grateful.  And for our fallen comrades, we will never forget you.


US Army ‘68-'72

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #1
Yes, thank you to all our veterans, as well as our current active military folks! Your service and sacrifices are much appreciated!

USN 1975-1995
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #2
Thank you to all veterans for your service and a special prayer to friends and comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice.

US Army 1969-1972
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #3
When many of us came home, we were criticized, mocked, ignored.   Some Vets were treated even more poorly, BUT NEVER, NEVER by other Veterans.   For many of us, this day is a day to say to each other “I understand and I remember.”   And that’s why many of us appreciate this Day.

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #4
"And that’s why many of us appreciate this Day."

True enough! But I and many others got a double holiday, Nov. 10th (yesterday) and today. I lifted a cup in honor of the Marine Corps 264th Birthday last night and remember fondly my bunch of compatriots from years ago.   ;)

Here's hoping you can avail yourselves the opportunity of a free meal from a long list of cooperating restaurants!   :o
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #5
In case you’ve never seen it, the History Channel is airing the Band of Brothers mini-series marathon. It’s a wonderful show and just started this morning.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #6
Agreed! As the daughter of a vet, I can’t express enough gratitude for your service and sacrifice! My dad has seen some things that still stay with him… one of the only times that I’ve seen him cry was at a memorial for his fallen comrades.

Thank you for being willing to put it all on the line to protect our freedom.

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #7
A Big thank you to all that served, I am honored to be your brother in arms.
To understand a Military Veteran you must know:
We left home as teenagers or in our early twenties for an unknown adventure.
We loved our country enough to defend it and protect it with our own lives.
We said goodbye to friends and family and everything we knew.
We learned the basics and then we scattered in the wind to the far corners of the Earth.
We found new friends and new family.
We became brothers and sisters regardless of color, race or creed.
We had plenty of good times, and plenty of bad times.
We didn’t get enough sleep.
We smoked and drank too much.
We picked up both good and bad habits.
We worked hard and played harder.
We didn’t earn a great wage.
We experienced the happiness of mail call and the sadness of missing important events.
We didn’t know when, or even if, we were ever going to see home again.
We grew up fast, and yet somehow, we never grew up at all.
We fought for our freedom, as well as the freedom of others.
Some of us saw actual combat, and some of us didn’t.
Some of us saw the world, and some of us didn’t.
Some of us dealt with physical warfare, most of us dealt with psychological warfare.
We have seen and experienced and dealt with things that we can’t fully describe or explain, as not all of our sacrifices were physical.
We participated in time honored ceremonies and rituals with each other, strengthening our bonds and camaraderie.
We counted on each other to get our job done and sometimes to survive it at all.
We have dealt with victory and tragedy.
We have celebrated and mourned.
We lost a few along the way.
When our adventure was over, some of us went back home, some of us started somewhere new and some of us never came home at all.
We have told amazing and hilarious stories of our exploits and adventures.
We share an unspoken bond with each other, that most people don’t experience, and few will understand.
We speak highly of our own branch of service, and poke fun at the other branches.
We know however, that, if needed, we will be there for our brothers and sisters and stand together as one, in a heartbeat.
Being a Veteran is something that had to be earned, and it can never be taken away.
It has no monetary value, but at the same time it is a priceless gift.
People see a Veteran and they thank them for their service.
When we see each other, we give that little upwards head nod, or a slight smile, knowing that we have shared and experienced things that most people have not.
So, from myself to the rest of the veterans out there, I commend and thank you for all that you have done and sacrificed for your country.
Try to remember the good times and make peace with the bad times.
Share your stories.
But most importantly, stand tall and proud, for you have earned the right to be called a Veteran.
(copied from unknown author)

Jerry Galang
Meridian, ID 83646

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #8
My son served in Kuwait and Syria, the latter was rather intense.

Still things he does not talk about, just glad he and other veterans are stateside again.

Celebrated today through out my life, just doesn’t have the impact as having a relative that served.

As always, thank you all for your service.


2017 TK

Re: Veteran’s Day
Reply #9
Thank you to all who have served! America is still the greatest nation in the world!
US Army 1981- 1988
Shawn and Randy Willmott