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Topic: Mothership proximity (Read 323 times) previous topic - next topic
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Mothership proximity
After spending the morning in Central Ohio, I find myself this evening in scenic San Diego.  Perilously close to the mothership.  Should I burn half a day there to pick up some paint, parts, and a look-see?  What is the town like in the vicinity? 

I think I probably can't take the paint back on the plane, but can I ship it to myself as a non-commercial endeavor?

2000 Front Lounge

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #1
After spending the morning in Central Ohio, I find myself this evening in scenic San Diego.  Perilously close to the mothership.  Should I burn half a day there to pick up some paint, parts, and a look-see?  What is the town like in the vicinity? 

I think I probably can't take the paint back on the plane, but can I ship it to myself as a non-commercial endeavor?


Sure, why not? The area is very industrial. Might want to go during the daytime.

Just sayin'
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #2
Chip, you might want to consider a call to the TSA regarding the paint.  Better to make sure than to run into problems at the airport.  Anytime we are in SoCal, we make the time to visit the mothership.  Always interesting to find out what's new.  BTW, if you are considering any purchases there, remember to take a check.  They still don't do credit cards.
2011 MB

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #3
As said, the factory is in a light industrial area; the factory will say that it's "not safe" around there at night, but I've never felt uncomfortable there, day or night. I (and lots of other people) have overnighted in the parking lot several times when having work done. (Dog and I did have to step over a couple of passed out meth heads sprawled half across the sidewalk and the grass in front of the mobile home park when on a walk when I was there last fall, but I live in San Jose, so this was not an especially startling experience.  :( )

Go visit; it's a time warp experience.  ;)  Take money (or a check, as noted.) Can't say about the paint; I would call the factory and find out about any regulations before going.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #4
I think I probably can't take the paint back on the plane, but can I ship it to myself as a non-commercial endeavor?

The Post Office has regulations about what can and cannot be mailed (I assume shippers such as FedEx and UPS do, too).  I'd stop by a local post office and find out if the paint can be mailed.
Linda Hylton

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #5
If you are like me, sooner or later you are going to go, so why not?

We made a trip there for a repair and found a great resource. I posted photos of their "parts catalog here:
Mothership parts "catalog"

It's a cool retro place, and a visit can help inform you of the Lazy Daze philosophy often discussed here.

While the neighborhood is "real", it's not dystopia. It's a working class area in LA.

I gave up on the paint shipment, I needed more that a touch-up bottle and agreed with Cardinal paints, the LD supplier, that getting it mixed local was the way to go. But I did leave with some pinstriping and wished I had snagged a running board tread appliqué. Maybe next time.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #6
So you guys are up early...

Oh yeah, check.  I think I remember those.  I've got cash money, though, so should be good there.
(Credit cards? Even my phone takes credit cards. And it's 'legal' to charge a little more for using them, too -- at least in my state.)

The paint shipment thing is funny, though.  Surely the paint company is not right next door to them, where they walk it over.  At some point it gets on a truck.  I know this has been done to death, so I'll move on.

We'll see what the day's schedule brings, as it's not the reason I'm here.  But if I'm driving right past, who knows...
Thanks, all.
2000 Front Lounge

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #7
There's no such thing as perilously close in southern california. From SD you will be looking at an all day affair unless you win the traffic lottery. I personally wouldn't bother if I were in scenic SD but whatever floats your boat.
1996 Twin King

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #8
There's no such thing as perilously close in southern california. From SD you will be looking at an all day affair unless you win the traffic lottery. I personally wouldn't bother if I were in scenic SD but whatever floats your boat.

yeah, nothing fun about that drive. i'd only go if you really want to see the factory.
1999 MB

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #9
Yeah, a visit is not happening.  There's a guy who has been trying to jump off a bridge for about 16 hours, and traffic is motionless around here.  Hope he makes it down in a good way....

Thanks, folks.  Heading out to look for whales...
2000 Front Lounge

Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #10
Don't worry about missing it this time -- 20 years from now it will still look exactly the same, and the blue VW bug will still be parked out front.

If you can make it though, the binders full of caravan club newsletters will be a fun read.


Re: Mothership proximity
Reply #11
" There's a guy who has been trying to jump off a bridge ..."

I hope he's in custody before I roll into the Mothership on Monday to have my new fridge installed.   ;D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!