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Topic: Researching and Buying a Lazy Daze (Read 176 times) previous topic - next topic
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Researching and Buying a Lazy Daze
I've been browsing through the Lazy Daze Companion and came across this interesting blog post from Joan Taylor (JCT). If you are new to RVing in general, and Lazy Daze in particular, you should read her 4-part series of how she went through the process of discovery, decision making and purchasing a new Lazy Daze back in 2003.  Even if you're buying used, or a current owner, it's good stuff as she follows-up with her experiences and observations after putting on many miles!  Some of the links are outdated but the rest of the information is as timely now as when it was written:

The Lazy Daze Companion: Buy New Lazy Daze

Good job and thanks, Joan!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Researching and Buying a Lazy Daze
Reply #1
Wow, I had forgotten that the series was still on the Companion! Sorry about the inactive links, but I haven't updated or added to the document in several years, and we know how transient websites can be. Certainly, there have been many changes in LDs, aftermarket add-ons, and technology in general in the years since the material was written, but, with 108k miles, my 2003 is still going down the road!  ;)  Thanks for the mention; hope the information is still helpful to those in the planning process.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Researching and Buying a Lazy Daze
Reply #2
Absolutely, thank you!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264