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Topic: Why was my reply censored? (Read 188 times) previous topic - next topic
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Why was my reply censored?
I replied to a comment on "Topic: Road spill ......" and my comment was deleted - why is this?

My belief was that this forum supported free speech and respectful debate and discussion. Am I wrong?
Chet in Yorktown, Virginia

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #1
I replied to a comment on "Topic: Road spill ......" and my comment was deleted - why is this?

My belief was that this forum supported free speech and respectful debate and discussion. Am I wrong?
Chet, I sent you a personal email explaining why I deleted your message, but since you have posted your question about the deletion pubically, I will explain for all to read.

You assigned your personal religious views/opinions/interpretations to the subject at hand. For very obvious reasons, we strongly discourage any discussion of religion, politics, guns and any other topics on which there are beliefs and opinions which tend to bring out strong, opinionated responses from members. Your response was thoughtful and well intentioned, but this was not the place for it. I hope you understand.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #2
Chet, I sent you a personal email explaining why I deleted your message, but since you have posted your question about the deletion pubically, I will explain for all to read.

You assigned your personal religious views/opinions/interpretations to the subject at hand. For very obvious reasons, we strongly discourage any discussion of religion, politics, guns and any other topics on which there are beliefs and opinions which tend to bring out strong, opinionated responses from members. Your response was thoughtful and well intentioned, but this was not the place for it. I hope you understand.

I enjoy the fact that this forum is free of all things that could cause an argument. Really though you can argue over a ham sandwich if you want to but culling out the hot button issues is a good idea and having this forum revolve around LDs in specific and RVing in general keeps a nice cordial atmosphere.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #3
Chris - I did not realize you sent a personal message - there was nothing that notified me that one had arrived. Most likely I simply do not know where to look since I am new to this forum :)

I do understand and respect the fact that this is a private forum but to say that I am disappointed that as adults we are not free here to discuss and debate topics of choice "around the campfire" would be an understatement. Personally, I am a very strong advocate for individual freedoms and liberties. Freedom of speech has very little to do with being able to say things that most others agree with. True freedom is having the ability to say and be heard when no one else agrees with you.

On that note I would respectfully request that you restore my original reply. The post that I replied to most certainly meets your definition of one that will "bring out strong, opinionated responses from members" yet it remains uncensored. Was the perceived favoritism intentional or an oversight?

Now I am not angry by any measure but I will be honest and say that I am very much disappointed and confused. Thank you Chris.


Chet in Yorktown, Virginia

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #4
Chet, this is a forum to discuss things related to LD motorhomes and issues related. It is pleasant due to the topic restrictions, and we would all appreciate members adhering to this. Pleasant and informative, this is the goal to keep everyone happy.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #5

I, as one of many, have had my hands slapped because of the holy trinity of politics, religion and guns on this forum! Over time I've learned to take it in stride and I still consider Chris a good friend, after all, he is performing one of the tasks of moderator.  :)

I still pick my battles and try to pull a few chains once in a while, none the less!  ;)  8)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #6

I, as one of many, have had my hands slapped because of the holy trinity of politics, religion and guns on this forum! Over time I've learned to take it in stride and I still consider Chris a good friend, after all, he is performing one of the tasks of moderator.  :)

I still pick my battles and try to pull a few chains once in a while, none the less!  ;)  8)
Good part is right or left, atheist or devout Christian, pro or anti gun we all like the LD motorhome. I have wondered though about these LD camp get togethers and what comes up around the campfire after cocktail hour and if that spills over into online relationships in here. I'm extremely opinionated or so my wife says and if I attended one of those I'd probably have to put eternabond tape over my mouth.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #7

I received an email from Chris notifying me that my reply to your message was likewise deleted.   His message may be in your email in-box.

Re: Messages
the forum heading has these tabs or menus:
    My Account
    My Messages
    New Posts
    New Replies

The "My Messages" tab will have incoming messages, and (usually at least) has a flag indicating the number of incoming messages.  Click on that and you should see private messages (PM). I will send one to be sure there is something there.  I also get a notification that I have messages when I link to the forum. 

You can send a message by clicking on the icon for a post which takes you to the profile page.  There is an option there to send a  message.

That message today was certainly not the first of mine to be moderatoredly deleted.

Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Why was my reply censored?
Reply #8
Chris - I did not realize you sent a personal message - there was nothing that notified me that one had arrived. Most likely I simply do not know where to look since I am new to this forum :)

I do understand and respect the fact that this is a private forum but to say that I am disappointed that as adults we are not free here to discuss and debate topics of choice "around the campfire" would be an understatement. Personally, I am a very strong advocate for individual freedoms and liberties. Freedom of speech has very little to do with being able to say things that most others agree with. True freedom is having the ability to say and be heard when no one else agrees with you.

On that note I would respectfully request that you restore my original reply. The post that I replied to most certainly meets your definition of one that will "bring out strong, opinionated responses from members" yet it remains uncensored. Was the perceived favoritism intentional or an oversight?

Now I am not angry by any measure but I will be honest and say that I am very much disappointed and confused. Thank you Chris.



Chet, I will respond and then lock the topic so as to not drag the issue out. You may contact me by personal email if you wish.

When you participate in a moderated forum, you lose some freedom of speech rights in order to keep the forum on point and topic. I am pretty much following the moderator guidelines initiated by previous moderators. These guidelines have worked for 18 years and complaints have been nearly non-existent. I stand by my previous comments.

As for the post regarding "...they have souls too.", I judged that as a rather generic, non-religious statement along the line of "He's a poor soul, I feel sorry for him." It was not a message containing biblical quotes and definitions.

I hope this clears up any confusion. Thank you for not being angry.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB