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Topic: Information seekers, please read... (Read 1069 times) previous topic - next topic
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Information seekers, please read...
Forum members share their knowledge and experience willingly, but it's helpful for those asking for guidance and suggestions (and for those offering "answers") to do some preliminary lookups on their own using the forum search feature and the information links, e.g., The Lazy Daze Companion, Larry's library of projects/photos, etc., on the home page. 

Search Function Tips/Instructions

How to Post Photos

Many topics have been discussed repeatedly over the years, and past posts can contain a wealth of information; it's possible, but not likely, that "your" question is a first time ask!  ;)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #1
We do get far too many repeat questions, very few questions are on new topics.
The answers for most questions can be found in the LD Companion, the Forum's archives (using the "Search" function) and in the Ford and Lazy Daze owner's manuals, both of which should be considered bibles of truth, when it comes to your motorhome..

By doing a little of your own research, it will save us on the forum from repeating ourselves for the hundredth time the same information.
It gets a frustrating at times answering the same questions over and over.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #2
When I first arrived here all hyped up about my new to me LD I had a ton of questions that I'm sure had been asked before. When someone gets their LD they are excited and want to talk to other LD owners and get real time answers from people that share their enthusiasm.
It may be that some old timers in here become jaded and bored of these redundant inquiries but I would council to be patient with newbies. It's much more fun for them to ask questions and get answers than it is to peruse the archives. I would add the fact that some of us enjoy answering the questions we ourselves once asked. JMO  :)
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #3
Sawyer wrote: It's much more fun for them to ask questions and get answers than it is to peruse the archives.

I understand what you say, but I would require new members to sign in blood they have read their owner's manual, reviewed The Companion, searched with Google, etc. before asking questions. Probably would have a 30-day period after joining before allowing questions. Aren't you glad I am not running this forum?

PS, I do run The Companion so be nice.

PSS, the search function here leaves a lot to be desired. For instance, searching for 'water heater" returns results for water or heater.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #4
When I first arrived here all hyped up about my new to me LD I had a ton of questions that I'm sure had been asked before. When someone gets their LD they are excited and want to talk to other LD owners and get real time answers from people that share their enthusiasm.
It may be that some old timers in here become jaded and bored of these redundant inquiries but I would council to be patient with newbies. It's much more fun for them to ask questions and get answers than it is to peruse the archives. I would add the fact that some of us enjoy answering the questions we ourselves once asked. JMO  :)

Jaded? Maybe.
After answering the same question several dozens times, over twenty years, it starts to lose it appeal. This isn't a paid position.
It doesn't make sense to have all this information available, in the various sources the forum provides, and to not use it.
Time will come, or already may have, where many questions will not be answered by those with the deeper knowledge and experience. That's why much information has been preserved in the Forum archives, the LD Companion and on private sites.
Just saying.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #5
It may be that some old timers in here become jaded and bored of these redundant inquiries but I would council to be patient with newbies. It's much more fun for them to ask questions and get answers than it is to peruse the archives.

Jaded, no.  Bored, absolutely not.  Frustrated that people are not at least taking the time to put in a LITTLE effort when we have a vast knowledgebase already in place.  It works out so much better when someone says "well, I found this topic, but I don't see how it applies to my coach".  Or "I see last year people liked XYZ tire pressure monitor.  Is that still the go to?"  That generates more information and better discussion than the same "what's the best TPMS" being asked as a new topic over and over.

The moderators spend the time to merge all the identical discussions to keep the information together where it can be useful for those who search in the future.  When there are many topics all asking the same question, the info gets spread all over the place and the quality and usability of the search results can go down.  As Larry pointed out - we are all volunteers trying to make this site as useful as it can possibly be.

Thank you to all who put in the effort, especially the moderators.

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #6
I think at some level it boils down to why you are here. Some I imagine are strictly information oriented while others are here strictly to socialize with other LD owners. Most fall somewhere in between wanting social and practical interaction and that would be on a sliding scale both directions.
Personally I’m more than happy to share my limited knowledge with others even if it’s in the archives so apparently I’m more towards the socialization peg than some might be.
People like myself should feel free to ask “dumb questions “ while others may choose to ask no questions, never post and read the archives exclusively. I have to think there are at least a few members that do exactly that.

Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #7
Jaded, no.  Bored, absolutely not.  Frustrated that people are not at least taking the time to put in a LITTLE effort when we have a vast knowledgebase already in place.  It works out so much better when someone says "well, I found this topic, but I don't see how it applies to my coach".  Or "I see last year people liked XYZ tire pressure monitor.  Is that still the go to?"  That generates more information and better discussion than the same "what's the best TPMS" being asked as a new topic over and over.

The moderators spend the time to merge all the identical discussions to keep the information together where it can be useful for those who search in the future.  When there are many topics all asking the same question, the info gets spread all over the place and the quality and usability of the search results can go down.  As Larry pointed out - we are all volunteers trying to make this site as useful as it can possibly be.

Thank you to all who put in the effort, especially the moderators.
Guilty as charged. LOL
I never looked at the archives. I wanted to ask real time questions of live people when I got my LD.
Maybe there’s such a thing as mod burnout and new mod candidates should step forward.
NO, I’m not volunteering !!!!!! :D
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #8
Maybe what is needed is a LMGTFY function.
When Google was the new kid on the block someone put up aLMGTFY site that when you typed that with your search terms would pop up a page saying "Let Me Google That For You"  and launch the Google search.
A little more detail here
Whether it was tongue-in-cheek or outright sarcastic may depend on your point of view.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #9
"When there are many topics all asking the same question, the info gets spread all over the place and the quality and usability of the search results can go down."

Absolutely, and that hurts all of us, old-timers and newbies and everyone in between. For example, years ago I joined a Nikon camera forum. But I soon discovered that duplicate threads made it almost impossible to find any information. There were 29 threads on batteries alone, all asking the same questions. I soon gave up and quit.

Yes, it's fun to ask a question and get a personal answer from a knowledgable member. And we bend over backward to help new owners/members. I've been in forums where newcomers are sneered at and ridiculed for asking basic questions. We're not like that. But as others have said, at some point we get tired of typing the same thing for the umpteenth time.

I think the answer is not to bring in new moderators. It's for moderators and expert members to work together with new members. One side needs to be patient (and believe me, we are)... but the other side needs to be willing to do some homework. That means using the search function, checking Don's excellent LD Companion, and putting in at least a little effort to see whether your question has already been answered.

Look at it this way:  if you post a question here, you then have to wait for a reply... and it may or may not be the most helpful reply. If you go to the LD Companion, you can get an answer immediately, and it will be the best answer we've been able to come up with. Instant gratification--who could ask for more? :-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #10
I believe this discussion can be summed up by what Michelle said which was "just take the time to put in a little effort...". Especially if you have been a member for a while. We love newbies and welcome them to LDOG and will always defer to their repeat questions until they find their way around the forum. We all remember folks who have come, asked a million newbie questions and then disappeared with hardly a word of appreciation. Hey, that's the nature of a public forum. We've got a good thing going here and are happy to share it.

Peace out,

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #11
I am certainly guilty of not doing my homework and just asking a question.  In my defense, I still do have trouble with the search feature on this forum.  What’s that old saying, excuses are like . . .

My New Year’s resolution is to visit the Companion more and to practice my search skills!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #12
I’m a bit of a hermit especially in winter when we go to town only twice a month. On those trips I’ll  talk peoples ear off that l meet on the street. A common misconception about hermits is that we don’t like people. Most of us like people just fine but we also like lots of alone time.
I enjoy conversation so any newbies that want conversation about their new LD  in specific or RVing in general can feel free to message me if you want something other than dry archive information and we won’t annoy those Joe Friday types. “Just the facts mam”. Be prepared for me to ramble on though. :D 
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #13
We love newbies and welcome them to LDOG and will always defer to their repeat questions until they find their way around the forum.


You have to look at it from the longer-tenured forum folks' side as well.

Someone spends time answering a question for a new person.  A very thorough answer.  They are excited to help.

A few days later, someone asks the exact same question, clearly not having bothered to read that recent discussion (even though it is high enough on the forum to be visible.

The person answers again, maybe less thorough this time.  Their enthusiasm for helping is decreased because they are having to repeat themselves after just posting all that info not too long ago.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Long-time forum member stops answering questions - since from their perspective, no one is bothering to read their contributions. 

Net result of that is the forum suffers the loss of participation by someone who has a lot of knowledge, but doesn't feel their contributions are appreciated.

We definitely aren't asking folks to read and understand manuals first, but it goes a long way to extending the depth of discussions and keeping everyone engaged and interactive if there's some indication the asker made a little effort to see if the topic has some previous, recent discussion.

We do have an awesome search function.  Hover over Community, then click search.  The Advanced Search lets you search only specific boards, by member, order the results by relevance or recent/oldest, pick a timeframe, etc.  Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty darned useful  :)

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #14
Sawyer, that is very generous and kind of you!  Your picture doesn't show your Lazy Daze. What make, model, year do you have, and how long have you had it?
2002 MB

Re: Information seekers, please read...
Reply #15
Sawyer, that is very generous and kind of you!  Your picture doesn't show your Lazy Daze. What make, model, year do you have, and how long have you had it?
I had a 97 for a couple of years. I loved it! Best RV I ever had. A couple of years doesn't make me an LD aficionado but the initial refurbishment and constant maintenance of an RV of that vintage along with my time in here reading very knowledgeable peoples post has given me a solid foundation on the care and feeding of LDs.
On the subject of RVing in general I'm a self-proclaimed guru. LOL
I was boondocking before boondocking was cool and when the very few of us there were got sideways looks from the RV crowd that considered us the hippies of the RV world and looked down upon us  as poor people who couldn't afford campgrounds. That is my real field of expertise. Welcome to the forum. :)
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.