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2005 mb TV not working
I having trouble getting my tv to work ,it works when I hook up to the cable in my house but I can’t figure how to get anything with the antenna on the roof ??
2005 Mid Bath

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #1
I having trouble getting my tv to work, it works when I hook up to the cable in my house but I can’t figure how to get anything with the antenna on the roof ??

Do you have an LD owner's manual?
Read how to turn on the TV amplifier, there is a small button on the TV antenna's interior outlet that is pushed, an indicator light should glow.
The amplifier is powered from a fuse in the Power Center.

The TV cable connecting to the antenna on top of the roof can decay and fall apart with age. It may need to be renewed.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #2
I do have a owners manual, and thanks I’ll gave that a try.
2005 Mid Bath

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #3
Hi Robert K.

A couple possibilities.

I wonder if the tv that came in your 2005 was replaced with one capable of receiving digital signals?  I suspect there are still some folks who didn't upgrade to a tv with a digital tuner. I think 2009 was when the nation switched to digital over the air signals.  Even if your LD has a flat screen tv that does not mean it has a digital tuner.

Also, have you attempted to scan for channels?

Good luck,
Steve K
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #4
Yes I believe it’s the original tv
2005 Mid Bath

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #5
" I believe it's the original tv"

If it is original, the type with an analog tuner (vs digital) then it will be necessary to have a analog/digital converter. Hopefully there is one floating around in your LD.  ;)

Analog to Digital Converter - Penelusuran Google
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: 2005 mb
Reply #6
Right--you'll need a converter box to view digital TV broadcasts (the only kind now available in the US) on your rig's old analog TV. These boxes are available for thirty bucks or so. But you may want to consider just replacing the old TV with a modern one. You can get more features, a larger screen if desired, and most of all, the ability to receive digital TV (including HDTV) broadcasts without a converter box, patch cables, etc. Worth thinking about. :-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #7
Jumping in, lots of good stuff has been posted, but let me start with Andy's recommendation for a new TV.  Not only will you get lots of new features, the new TV's use a LOT less power than the ones in 2003, and it will weigh a lot less.  Even if everything else is fine, replacing a 2003 TV is probably a good move. 

OK, let's say that you got a new TV, but still are not getting programming.  That takes us to Larry's suggestions.  The possibilities  are a bad or unpowered amplifier, a bad antenna, or a bad connection from the antenna to the TV.  I don't know the electronics of your antenna, so I will discuss mine from 2008.  The antenna has two arms, and a little box in the center, where a coax cable attaches.  Inside that little box is a pre-amplifier, powered by voltage coming up the coax cable.  Behind my TV is a little button that provides power to the pre-amplifier.  When it is on, I can see a tiny green light at the button.  To the left of that little button are two rocker switches.  One of them provides power to that little button, so for the pre-amplifier to get power, both the rocker switch and that button must be on.  Again, I have an '08 MB, so your '03 might be different.

Behind that little button is a circuit board that switches the signal between the exterior cable TV connection and the antenna.  With the pre-amp off, the connection is to the cable TV side.  With the pre-amp on, the signal comes from the antenna.  So, cable TV will not work with that little green light on, and antenna or broadcast TV will not work with it off. 

I would start by making sure the pre-amp is getting power, as indicated by that little green light being on.  Don't bother with any other things - new TV, cabling, or antenna, unless you have the pre-amplifier powered up.

Next, I would test the cabling by disconnecting the  coax cable at the antenna and using a voltmeter to measure voltage in the cable where it attaches to the antenna.  If the green light is on but there is voltage less than 12 volts at the antenna, you probably have a problem with the cabling.  If you measure 12 volts or more in the cable, the cabling is almost certainly OK.

If you have voltage at the coax cable end, you might have a problem with the antenna itself.  It could be from corrosion, or it is possible, I suppose, that the antenna itself does not support digital signals.  The good news is that a new batwing antenna is easily installed on your existing antenna arm.  The bad news is, you can spend several hundred replacing both the TV and the antenna.

Now, just to make things more complicated, Winegard supports both amplified and non-amplified use.  I suppose it is possible that your '03 is not amplified but I think that is unlikely.  Larry would probably know for sure.  In any event, here are some quotes from the Winegard batwing antenna manual.

STEP 11: Run downlead to TV set location and make
connection to antenna terminals of TV set."

(For amplified models)
"STEP 13: Make 12 volt connection to wall plate/power
supply, Figure 10. Install terminals on wires from
filtered 12 VDC source, Figure 11. Crimp terminals
with appropriate crimping tool or equivalent, Figure
12. Push wires onto tabs on terminal board as shown
in Figure 10. If in doubt as to the polarity of the wires,
connect them temporarily to tabs on circuit board and
press ON switch on front of wall plate; if light comes
on, polarity is correct, Figure 10."

1. Tune TV receiver to nearest station and rotate
antenna for best picture and sound.
2. Press OFF switch on power supply. Picture on TV
should be considerably degraded with power off.
3. This unit is equipped with a polyswitch, (current
limiting device), which will shut down +12 VDC if
there is a direct short between antenna and power
supply. Green indicator light will not light. Once short
is eliminated, device will reset itself.
Model RA-7596 solid state TV signal amplifier works
with any non-amplified RV/TV antenna. Improves
picture quality. Uses +12 VDC; has on/off switch,
indicator light, set 2 output, cable input and +12 VDC

Under the troubleshooting portion,
"Turning power supply on sends +12 VDC up
cable to antenna. Voltage energizes transistors on
amplifier in antenna head. TV signal comes back
down cable to outlets.
1. Make sure TV set is working properly.
2. Switch power supply ON and OFF watching
for difference in picture quality. If there is NO
difference, use following steps.
CAUTION: The power supply should be turned
OFF when connecting/disconnecting cables to
power supply and antenna, but should be turned
ON when testing for voltage.
3. Disconnect cable from antenna and check for
+12 VDC at Test Point #1. If there is +12 VDC, the
power supply is OK. Replace antenna.
4. If there is NO +12 VDC at Test Point #1,
reconnect cable to antenna. Remove power supply
from wall and visually inspect for burned/broken
parts. If there are ANY broken/burned parts,
replace power supply.
5. Disconnect cable from antenna jack on power
supply. Check for +12 VDC at Test Point 2. If
+12 VDC is present, there is a cable problem
connecting the power supply to the antenna.
Repair/replace cable.
6. If +12 VDC is not present at Test Point # 2, be
sure the green indicator light is ON. If not, check
the polarity of the red/white wires and the +12 VDC
source. If there is still no +12 VDC, replace power

I will try to attach a copy of the Winegard manual to this.  Good luck.

Ken F in NM
'08 MB

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #8
To add to previous mentioned advantages of a NEW tv, the tv remote will control everything, including HDMI and USB inputs for playing external media, sometimes an SD card slot for camera images, and of course channels and volume. With a digital adapter, channels will be from the adapter remote, and the quality of the signal sent to your tv will be less than HD quality if the adapter does not have the right output for that (the FREE adapters available after the digital conversion did NOT have an HD output).

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #10
AXESS TVD1804-24 24” HD TV/DVD Combo with External Soundbar Speaker, SD Card, AC/DC Power, HDMI Port, Remote Control

Amazon.com: AXESS TVD1804-24 24” HD TV/DVD Combo with External Soundbar...

Great sound even with ac on you can watch tv.
If you have a large collection of DVDs at home you would like to bring along, then this might be a good choice. But, DVDs are NOT high definition, and pretty much an obsolete technology. Blu-Ray is a better choice, if you can find a compatible separate player, and HD media can be put on a USB flash drive or portable hard drive that can be directly plugged in to most newer TVs. Without a built-in player, your choices of TVs expands, and you can read reviews to see which ones have the best performance.

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #11
Robert, I have a 15" Jensen 12vdc LCD tv that has a digital tuner you could have for the cost of shipping. Not sure where you live or if it would be worth the cost of shipping it to you. We live in NE Ohio. If you live in this area you could pick it up for free.

I had installed this Jensen in the slanted cabinet that our original RCA 12vdc fit in. It works perfectly but it is the old 4:3 screen size instead of the newer 16:9 format now in use. It fit inside that cabinet perfectly with respect to width but there was space above it. I used a swing out arm to mount it on some wooden braces in that cabinet. We didn't want to have the tv look added on when we installed this. I have since replaced that tv with a larger Jensen 12vdc set.

Regarding some of the helpful ideas for checking your antenna, that sounds like too much work to me. I really doubt your problem is the antenna, it is most likely the old analog tv.  IF I were you, I would take a small tv out to your Lazy Daze and plug it in to the antenna and ac power, do a station scan and that will tell you if the antenna works. Another idea if you live in an area with good broadcast signals is to take an old "rabbit ear" antenna and connect that to see if you are getting a signal.

Let me know if you are I interested in the tv.

Steve K.

Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #12
Ok thanks guys I will try out your ideas,I’m new to this stuff so I really appreciate everything.
2005 Mid Bath

Re: 2005 mb TV not working
Reply #13
We have a 2006 LD and we got an Artec T3AP-NTIA approved digital to analog converter box and hooked it up to the original TV in ours and it works great!
2006 Mid Bath