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5G cell service
Basically and update ......
Enclosed in a link from Tom's Guide

5G Phones: Every Known Phone and Release Date | Tom's Guide

Editorial comment
5G will be here next year.  The cell providers have never fully upgrade to 4G so we users will see a very large jump in d/l speeds from on average about 30 Mbps to 500 Mbps.  BTW this is cable provider speeds.  My guess we'll be seeing lots more smoke and mirrors.    But we are on the road to the full spectrum of 5G.    Sadly politics will have a very large impact.

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #1
Unfortunately, for the majority of RVers 5G is unlikely to be usable anytime soon. The article cited is a list of forthcoming 5G-capable phones. But having a 5G phone is meaningless unless it can pick up a 5G signal. Carriers are just beginning to upgrade their tens of thousands of cell towers to support this technology. 5G will initially roll out in big cities, since that's where the majority of cell users are, but of course that's not where most RVers camp. And there's another factor: from what I've been reading, 5G uses very high frequencies (needed to support high data rates), which have correspondingly short ranges.

All of this means that when RVing, we're probably not going to be able to make use of 5G service for a long time.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #2
And there's another factor: from what I've been reading, 5G uses very high frequencies (needed to support high data rates), which have correspondingly short ranges.

Which means that, in order to cover the areas where 4G is currently available, they're going to have to build a lot more towers.  I don't see it being feasible for RVers for a very long time unless you stay in large cities, but not for boondockers like we are.
Linda Hylton

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #3
"I don't see it being feasible for RVers for a very long time unless you stay in large cities, but not for boondockers like we are."
I'm happy if I get *any* level of 'G' when I'm in remote areas; the cell booster does help if there's a signal, but, otherwise, the phone or iPad screen is pretty much the 21st century's version of the 'test pattern'! 
2003 TK has a new home

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #4
In the long run, it's possible that RVers will benefit from the coming generation of satellite data services. These successors to the old 66-satellite Iridium system will involve tens of thousands (!) of small satellites in low earth orbit, relaying data everywhere. If these systems work out, they may offer truly ubiquitous internet connections. But while launches are taking place now, it will be years before these satellite constellations are fully operational.

(I'm personally skeptical about these clouds of satellites because of the potential for an exponential increase in space debris, which is already a serious problem.)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #5
"Which means that, in order to cover the areas where 4G is currently available, they're going to have to build a lot more towers."

And they are already running into opposition from people who claim that deadly 5G radiation will do everything from making kids autistic to turning milk sour. (Only a slight exaggeration.) More towers will just mean more such complaints. I agree with Linda: most RVers won't see 5G service anytime soon, regardless of whether we have 5G-capable phones.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #6
Well...... 5G like all the G's are just a protocol.  A protocol is just a set of standards so those using the protocol can have a ruler to measure themselves. 
5G network architecture | 5G Architecture

There is a bucket load of misinformation.   I blame the cell providers for the majority of this.    They do it for self gain at the determent of the users.   If you one can keep the user stupid you can reach deep into their wallets.   Cell phone makers are not very far behind in the smoke and mirror cell slaughter. 

Facts are very hard to come by under all this propaganda. 

The lower end of 5G for the cell providers is just a equipment change.   That is way T-Moblie will be rolling out thier 5G in a few months.  
Little bit of an ad but IMHO not a bad explanation
What is 5G? 4G LTE vs 5G, Speed & More | T-Mobile

BTW I have Google Fi so I don't have a direct dog in this fight......


personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #7
Thanks for the links, Glen. I agree that the telcos work hard to keep customers confused and ignorant. AT&T's recent attempt to pass off their 4G service as 5G is only the latest example.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: 5G cell service
Reply #8
AT&T recently tried to install five or six towers in our community which I assume was 5g related but the residents revolted so it’s on hold now.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264