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Topic: We talked to the mothership today! (Read 561 times) previous topic - next topic
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We talked to the mothership today!
We talked to Todd today and he has our name for the list for a 24'Twin/King for next December.  He says orders are a year out which works great for our schedule.  He will call June/July timeframe to verify our request, get our deposit and send out a packet for choosing what options/choices we want.  So glad we started this ball rolling...
Annette and Steve
2019 TK on order

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #1
Is next December in 2018?  Are you getting a 2018 or 2019?

Ron and Linda
Ada Michigan

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #2
Actually, Todd did not know whether it would be '18 or '19.  That is a good question but he simply didn't know.  It's too soon I guess.  He was glad to know we didn't want it before December since it is a year out anyway.
2019 TK on order

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #3
Seems like you should take a look at the 2015 TK with 1,500 miles on it in Oregon. You wouldn't have to wait more than a year and could save yourself some significant $$ for essentially the same coach. 2015-Lazy-Daze-24-TWIN-KING-BED
2005 MB

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #4
We are aware of that listing but at this time we must pass it up.  Circumstances just don't allow us to jump on it.
2019 TK on order

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #5
Annette, congrats on the good news.
2011 MB

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #6
You wouldn't have to wait more than a year and could save yourself some significant $$ for essentially the same coach.

The 6-speed transmission is a nice difference among several changes plus a three (3) year newer LD.  I'd like to own a new LD but I doubt that will happen.   I can read between the lines that the OP is feeling it!   Best of luck to you on this developing adventure.

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #7
Thanks so much for the positive comments.  We are grateful to have found the LD after 5 other well loved rv's and look for this to be our last one.  We researched many, many other rv's but love the huge windows, no slide, common sense approach to traveling.  We currently have a truck camper (Northstar Igloo 9.5) and love it and the ability to fit anywhere we choose.  Darn hip issues caused us to rethink this last option in camping and so here we are.   The 24' will have the same ability as we currently enjoy.  Now we wait!
Steve and Annette
2019 TK on order

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #8
"We currently have a truck camper (Northstar Igloo 9.5) and love it and the ability to fit anywhere we choose.  .... The 24' will have the same ability as we currently enjoy."
Just offering an opinion:

I've had a TK for almost 14 years, and although I agree that it can travel, maneuver, and park in many places where a larger/longer rig might (or would) have difficulty, IMO, it will not offer the same 'ability to fit anywhere' that your truck and camper do; your camper is 7'6" (90") wide and the TK is 8.25' (99") across the back bumper. That additional 9"-10" is good for increasing interior space, but on very narrow roads and/or tight fit spaces of any kind, the additional body width is not always an advantage.

Obviously, one becomes used to the wider chassis and learns to gauge space and make the necessary clearance adjustments, but, depending on where and how one camps and on what kinds of roads one travels, a wide rig can offer some 'adventures in access'.

You didn't mention if your truck is a 4-wheel drive, but, if so, it likely offers better 'off-road' capability than the 2-wheel drive (with less ground clearance) E450.

The short LD is a capable, versatile rig with plenty of CCC; I've traveled many kinds of roads (and goat tracks) with mine, and if I were to buy another LD, the TK would be my choice again. But, candidly, there have been a few times over the years when I wished for a less 'wide ride'!  ;)

As ever, YMMV. 

2003 TK has a new home

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #9
Wondering if the 24 TK has less room on drivers side leg room due to bath room behind drivers seat and over all length  being 3 ft shorter than 27 mid bath which we drove at mother ship couple weeks ago. Wife loved the lay out on 24 TK but we didn't drive it and it looked more tight and am worried about leg room on drivers side. I'm 5ft 11. What else do you give up on 24 versus getting the 27. Smaller fresh water capacity and ? Thanks in advance Corky
Soon my wife and I retire and I order a TK.

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #10
Wondering if the 24 TK has less room on drivers side leg room due to bath room behind drivers seat........

No -- there is a spring loaded cutout that lets the front driver seat move its full length.    I'm 5'11"" have no problem with leg room. 
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #11
Corky says

"What else do you give up on 24 versus getting the 27. Smaller fresh water capacity and ? "

No interest in getting involved in a spousal disagreement, but having owned both an  MB and now a TK, here are my personal observations about the differences.

First of all, the back of a MB is virtually identical to the back of a TK. No difference there.

The drivers seat, as already stated, is just fine for a 6' type person.
The fresh water capacity difference doesn't amount to much. Bring a few jugs of water with you if it makes everyone happier. Depending on our anticipated access to water, I put three or four of the 2 1/2 gallon water jugs in the shower.

What do we miss?
The front dinette area. That was the place where me and the dog hung out. Underneath was her 'cave'. I liked to stretch my legs out across both seats and spread my maps, computer, etc., out on the table.  No more. Now I mostly sit sideways in the passenger seat or swivel it around (I replaced the seat with an after-market swivel seat). She wedges herself against the back wall. We could all share the back area, and we often do, but everyone needs a little personal and work space sometimes. Can't speak for the dog, but I miss the dinette.

The bathroom is miniscule compared to the MB. Basically no storage of any type except for a small medicine cabinet. We make it work by attaching a variety of baskets, shelves, etc to the shower walls and bath door. We have adapted to the smaller bath, but we both really miss the relatively luxurious MB bathroom.

Exterior and interior storage space is less in the TK. Not a problem for us because we don't need much 'stuff'. If you do, the MB is a better choice. Our travel style has changed over the years. With our MB we set out for 4-8 months at a time. With the TK, it's a week or two or three so storage is not a big issue anymore. How are you going to be using it?

The overall kitchen area is somewhat smaller but  adequate for our needs.

CCC on the TK is so high that you basically can't overload it unless you got carried away.
We tow a Jeep so the lighter weight of the TK works in our favor.

We've talked,  time and again, that if we could redo our order would it be for another MB or a TK.
Given our short trips a TK works OK.  If we were still traveling for months at a time it would be another MB, hands down.


Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #12
I'm another one who's owned both types. I'll add this to what Ed said: the midbath layout has advantages if you are a couple with differing day/night patterns, or if you're traveling with friends or children.

Assume you have people sleeping in both the overcab bed and the rear bed(s). In a T/K, when the person in the overcab bed gets up, there is nowhere to go, whereas the person sleeping in the rear has the lounge to him- or herself. But in a midbath, the person who sleeps up front has the dinette area to be in, while the person who sleeps in back has the rear lounge area. Plenty of personal space for both parties can make a big difference in a relationship. :-)
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: We talked to the mothership today!
Reply #13
"Plenty of personal space for both parties can make a big difference in a relationship. :-)"

For true! 

But overall space is also important.  We fall directly into the "alternate sleep pattern" category.  This was not an issue in the TK because we both slept overhead, just for different hours during the night.  The night owl had the whole of the bottom at night, and the lark had it in the morning.  BUT - when sleeping overhead became a problem for one of us, then different arrangements were needed.

We now have an RB, which gives a nice open feeling, which we love.  It is not so good for alternate sleeping patterns wherein one of us cannot sleep overcab.  On the face of it, an MB, with two separate sleeping places, should have been ideal, but when we went to the Mothership to order the MB back in 2000, we found that it felt too closed in for comfort.  Even in the clean floor model (no personal items strewn about), I couldn't wait to get out of there, while DH and Ed chatted on the twin sofas in the rear.  This was a big surprise to us, as the MB floorplan, as observed, seemed perfect.

As I've droned on about, our solution is for me to go to our travel van during problem times (not nights).  The open feeling of the RB is worth this extra effort for us.  Not a solution for everyone, I agree, but it works for us.  A switch to the longest Lazy Daze model with a separate sleeping area in the back and a full living area in the front, would be much preferable (although still not perfect), but that is not in the cards right now.

Almost no situation is ever perfect in life, so we must adjust to get the most value from whatever is available to enjoy.  ;->

   Virtual hugs,
