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Topic: Increasing Recreational Opportunities through the Use of Electric Bikes (Read 125 times) previous topic - next topic
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Increasing Recreational Opportunities through the Use of Electric Bikes
Summary: The BLM will develop a proposed rule to implement Secretarial Order (S.O.) 3376 Increasing Recreational Opportunities through the Use of Electronic Bikes.  The S.O. directs the BLM to develop a proposed rule to revise 43 CFR 8340.0-5 and any associated regulations to be consistent with the S.O., add a definition for e-bikes consistent with 15 U.S.C. 2085, and expressly exempt all e-bikes as defined in section 4a of the S.O. from the definition of motor vehicles. 

Now is the time to add your 2 cents on opening up more BLM land to E-Bikes.

Here is a YouTube video on the subject.

My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Increasing Recreational Opportunities through the Use of Electric Bikes
Reply #1
Squeaky wheel gets the grease and I suspect as e bikes become more predominate and more people demand to ride them in more places they will ultimately be allowed everywhere. I'll keep my opinion on this to myself.
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