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Ladies and Gents,

I saw this at costco and I was wondering if I could use this instead of Trojan 6v?
2003 RB

Re: Battery
Reply #1
If they are Interstate part #PF-GC2-UTL, that looks to be a similar spec'd battery to the Trojan T-105.  I can't say I remember reading if they have as good a lifespan as the Trojan, but they are likely less costly.

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: Battery
Reply #2
Maybe.  To replace your Trojan batteries, you need to know their physical dimensions, their voltage (6 V DC) and their amp-hour rating.  Four AA batteries will give you 6 volts DC, but don't try to replace your Trojans with them!  :-)  If the Costco batteries are the same physical size and amp-hour rating, they should work, but that is still no assurance that they will be of a quality and durability equal to the Trojans.

So, get the specs on your Trojans and compare that to the Costco battery specs to see if they will work.  If possible, find an objective rating for each battery quality.  Then you can decide.

Ken F in NM
'08 MB

Re: Battery
Reply #3
Yes, you can.  They are the same size as your Trojans but 10 ah less.  210 ah vs 220 ah.  You probably won't notice that difference, but your pocketbook sure will.  These are made by Interstate, a well respected manufacturer.  I have used these batteries in my LD as well as my golf cart and my small trailer.  I have had nothing but good luck with them.

Rich - Former 2000 MB now Bullet Crossfire Trailer - Birch Bay, WA
Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD

Re: Battery
Reply #4
I don't have any experience with the Costco Interstate 6V batteries, but I'd look carefully at the reserve capacity of the Interstate vs. the Trojan T-105.

The amp hour rating (the total number of amps the battery is able to deliver over a 20-hour period) is similar, but the reserve capacity (the number of minutes the battery can hold a 25 amp draw/load) of the Interstate is 283 minutes; the T-105 is 447 minutes.

The lesser specs of the Interstate may be offset by its lower cost compared to the T-105s; customer choice based on the types and amount of use the batteries are expected to handle.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Battery
Reply #5
Just curious, what do the T-105's cost nowadays?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Battery
Reply #6
Joan, can you share where you found this information.  I do believe it is incorrect.  My understanding is that the Costco battery has a RC of 415 minutes at the 25 AMP rate and 107 minutes at the 75 amp rate.  This is what the Costco sales person says.  I sure would like to verify the right answer, I really doubt it is 283.  By the way, they state RC 107 on the label, which he said was the 75 AMP rate.  By the way, the Trojan T-105 75 AMP rate is 115.

Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD

Re: Battery
Reply #7
I looked at the Interstate specs *for the battery that Art listed in his post above*, and the T-105 page on the Trojan battery site. Maybe I read the capacity information incorrectly on one or both sites, but I’m pretty sure that the Interstate capacity (for the battery I looked at; maybe we’re looking at differnt Interstate batteries?) listed as 283 minutes  @ 25 amps, and the Trojan at 447 @25 amps.

If this is not accurate, I’m very happy to have the information corrected! Thanks.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Battery
Reply #8
Just curious, what do the T-105's cost nowadays?
Greg, I paid $150 each for a pair of T-105 Plus in late February this year. These have an 18-month warranty.
Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: Battery
Reply #9
The amp hour rating (the total number of amps the battery is able to deliver over a 20-hour period) is similar, but the reserve capacity (the number of minutes the battery can hold a 25 amp draw/load) of the Interstate is 283 minutes; the T-105 is 447 minutes.

Joan, the spec I looked at listed that battery as having a reserve capacity of 383 minutes.  But it is suspicious since it lists the same 383 minutes at both 25A and 75A!

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: Battery
Reply #10
Thanks, Charles!  So the Trojan's cost 50% more than the Costco batteries, so the question then becomes, "will the Trojan's last 50% longer than the Interstate batteries?" And, "Is the extra reserve capacity of the Trojan worth the extra cost?"

I have no doubt that the Trojan's are superior batteries with better RC but are they worth it?

By the way, Interstate batteries manufactured exclusively for Costco may have different specs than what you'll find on the Interstate website. Not sure if that is the case here.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Battery
Reply #11
Joan, The Interstate web site for that part number lists the 25 AMP rate at 383 minutes not 283.  Maybe you just "fat fingered" it?  Still different from the 415 Costco told me, but I could believe that figure.

Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD

Re: Battery
Reply #12
By the way, Interstate batteries manufactured exclusively for Costco may have different specs than what you'll find on the Interstate website. Not sure if that is the case here.
Good point!  Until we see the actual specs for the Costco battery, it is all speculation.

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: Battery
Reply #13
"The Interstate web site for that part number lists the 25 AMP rate at 383 minutes not 283.  Maybe you just "fat fingered" it?"
A'fat finger' typo is a definite possibility; an iPhone has teeny weeny 'native' type size, and without doing  a swipe to enlarge, all sorts of weird stuff can result. Sorry for any confusion!

As Greg suggested, the Costco Interstate may well have different specs from the Interstate on the manufacturer's site, but I have no idea how one would get those specs unless the relevant numbers were listed on the battery itself.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Battery
Reply #14
   I've had those exact same batteries since last June (2017)  The part # from the photo in this thread matches. 850284. They fit fine and work well. Total time for changing out the old ones and putting in the new ones about 15 minutes, not counting transportation to my nearest Costco and back. Group size GC2, RC 105 and Ahr at 20 hr of 210. I think I paid $88 each, for about $215 with all of the fees and sales tax.  Good enough bang for my bucks, and many Costco's around for warranty claims if necessary....  RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Battery
Reply #15
It looks like the Costco battery has a 12 month full-replacement warranty.  What do the Trojan's have?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Battery
Reply #17
We got these as our cheap batteries to make mistakes with (being first time RVers).

Calling interstate to get optimal charging levels,  I was told by an interstate manager that all interstate 6V batteries are made by Trojan.  So to get accurate specs on them call Trojan (interstate had some but not all). 

I have not yet made that call.  Jane
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Battery
Reply #18

Are not Interstate Batteries made in Mexico nowadays?  At least that is what I was told by AAA battery dealer.  If that is true, then I doubt they will hold up as well as Trojans.

2007 30' TB