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Topic: “A sorrowful day" (Read 809 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #25

The Captain joins me in sending our deepest condolences on the death of your wife.  Even though our paths never crossed during our LD days, we have always enjoyed your many contributions to the LDO conversation.  May you and yours be granted peace and in time smiles with memories of great family times.

formerly of "Wild Thing"
2006 MB
2006 MB

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #26
I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #27
I'm very sorry Chris.  You and your family are in our thoughts, wishes and prayers.
John and Gina
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #28
Thanks to all of you for your touching and compassionate words over the last days. They really were important to me. Pat, my wife and partner for 58 years, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s eight years ago and spent the last two years in a small memory care community. Please allow me to share a “Pat” Lazy Daze story. In March of 2001 we were staying at a B & B in Sedona. The town was crowded with tourists. Finding a place to eat was crazy. Pat had never shared my interest in RVing despite my hints and multiple trips to the Mothership on business trips to SoCal. As we endured a lengthy wait for our dinner, Pat said, “Tell me about this RV thing.” Recognizing a buying signal, I suggested we drive to a nice RV “resort” just outside Sedona in the morning and I would offer up RVing 101. As we entered the park the next morning, I realized the Lazy Daze gods had heard our conversation. There, in a primo spot, was a shiny new Rear Bath. We crept by in the car and I told Pat that was exactly what I’d like to have. Just then, the owner stepped out and I stopped to ask him about the LD. He said, “Well, come on in.” Two hours later we left and the following Oct. we ordered our Lazy Daze. We corresponded with the Bensons, our kind LD mentors, for many years.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #29
Let those wonderful memories carry you on
Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

2 Lazy Bones - Home

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #30
Chris - I am so sorry for your loss.  I lost my husband to pancreatic cancer and can understand the heartache of losing part of yourself!  For myself,   I prayed for God’s help, comfort and guidance - and he truly helped me.  I pray that you will feel that comfort as well.

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #31
Chris, I just saw this after returning from a camping trip with my kids. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Your dedication to her is obvious.  There are few people in the world lucky enough to be the recipient of that kind of love.

All the best to you.

Mike S.
'06 30' TB Anniversary Edition

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #32

My wife Ginnie and I only met you last year at Morro Bay.  Your loss is a sad one. Ginnie and I just celebrated our 50th and we hope for a few more but we know time is growing short.  We thank you for all you've contributed to the Lazy Daze Group and hope you'll continue.

Our condolences to you.

Ron & Ginnie Swartz
'09 K32 IB

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #33
Chris, Although I didn’t know your dear Pat, it’s obvious she was a blessed woman. It’s becoming rare to see couples with that many years of love and devotion. As a newbie I’m very appreciative of your dedication and contributions to LDO. Grief is a long and difficult road.  Reading through these comments I hope you feel the love of our little village bearing you up. Be kind to yourself. I pray for you and your family to find the healing and peace only our Lord can give.  -Peggy
Not all who wander are lost...

1991 22' RL

Re: “A sorrowful day"
Reply #34
Chris and family I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers for comfort and peace.
Betty Jean