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Topic: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps (Read 185 times) previous topic - next topic
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Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Hi All,

Trying to make a call on winterizing and looking for advice as to whether it's necessary. I've done it many winters running in Michigan, but spent the last two winters in CA and didn't have to worry about it. Now I'm headed back to MI and was hoping I could avoid winterizing, but the weather just won't warm up in the Midwest this year!  T.S. Eliot was right--April *is* the cruelest month!

We have three consecutive nights below freezing in the forecast:

First day--high 45, low 28
Second day--high 39, low 25
Third day--high 44, low 31
Fourth day--high 53 low 33

after that (I hope), smooth sailing...

I won't be living in the rig during this time.  Any advice?  To winterize or not to winterize?

Thanks in advance,

Pam and Jim
2003 MB

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #1
"Fourth day--high 30, low 33"
 :-\  Think the first number may be a bit off?

Generally, if the temperatures don't remain at freezing or below, i.e., rise during the day, it should be OK, particularly for such a short amount of time. If the pump is off and the rig is not hooked up to water, I don't think that winterizing should be necessary, but other Michiganders or cold-climate rig owners can offer the best advice on this.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #2
Thanks for the correction--yes, the high on day four is 53. 
Pam and Jim
2003 MB

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #3
"To winterize or not to winterize?"

Open all of the floor level compartment/cupboard doors, leave your LP furnace at it's lowest setting (50°) and don't worry. If the outside temps fall no lower than those you mentioned the inside temps will keep the water lines from freezing.  ;D  ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #4
@ cumminsavorypepper

Just curious about where in MI you're from?
Glenn & Joan Lambert
Redford, MI
2017 27' Mid-Bath

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #5
Stating what others said, just a bit differently, if you open the cabinet doors and the access panel by the pump, and you keep the interior at something in the neighborhood of 60, you don't have to worry if the outside temps drop below freezing.  The only addition I would make is to leave your water heater on.  The water heater tank is well insulated from the interior, but not as well for the exterior.  I once spent a week when it never got above zero and got as low as -20 that way.  I was staying in the rig, so my interior temperature was at about 70.  My grey and black waste tanks froze, but the entire fresh water system was fine.

Ken F in NM
'08 MB

Re: Question About Winterizing--3-Day Stretch with low temps
Reply #6
Thanks to everyone for the replies! Good advice all around. 

Glenn--we're from Ann Arbor.
Pam and Jim
2003 MB