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Topic: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!  (Read 277 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
I have a 99 26 IB - Circumstances have kept it uncharacteristically idle for over six months. Although I started and ran the generator several times a month and drove the RV a few times  just as a maintenance check. As I was getting ready for a summer ramble north, I had both engine and generator problems.  The engine started hard and would only run semi smoothly at highway speeds.. The problem turned out to be a large mouse nest in the air intake.. relatively simple and inexpensive to fix.. the Onan Gen-Set ,which had been ultra reliable, was another story.. It started hard and ran very very rough and died. It did this until after about six attempts to keep it running long enough to smooth out it vibrated wildly and died for good and would only click and would not turn over even once.  After trying everything within my skill set and seeking some advice on this forum I took it into the Cummins Onan dealer repair center, a huge 8 bay shop with diesel trucks, buses and heavy machinery sitting all over waiting to be serviced.  The first issue discovered was that the engine was actually locked up and had to be manually turned to "unfreeze" it. It was necessary to remove it and take it to the bench where day after day new issues were discovered - first one mouse nest was cleaned out, then another, until finally three separate mouse nests, each about the size of a cue ball and densely packed were removed. After much troubleshooting the shop put their best gen tech on it and he finally got it fully functional. Parts list included, coil, starter, ignition module, plugs, spark plug wires, pick up, muffler, tailpipe,  and a few more. At one point I think the tech was confused and "easter egging" it (as we called it when I was a radar tech in the Navy) - after I voiced that opinion politely to the shop manager, they put a more experienced tech on it and in a few days (and a few more parts) it was running smoothly and reinstalled. When I went to pick it up they showed me the bad parts which they had started keeping after I grew suspicious and asked them to - and in the end - I was satisfied that I had not been mistreated badly if at all.  A final bill was $1365.00 after they adjusted it some - they took out some part charges that might not have been bad (coil).  They had not kept the coil so I could not verify it was bad but that was mox nix. Alls well that ends well and Hornblower is ready to go - we leave in the morning for the northwest (Olympic Peninsula via a few weeks in Banff).    Mice did not do all the damage to the gen-set  but they were responsible for a good deal of it..one nest had completely filled the area in which the starter gear engages the engine and the starter gear had half the teeth sheared off. . 
The more eloquent on this forum can articulate the moral of this story better than me, but simply put - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  I had put mouse traps in the RV (never caught one) but had not made any efforts to keep them out of the engine compartment or Onan bay. In the future, I will combine all known remedies when Hornblower is sitting idle for long.. including mothballs in the Onan bay and steel wool barriers as I can figure out how to place them and a preliminary visual check of the obvious places (air cleaner ) .. Any and all comments
 welcome to help others avoid this kind of mess.
Shift Colors - Underway
1999 26.5 IB

Re: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
Reply #1
I feel your pain!

"...and steel wool barriers as I can figure out how to place them..."

I had some kind of rodent (perhaps a Norway Roof Rat) shred my air filter which clogged the constant velocity device and some of the debris actually got sucked into the intake manifold when I tried to start the engine. Lots of fun, that!

Since I cut and shaped a barrier of ΒΌ" hardware cloth and secured it in the air intake tube with RTV (silicone rubber) I have not had any more problems in that area.   ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
Reply #2
Several years ago, a friend's LD was brutally attacked, well moved into, by a cute wood rat, preparing itself for the winter.
Preparing its winter home, in the valley between the engine's heads, it had stockpiled hundreds of acorns, also clearing out all the wires and plastic vacuum tubes that got in the way.
Her rig rig barely made it here, with the HVAC system totally inoperative. Her right foot was well cooked too.
Rat damage | Flickr
The cute little guy had also stockpiled a adequate supply of rat bait, which may have lead to his untimely demise.
To provide a comfy bed, a good portion of the firewall insulation had been ripped off and used as a mattress.
Replacing the chewed away HVAC vacuum supply line was a real PIA.

Keeping rodents away from your LD is a very good idea, no matter how cute they are.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
Reply #3

I have been using Fresh Cab ever since we picked up our RB at the Mothership.

I use zip ties to hold two packs in the engine compartment and one on the Generator cover. I place a Fresh Cab in every outside cargo bay and one under each dinette seat and one under the kitchen sink cabinet.

We've had the LD since October of 2015 and while we live in the city and park the rig on our concrete driveway we have been everywhere a mouse would live. So far so good.

I check frequently for mice etc and except for a nibble on one packet in the engine bay over a year ago there is no sign of the little buggers.

I swap out the packets every 3 months regardless of the remaining pine scent. Purchasing 12 to 16 packs at a time (4 per box) they are cheap insurance and have a wide following. Check out YouTube and other LDO Fresh Cab enthusiasts.

My brother had a huge infestation in his 5th wheel up at his Oregon house. He tossed Fresh Cab everywhere. He'll know how well the product works next time he's up there.   

Others here have good luck with other methods, but for us Fresh Cab has been very successful.

Good luck and sorry to hear of all your woes. I suppose a few ferile cats around the rig couldn't hurt either.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
Reply #4
Amen to the Fresh Cab!  I swear by the stuff & buy it in bulk like Kent mentioned, & do the same (two under the hood, one in  the genn compartment & each storage bay, plus one in the cab/one in the kitchen & one in the bedroom--no visitors since I started using Fresh Cab--& LDy Lulubelle lives in machine shed out at the farm with plenty of evidence of critters all over the shed.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Mice - Engine and GenSet woes - A precautionary tale you may heard before!!
Reply #5
We also use and have had good success with Fresh Cab.

I would plead with everyone not to use rat bait.  Just Google secondary rodenticide poisoning and you'll read all about how it is decimating some of the predatory bird populations and is so very dangerous to our family pets.  This is actually a personal "soap box" of mine.