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Topic: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!  (Read 711 times) previous topic - next topic
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My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!

Here's the the short story:  

I purchased a 2003 26' Mid-Bath, Blue with only 36,000 miles on her from the nicest couple you'd ever want to meet - right from this very forum.   They were honorable, kind, friendly and it was a pleasure to purchase from them.  I'd hazard a guess to say that if I'd met them some other way, we'd end up friends.   All in all I feel very, very lucky indeed.    I will be the 3rd owner of this particular rig, but this is my first RV.   I like to think I'm doing it right the first time.   She is in phenomenal shape, just needs some basic minor maintenance (as they all do).   My long held dream for a mid-bath has come true right down to the color I had in mind.  Let's face facts, I would have purchased her at any color, but blue is my dream color!!   I mean, it's even BLUE - This was meant to be.  I am over over the moon.  

Like Katie who also posted on the forum about purchasing her LD a few days ago, I may or may not have stopped around the corner after having paid the deposit, hopped out of my car and did a WOO HOO! happy dance right there in the middle of the (residential) street!    Ahem.

Here's the longer story if ya got time or feel interested but the above has the pertinent facts:

A bit about me and my LD journey -

I'm located in the San Francisco Bay Area, I'm a single mom, and an older parent.. in fact I'm more of a grand parent age, but that's ok.     I'm over 50 and I have a 7 year old daughter.  I'm financially set to retire in two years at age 54.5 (I'm one of those very lucky people with a kick-ass pension that I will have been paying into for 30 years).   I've been dreaming about going full nomad when I retire and that's been my plan/dream for 20+ years.   I've had my heart set on a Lazy Daze for the past 7 years.   Before I had my daughter I was planning on doing something like a Road Trek, Sprinter Van, that sort of thing, but once she made her magnificent and life-changing appearance, my dream had to pivot a little.   Hey, some people can raise 3 kids in a van but that ain't me for sure.   My daughter will be road schooled when we go and the education she'll get from traveling the USA including Alaska as well as Canada will be priceless!

My love affair with Lazy Daze started back in early 2014 when my friends invited me on a trip in their Class A.   We spent 2 nights in an RV park on the way to our destination and we happened to assigned a space right next to a LD.  Well, I got to talking to the owners because honestly, I just love people and I'd strike up a conversation with anyone, anywhere, anytime.  I was intrigued by the Retro look of the outside and had never been in one, so after talking to them for a bit, I got real bold and asked for a tour.  I'd been to dozens and dozens of RV shows at that point but I'd never been inside a LD there.   That day I learned that was because LD is  doesn't have dealerships and are factory direct.   No middle men to jack up the price.

That couple should have been paid ambassadors for the brand.  They not only gladly gave me a very through tour of their mid-bath (inside and out) but they talked about how much they loved their LD, about the quality and the camaraderie with other LD owners.   (Hello to Dave & Edna if you are on here!)   I have to say, it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.  That wrap around window in the back? ::swoon:   I immediately saw what a wonderful set up it would be for me and my daughter.   

Since that day I have read everything I can get my hands on and hearing about so many happy owners and the quality -- well, that just clinched it for me.  I must have watched a hundreds of videos in or about LD of all kinds.   Heck, I've even read the Owner's Manual even though I didn't own one yet (thank you eBay).

I honestly didn't expect to buy a Lazy Daze right now.   They get snapped up so fast!!  Doubly so since the pandemic, plus the prizes are... wow.  Yeah.    So  I assumed it would be  much more difficult to find the right rig than it turned out to be.   As it turns out, I simply got very, very lucky and I'm thrilled.

Ahem.   Have I ever driven a 26' foot vehicle before, you may ask?  Why, no.. no I haven't.  So my good friend came with me and we found an empty parking lot to practice first.    It was much easier than I anticipated, though still nerve wracking.  I'm short and I don't like not being able to see directly behind me.   I also have to figure out if the driver's seat can raise on an LD and if not, I'm going to get myself a little booster seat.  Oh and as  I'm only 5'3"  and I didn't see a way to lower the steering wheel at all so I feel like I'm looking over granny's steering wheel.  Yeah, a little booster is in my future, mostly likely.    It was TRIAL BY FIRE but I drove her across a long, windy bridge and 75 miles to her new home while my friend gave me tips and pointers.  Bless him for being so calm.    Mostly I have to learn to give WAY more space between me and whatever in front of me than I do in my zippy Honda Accord.     Anyway, I'm patting myself on the back - I did it!

I have a long list of projects I want to do to make her a full time home on wheels ready but now I have two years to make that happen while I downsize my possessions, take her on some mini-adventures, etc.   (Kick-ass solar set up and internet for starters but there's a long list).    FOR SURE my very first purchase/install will be a backup camera.   My daughter is too young to direct and as a single person I cannot imagine trying to back that thing up blindly all the time or getting in/out of the driver's seat 20 times to check.

I will be joining both the Ladeze Club and the Caravan Club and I cannot wait to meet folks in person.   I'm sad I'll miss the Ladeze gathering this year, but it's already fully books and besides, I'm not ready to take her on such a long journey.  We have prep to do.    The  first owners were Caravan members and it already has a number!   Today I was day dreaming about paying someone to caravan with me and my daughter for a short and sweet weekend or 3-4 day trip originating in the SF Bay Area to be an in person Lazy Daze 101 crash course while we camped.  Crazy thought?

Mark my words I will be on here asking 100's of questions and getting advice.  No matter how much I've read or watched, I'm still 100% an RV newbie.

 She's in RV Storage about an hour away and I'll only be able to go check on her about every 2-3 weeks or so for the time being.  I won't be able to take here anywhere for a few months due to our current schedule which is already packed.   But after that, we'll be taking her out weekends and whenever my daughter has a school break.     

My FIRST questions:
  • In general, what are best practices for outdoor storage where you can only get there once every 2-3 weeks?
  •   If I just have enough time to stop by and make sure everything is good, is running the engine for 15 minutes every two or three weeks good enough or necessary?  Or could I get away with doing that the same day as I go to exercise the generator once a month?
  • Should I disconnect the engine battery?
  • Anything else I'm not thinking of?  Anything to watch out for? Any and all tips, tricks, pointers, advice and even jokes are welcome.

Here's stuff that may be pertinent.
  • She does have one small solar panel on top.
  • I don't have a Tarp or RV Cover and I'm not sure I'd even get one because I am not at all confident that I could get it on by myself.  I'm 5'3" and not very strong but willing to be convinced it's not that hard (if it's not that hard).
  • There is a windshield cover that came with it and I put on.   Two of the tires are are also covered. I'll be getting another set.
  • Fridge and freezer doors were left open and all the blinds are shut.

Let me get out of here before I write a novel.  Thank you, everyone, I've been lurking here for awhile now and it's such a welcoming and friendly place.    Thank you to the fantastic folks who sold her to me!   My and my daughter are looking forward to many adventures and to getting out to meet fellow lucky LD owners!  :D

Character is what you do when no one is looking.
2003 Mid Bath

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #1
Congratulations on your purchase and welcome to the forum.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #2
Congratulations, and consider yourself pinched!

2017 TK

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #3

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #4
"...is running the engine for 15 minutes every two or three weeks good enough or necessary?"

Welcome to the group, the fun is just starting!

To your question, above, yes, any time you can it is a good idea to run the engine. Will 15 minutes be sufficient? Here's what I do, run it until the engine temp has come up to normal. That way everything will get lubricated so that the friction points do not dry out. It shouldn't take much more than 15 minutes. And it also puts a surface charge on the engine battery. An hours drive would be a better way to go but I understand your circumstances there.

By the way, it shouldn't be difficult to find Concord from where you are!   ;D   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #5

Everything I know about LDs I learned on this website.  The members are so generous with their knowledge, ask any and all questions and you’ll get sage advice. 

Happy Trails,

'O6 IB Anniversary Model
Sue, My Copilot
Carlie, our canine princess

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #6
Congratulations and best wishes for a future filled with fun adventures!

It sounds like your storage will be in an uncovered area and if so,  another habit to establish is checking the water level in your batteries if they are the wet cell type on at least a monthly basis. If your single solar panel will be exposed to sunlight on a regular basis the batteries may "cook" a bit if you have the original equipment converter. I park uncovered next to my home and notice an increase in water loss during the much sunnier summer and fall months here in the PNW than winter or spring.

Happy Trails!

2004 26.5 Island Bed. Gumby
2006 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon

Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
Reply #7
    I will be joining both the Ladeze Club and the Caravan Club and I cannot wait to meet folks in person. 

    My FIRST questions:
    • In general, what are best practices for outdoor storage where you can only get there once every 2-3 weeks?
    •   If I just have enough time to stop by and make sure everything is good, is running the engine for 15 minutes every two or three weeks good enough or necessary?  Or could I get away with doing that the same day as I go to exercise the generator once a month?
    • Should I disconnect the engine battery?
    • Anything else I'm not thinking of?  Anything to watch out for? Any and all tips, tricks, pointers, advice and even jokes are welcome.

    Here's stuff that may be pertinent.
    • She does have one small solar panel on top.
    • I don't have a Tarp or RV Cover and I'm not sure I'd even get one because I am not at all confident that I could get it on by myself.  I'm 5'3" and not very strong but willing to be convinced it's not that hard (if it's not that hard).
    • There is a windshield cover that came with it and I put on.   Two of the tires are are also covered. I'll be getting another set.
    • Fridge and freezer doors were left open and all the blinds are shut.

    To answer some of your questions.
    When storing, leave the holding tank empty and flushed. Fill the water tank (it's always wise in California to have the rig ready for emergency use). Keeping the fuel and propane tanks full is also a good idea
    Run the engine at the same time the generator is running, turn on the roof A/C or run a couple of electric heaters to put a heavy load on the generator, to get its engine and generator part nice and hot. Generators love to run often.

    No need to disconnect the starting battery, it keeps the engine's computer alive. You might consider a small solar panel arrangement that sits on the dash and is connected to the starting battery. A future expanded solar panel system can be wired to charge both the coach battery and starting battery.
    RV covers can be useful but hard and dangerous to use,I was almost blown off the top of our rig trying to use one many years ago, I decide my life was worth more than keeping the paint looking new. YMMV
    Windshield covers can be useful, I prefer the type that can be seen through from the inside but prevent people outside from looking in.

    Installing a "Kick-ass solar set up and internet" is a lot more involved, we can discuss it more and try to help you pick the best for your future lifestyle.

    If and when you go to an LD Caravan Club GTG, the November event, at Lake Cachuma, is the closest venue the Club has to the Bay Area and the best chance to meet forum members that are also Caravan Club members. Many members here belong to the Past Tents group of the LD Caravan Club.

    In March, there will be our annual LDOF GTG in Morro Bay, try to make it, it's usually a very good time...even if it rains.
    I will post a reminder when it is time to make camping reservations.
    The Ladeze event is a great place to learn the ropes and meet some wonderful women RVer.


    2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
    Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
    Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #8
     A couplet things come to mind...  See if you have a battery disconnect switch.   It could be added if not.   Check the date of manufacture on the side wall of your tires.  Six years is generally considered to be a good time to replace regardless of wear.
    If practical, I like the idea of driving it even a couple miles when you start the engine in storage to allow the tires to flex a little.

    If your wheel covers are in good shape, you can keep them that way by learning to take them off and install them yourself.   Tire shops have a tendency to damage them when they work on the tires.     Frank
    plan B - 2023 Travato

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #9
    Hi Maude: Welcome to LD ownership! There are many maintenance items needed, but first.. there should be a lever on the left side of your steering wheel, on the shaft area. Loosening this will allow you to adjust the tilt angle of the wheel.  Most of us forget that it is there. We set it and leave it. Some of our members are shorter and will have advice on how to modify the seat to better fit you.  I can think of spacers under the seat pedestal, but the NTSB might not like that idea. For now a cushion would help.
         Many good memories are in store. RonB
    RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
    Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #10
    Some of our members are shorter and will have advice on how to modify the seat to better fit you.  I can think of spacers under the seat pedestal, but the NTSB might not like that idea. For now a cushion would help.

    The 2003 E450 captain seat bottoms have a high front lip that many find objectionable, the high lip cuts the leg's circulation.
    We have thick seat pads in both of the captain chairs to prevent leg numbing and to lift us up higher for a better view of the road.

    The captain chairs bolt directly to the floor, a metal worker could cut and drill thick pieces of steel stock to be used as spacers between the floor and the chair's bottom frame. It will require modifying the rear mounts, using longer bolts to compensate for the increase in the seat height. I would start, as Ron suggested, by using a thick cushion, leaving the seat modification as a last resort.

    2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
    Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
    Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #11
    "The 2003 E450 captain seat bottoms have a high front lip that many find objectionable, the high lip cuts the leg's circulation."

    That's true even of my '04 30'IB. However, on the left side of the seat, about at fingertip level, there are an arrangement of control buttons that allow you to raise, tilt, move forward or back, etc. There is enough range of motion to satisfy most people, short or tall.

    The only thing I could hope for would be a default setting for different drivers... oh well, maybe in another life!   :D   8)
    Steve S.
    Lazy Bones & Cedar
    2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Live for the day!

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #12
    "...as a single person I cannot imagine trying to back that thing up blindly all the time or getting in/out of the driver's seat 20 times to check."


    'GOAL' is the word! It stands for Get Out and Look. Believe me, even though I have a back-up camera, GOAL has saved my backside more than once.  ;D   ;)
    Steve S.
    Lazy Bones & Cedar
    2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
    Live for the day!

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #13
    Hi Steve;  I'm not sure which year electric seat(s) became available, but it wasn't 1999.  I know in some of my other cars that on long drives the adjustable seats were good to move around once in a while.  In the motorhome I stop and get out once every so often and walk around. That doubles as an inspection stop also. The E350 only has a 36 gallon gas tank, so I get more frequent stops than most of you'all.    RonB
    RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
    Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #14
    "The 2003 E450 captain seat bottoms have a high front lip that many find objectionable, the high lip cuts the leg's circulation."
    That's true even of my '04 30'IB. However, on the left side of the seat, about at fingertip level, there are an arrangement of control buttons that allow you to raise, tilt, move forward or back, etc. There is enough range of motion to satisfy most people, short or tall.

    The seats come with the chassis from Ford with the foam but without the finished upholstery. The seats are engineered with a tall front lip to prevent sliding under the dash in case of a frontal accident, as required by Federal crash standards.
    Both my wife and I dislike the lip, it causes numbness in my legs, even with the power seat adjusted. The passenger seat is not powered and has limited adjustment.
    A simple, thick cushion eliminates the problem and lifts us up a little higher, for a better view of the road.
    On the passenger side, the floor has a 1-1/2 " spacer so short legs can reach it.

    2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
    Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
    Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #15
    We just purchased two of the Purple brand seat cushions for the LD.  Fits nicely in the Ford seats and raise you above the lip mentioned by Larry.  They do make different thicknesses.

    Amazon.com : purple seat cushions

    Congrats on your new-to-you LD!
    Greg & Victoria
    2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
    Previously a 1985 TK
    SKP #61264

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #16
    'GOAL' is the word! It stands for Get Out and Look. Believe me, even though I have a back-up camera, GOAL has saved my backside more than once.  ;D   ;)

    I have a back-up camera too and blamed my GOAL on my OCD tendencies.  Good to know I'm at least "normal" in that regard...  :)
    Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
    1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
    2002 Honda CR-V

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #17

    This thread seems to contain multiple topics, so I'll just add to the "seat cushion" input instead of starting a new topic heading. (Probably drive Chris nuts; sorry!)

    I use a wedge seat cushion similar to this in the driver's seat. As Larry mentioned, the front edge "lip" on the seat cuts circulation, and trying to adjust the seat front to a more downward angle throws off my "sit" geometry.

    Amazon.com: Everlasting Comfort Car and Truck Seat Cushion - Memory Foam...


    As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
    2003 TK has a new home

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #18
    Congrats to you  🎉🎉🚐 Now let the adventures begin!
    What I’ve learned I about my LD has come from my dad - Lazy Bones. I’m willing to answer questions just PM me.

    Cynthia aka: Lazy Bones 2
    Also in Bay Area
    Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
    Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

    2 Lazy Bones - Home

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #19
    Congratulations and many happy adventures to you!  I am also new to LDing and RVing and am so grateful for this forum and the kind, helpful people on it.  I have a 2003 Blue too, you will love it!  :D
    2003 RB “Lulu Boo Berry” The Blue Ghost
    2008 Jeep Liberty “Mr. Toad”

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #20
    Congratulations!!   I'm also in the Bay Area (San Francisco) and bought my blue 24' front lounge from the original owners in So. Cal -- I was also very lucky and good timing getting my LD five years ago. 
       Welcome to the cult--er, I mean the club :-)
    I've stored mine indoors at a great storage facility in Milpitas, "Store Inside" -- not cheap, but safe, clean, climate controlled and great people there take excellent care of my Blu Tent.   Please feel free to PM me with any questions!
    2007  26.5’ mid-bath, “Blu Tent“
    2021 Jeep Wrangler Sport S
      (previously 2006 23.5’ front lounge)
    SKP #145689

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #21

    I am very excited for you and the experiences you will encounter. I am a recent owner as well who purchased from the original owners.

    I agree with "GOAL" as I still get out and look frequently even with the recent installation of the rear camera. Important to assess the area before backing up a well as ensure you will not get into trouble during the backup process.

    I am continuing to learn and become confident with each excursion. I could not do this without the LDO and a couple of local TV clubs in occasionally meet up with. There will always be more to learn.

    My primary focus has been ensuring safety by finding a reputable mechanic and RV specialist near me. They are both great resources as well.

    Happy and safe travels
    AKA winnie114
    2002 TK 24ft

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #22
    Welcome aboard......
    May I suggest you think about it for a few.   What I mean is before you do or buy anything for your 'new' LD take her/him out on a few trips to get an idea about how you camp/rv.  It's very easy to fall in love with others dreams and empty your wallet.  <smile> I have a garage full of 'stuff' I knew I needed.  Now it's waiting for me to give it away.

    In any case enjoy.

    personal fine art photo stuff
    TF Mack | Flickr
    It's all good .......
    2014 Twin King

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #23
    All great advice and wisdom has been shared. Everyone cares and wants your new life as an RVer to be stress free and successful. All great stuff.

    Now for one very important word of advice. Learn how to LEVEL your rig. One of the most vulnerable items and most expensive in your LD is the REFRIGERATOR.

    It MUST be as level as possible or it will DIE. Very costly to repair and devastating when your camping and the food goes bad. Take care to learn how to LEVEL the rig. It’s an easy task and MUST be done.

    Plenty of advice here. Pay close attention to this task and you will be good to go for many years down the road.

    Happy camping.

    2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

    Re: My dream came true: Lazy Daze Ownership! Ladeze Club, here I come!
    Reply #24
    Congratulations - this Lazy Daze to a very worthy new owner!    I'd make a priority to read up on insuring the RV is all sealed up correctly on roof and end caps to prevent any kind of water damage.   Especially as an owner on the second twenty years, the biggest fight is to stay up on any maintenance to keep water leaks out.

    2003 is an interesting year as this is when Ford solved the spark plug thread issue going to 7 threads.  You can read about V10 450 engine spark plug issues, and ways to determine if you have the updated thread count.  Previous owner may be able to advise.   50% chance you'll get lucky and have the update.  If not, you'll want to learn about maintenance steps you can take to mitigate.

    2001 MB
    * Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)