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Topic: Hump on the roof line: (Read 211 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hump on the roof line:
Good afternoon friends.  We have a dumb question I think.  Not sure so will ask anyway.
Were looking at a 26.5 rear kitchen.   we like the layout and the coach in general but we noticed a hump in the roofline.

When you look down the drivers side of the coach closer to the rear is a raised hump that appears to be about 10in. or so right on the edge on the top of the coach.  
Can someone tell me what this is or if it is added I have not seen it before.  We would like to know before we get to interested in buying this lady. 
Thanks for the help
2005 Front Lounge

Re: Hump on the roof line:
Reply #1
Not a dumb question, but definitely an intriguing one! I gather that you didn't ask the owner about the "hump", but can you post a photo? Is the "hump" 10" long? High? Wide?  Is it "flexible" or spongy? Did you check the interior carefully for any signs of water intrusion, e.g., moldy-looking or discolored areas, raised areas of paneling, etc.?

It's difficult to really know without more information and/or a photo, but the "hump" could indicate a leak, either from damage to the roof itself or from a failed edge cap seal; water intrusion could have caused the wood to swell underneath and raise an area of the aluminum roof sheeting.

I'd want to thoroughly investigate any "humps" or "lumps" where one would not expect there to be "humps" or "lumps"!

Please post with more information and photos, if possible.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Hump on the roof line:
Reply #2
The RK shower has a skylight, and is about in the location you describe.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Hump on the roof line:
Reply #3
Steve's suggestion is likely correct; maybe when I heard hoof beats, I thought "zebras" and not "horses"!  ;) 

(YMMV, but I wouldn't buy a rig without thoroughly checking the roof!) 
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Hump on the roof line:
Reply #4
RK owner here, the driver's side has, from back to front, the roof rack from the back edge forward a few feet (for our older models that have a roof rack), then the metal about sixes inches round stink-vent 😝, then the aforementioned skylight, immediately in front of that is the bathroom crank open vent (older models like ours a simple and noisy thing, Fantastic Fan on newer models) then forward of that a few feet is our solar panel running from to back about six to eight inches in from the roof edge. A few feet in front of that is the radio antenna and then the front cap.

Ruby, the red 2004 26' RK hauling Dave and Kristine hither and yon

Re: Hump on the roof line:
Reply #5
Ok first off thank all of you wonderful people for helping here and now I will admit to how stupid I feel.
The hump in the picture in the RK is very hard to believe seeing it with my own eyes and the wifes also but it turns out after long study that the picture the only one showing the hump was proven to be a shadow in the picture.  An optical illusion I guess.  We could not figure it out but by chance we found the motorhome advertised on another sight and the people had put other pictures of the same side on that sight,   thus the hump is solved.
Thanks to all and my apologies for being both blind and dense :-)
2005 Front Lounge