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Topic: Speed-Brite (Read 213 times) previous topic - next topic
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Okay, when we bought Ruby 13 years ago this stuff was recommended for wood conditioning by Lazy Daze. The Speed-Brite company claimed it was great on just about everything. I still have a half gallon of the stuff and use it each fall. It smells bad for a day like something toxic but man, Ruby's wood looks as good today as the day we picked her up.

Went out on the web to find info on it and it seems like the company may be out of business. Anyone know anything concrete?

Thx, Dave
Ruby, the red 2004 26' RK hauling Dave and Kristine hither and yon

Re: Speed-Brite
Reply #2
Thanks, yes, they seem to be dead. I hope continued use isn't causing us any harm!!! 🤔
Ruby, the red 2004 26' RK hauling Dave and Kristine hither and yon

Re: Speed-Brite
Reply #4
The only 'wood' in the interior of my rig is the trim around the cabinets; the rest of the cabinetry and closet faces is vinyl overlaid on 'hardboard'. I don't think that later models use any more 'wood' for interior trim than my old 2003. Any wood should be already sealed with polyurethane, so I don't see why using this product, particularly after reading the MSDS, would be safe or any more effective to keep the wood trim 'shiny' than a wipe down with a warm water and white vinegar solution. If one feels the need to use some sort of 'soap' on the wood, Murphy's oil soap is a possibility.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Speed-Brite
Reply #5
Never used Speed Brite. I like wax finishes in very limited uses, and the LD is not one where I would use such a finish.

I did apply a wiping varnish to my wood trim though. It really needed it after 24 years. It came back perfectly
'92 Mid Bath