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Topic: Cat Strap Install (Read 904 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Cat Strap Install
Reply #25

City dweller that I am, I’d be hard pressed to shock the world around me. I’d probably forget that I had energized the darned thing and try to drive my truck away.

I can hear the neighbors now. “There goes that old man wetting himself again”. 🙀

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Cat Strap Install
Reply #26
I’ve noticed one thing in all the photos posted of our groups Cat Strap installation. The threads of the U Bolt/Pipe Clamp are left intact. A wrench can easily be used to remove the nuts and compromise the security of the clamp. I had my muffler shop weld the nuts to the Pipe Clamps on my Sequoia.

Another important thing to remember is to get the pipe clamps as close to the converter as possible. And along the strap in either direction.

My original Sequoia installation didn’t have heavy pipe clamps (not in the factory instructions as I recall) only the thin metal zip ties which were easily cut loose. This enabled the thieves to pull the strap away from the converter and exhaust pipes. Making the converter an easy target for theft.

The moral of this tale is: Keep the pipe clamps tight along the length of the strap and very close to the converter. ALSO: weld or somehow insure the pipe clamp nuts cannot be removed.

Good luck everyone. Now I’ll have to weld the LD pipe clamps in place. Another Never Ending Story.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Cat Strap Install
Reply #27
Kent, tack welding the exhaust clamp nuts are a good idea.  If I had a welder, I would have done that but, alas, I'll just have to hope the Rats forgot their wrenches.

I don't think the cat strap will work on the Outback due to the forward location of the cat.  I still need to look under the Forester, especially since we plan on towing it.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264