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Topic: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette? (Read 370 times) previous topic - next topic
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Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
[photo take as I wrote this up]

Opinions on how to approach, if at all, another LD at a campsite?

I suspect folks here on the forum, by the very nature that we’re on a somewhat public forum, we’d all welcome anyone approaching us, I know I would, especially if I knew they were a forum member.

But beyond sitting outside, making myself available, I’m hesitant to approach any other LD that is buttoned up, curtains drawn.

Being this is just my second year out on the road, thought I would ask what others do and don’t.

2017 TK

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #1
I'm always looking for other Lazy Daze at campgrounds - have only seen one in four years (passed a few on the highway). Would welcome a hello from a fellow LD owner at a campground - but we don't sit outside our rig that much. So maybe a note on our windshield saying another LD is in the campground and feel free to stop by and say hi would be nice.
2019  31 IB

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #2
I'm always looking for other Lazy Daze at campgrounds - have only seen one in four years (passed a few on the highway).
In my twenty two weeks on the road now, I’ve been at the same place with other LD at least six times, way more when you count get togethers, and knowing someone else is planning on being at X at the same time.  Easily double that in drive bys

But then there are just more LD on the west coast.

That I have stumbled upon three LD here in Alaska does blow my mind a bit.

2017 TK

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #3
I don't bug people who aren't outside. 

It's pretty unlikely they haven't noticed the other LD.  I will wave, or say 'Hey, we're from the other LD across the campground' as I walk the dog.  Sometimes they are open to talk for a few minutes.  Other times they give a polite wave and get back to whatever they were doing. 

I've occasionally had people knock on my windows and ask to see inside, at an odd place like a rest area.  I find that to be intrusive. 

2003 MB

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #4
I don't bug people who aren't outside. 
Yup, that’s been my guideline as well.

Maybe I should make some kinda sign/decal stating “Always up for chatting about my Lazy Daze”, as I’m often oblivious to things around me when inside, yet I’d alway be up for a chat.

2017 TK

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #5
Over the last two years I’ve seen a few LDs in the same campground that I’m staying at.  Usually spotted when walking the dog around the campground.  If someone is outside, then I’ll strike up a conversation with the owner and they’ve always been very friendly.

Funny story that happened this June… At Panther Flat USFS campground in northern CA, I was driving around the loop looking for an unreserved open site.  A woman stops me and ask if I’m looking for a site and says there’s one that just opened up across the camp and that she will cross over and save it for me.  Sure enough, when I drive around to the site, there she is standing in the middle of the site, having just waved someone off telling them it’s occupied.  Turns out her and her husband are LD owners are and staying at the campground too.  After setting up, I go over and meet her and husband and of coarse become instant friends.  I asked her about flagging me down and saving the site and she says… well there’s not too many LD owners and we’ve got to stick together.

- John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #6
I don't use campgrounds.
However, for years I would spend my winters at Casino Del Sol in Tucson.
It was free and popular because you could just find a spot in their big parking lot and stay as long as you wanted.
Over the years I would see other LD owners and often would spend some time with them.
I met Ralph and Cheryl there and every year we would end up at Del Sol around the same time.
We got to know each other pretty well after spending a few month over the winters near each other.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #7
We met quite a few LD owners over the years. Most just consisted of a short chat.

One couple spotted us in a Forest Service CG as they descended into Silverton. They knew who we were by the decal on the faux window. They came and we talked until I was sunburned.

We pulled in front of our rig in a NM CG and wondered why there were people in our rig. Turned out while we were gone another brown LD had parked a few spaces away from us.

We have made long time friends with other campers, tho none of them were LD owners.

Then there are the hermits. There is one on here. They want nothing to do with other humans and are quick to say so.

Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #8
That’s easy, Dave. Just put on your Lazy Daze T-shirt and walk around the campground singing this song.

Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #9
That’s easy, Dave. Just put on your Lazy Daze T-shirt and walk around the campground singing this song.
Drat, I KNEW there was something missing when I bought my Lazy Daze last year, the original owner was holding out on me.😇

2017 TK

Re: Approaching another LD at a campsite etiquette?
Reply #10
That "Lazy Day" song is AWESOME! That's the theme song for sure! (And a superb blast-from-the-past.) Thank you! Surely we would make a new LD friend if we walk around singing THAT!
2004 Mid-Bath 26.5