How do you transfer a camping reservation to someone else? June 08, 2021, 01:47:07 pm I’ve been seeing a lot of people offering camping reservations to others that they can no longer keep, how does that work? When making online reservations, there is usually a notice that you requires you to acknowledge that reservations are not transferable, sellable and cannot be given away, and penalties apply should you break the rules. How are people getting around these regulations?From Reserve California (and county and city parks use the same language)Reservations are for personal use only. Any resale, transfer, use, for profit activity, or memberships that are not approved in advance by California State Parks are strictly prohibited and will be subject to immediate cancellation without notice, refund or reimbursement. You may also not be allowed to make any reservations or open new accounts. There are currently no approved vendors to operate as third party partners.” 1 Likes
Re: How do you transfer a camping reservation to someone else? Reply #1 – June 08, 2021, 01:59:38 pm It's a tricky subject. For popular reservations, I've seen some scalping/resale scenarios that I'm sure aren't within the rules. I'm pretty sure people are snagging reservations they never plan to use and reselling them at a markup.On the other hand, since Covid started almost all parks I've been to have moved to online reservations only. I haven't talked to a check-in person or a camp host at a federal facility in quite some time. No one seems to care who is there as long as the site was paid for. State facilities vary.It's the wild west out there. Caveat emptor. Rich
Re: How do you transfer a camping reservation to someone else? Reply #2 – June 08, 2021, 02:12:42 pm My experience is reservations can be unofficlally transfered whent the campground does not have an entrance station.The campground host will usually lave you aloneSome reservations sites require the primary vehicle’s license and this cause problems. Three days ago I transfered a Santa Barbara County reservation to a friend by calling the reservation site directy, talking with an agent. Tell them you are bringing a different RV and need to change the license plate.Every juristiction is different and things are evolving, due to the pandemic. We’ll see if things continue changing as the county opens up more.Larry 2 Likes
Re: How do you transfer a camping reservation to someone else? Reply #3 – June 08, 2021, 02:17:33 pm Very interesting. Most of the campgrounds we frequent ask for license, registration, and check the license plates. Especially the case at Crystal Cove SB and Carpinteria SB.
Re: How do you transfer a camping reservation to someone else? Reply #4 – June 08, 2021, 08:14:24 pm Another way to do it is to coordinate the cancellation and reservation closely so that the intended recipient gains the site. In some National Parks, however cancellations are returned to a First Come First Served pool, eg; Grand Teton NP. Also, as a data point, I’ve stayed at two National Parks and one State Park recently and all were checking Identification. Warren 1 Likes