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Topic: Transmission question -- hesitation getting into or mild "bucking" in reverse? (Read 691 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Transmission question -- hesitation getting into or mild "bucking" in reverse?
Reply #25
"...all ignition timing and distribution is at low voltage."
Maybe I should have used a different term than "high voltage"? Is this information correct as applied to the ignition system in the E-450?  (Inquiring minds want to know!  :D )

"Electronic ignition systems differ from conventional ignition systems in the distributor component area. Instead of a distributor cam, breaker plate, points, and condenser, an electronic ignition system has an armature (called by various names such as a trigger wheel, reluctor, etc.), a pickup coil (stator, sensor, etc.), and an electronic control module.

Joan, without quoting the rest, this description applies somewhat to ALL electronic ignition systems, including the one in the old Chevy 350 cid. That model had a distributor and high voltage wires from there to the plugs. The Ford V10 has a newer electronic ignition system, without a distributor, where a TDC (top dead center) sensor is used to determine piston position, and the ECU (computer) factors in engine speed, load, mixture, etc., to determine when to send the low-voltage current pulse to the primary winding of the appropriate ignition coil for that cylinder to start combustion. Thus, all the wires to the 10 ignition coils are low voltage. High voltage exists only where each coil connects to its plug.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit