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Topic: Bucket List Trip Update (Read 282 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bucket List Trip Update
We've dry camped for 15 days in the Tetons NP and Yellowstone.  Perfect weather with a few nights below freezing.  Solar kept our batteries charged without any problems.  We've not run the generator once.  The propane tank just lasts and lasts.  We've received many nice comments about our LD.  Not seen another one in Yellowstone, but we keep looking.  Writing this on my phone in West Yellowstone.  Data within the park is almost non-existent. 

Our LD home has been wonderful.  The trip even better than DW and I hoped.  We've been gone for 4 weeks and we'll return to our other home in 2 weeks.

We've learned so much.  Take care LD amigos.

Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #1
Great news. I had reservations at Grant Village at Yellowstone Lake for August but had to cancel due to scheduling conflict with my wife's employer.

Believe it or not (I was surprised) I rescheduled the same campground for July 2017. That far ahead and only required a $15.50 deposit. We can't wait to be heading there.

Hope to find a local car rental in the area so we can venture about.

Enjoy your trip. As always, time flys when you're having fun.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #2
Hi, Ed & Margee--

     Glad to hear ya'll are having a terrific trip.  Missing your posts & looking forward to a recap when ya'll get settled back in Ft. Worth.  Safe journey & wonderful adventures.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #3
Hey guys, I've missed any updates on the last two weeks of your trip... What news? Did your home survive the spring rains OK?
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #4
I second Paul's comment.   Updates and campfire stories please.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #5
We made it home from our wonderful 6 weeks trip.  As I mentioned earlier, our LD never let us down and protected us from wind, snow, ice, rain, and over 100 degree days!  After 15 days in Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons, we headed south to Yampa River State Park in Colorado for a 3 day family gathering with two (2) of our adult sons and their family.  And we had a great time which included a day in Steamboat Springs at some hot springs.

We spent parts of 3 days in the Prospector Campground in the White River National Forest in Dillon, Co.    (Picture is attached).  We can't image what this place must look like in the winter time.  We wandered through Colorado and spent a couple of days outside Colorado Springs before deciding that the 100 degree plus days was too much for us.  The LD clock and temperature gauge said it was 113 under our LD on a paved campsite outside Amarillo, Tx. 

* Our most interesting animal sighting was a grizzly eating a freshly caught Elk calf in Yellowstone.
* Our best RV owner meeting was with Ted and Catherine who are the original owners of a 2002 LD (RK) from southern Calif.  A wonderful couple with years of LD experience.
* Our most unusual guest was a full grown buffalo bull 6" from the rear of our LD.  (No damage done!)
* Our best lunch was BBQ at the Big Hole BBQ in Victor, Id.
* Our white knuckle drive was going down Hoosier Pass (11,542) in Colorado.  We repeatedly found 2nd gear (gulp).
* Our best mpg towing a Subaru was 9.5 mpg from Dillon, Co. to Amarillo, TX.

We had made a good many 3-4 day trips before this 6 weeks trip.  We were really surprised how fast the time went, how many people we met, and how the days were full from sunrise to after sunset.  But more interestingly, how our view of the world changed in such a short time.  I wish I could conceptualize this last observation better, but it's still just a vague notion that we don't understand ourselves.

We learned some important lessons too.  Lessons that I had read in these pages, but obviously needed to experience first hand.  For example, be very slow and careful with dips in the road.  And never, never, (once more) never enter a place while towing a vehicle that doesn't have a clear exit.  There are a few more lessons that we learned and that's for sure.

One day while in Yellowstone, we had watched a herd of Buffalo for more than 2 hours,  There were 5-6 calves romping across the meadow, prancing and dancing.  As the sun was setting, DW said, it's probably time to go home and have dinner.  And of course, DW meant our LD ... home sweet home.

And so it goes.


Re: Bucket List Trip Update
Reply #6
Hi, Ed & Margee--

Congratulations on your adventure.  Dillon, CO, is one of my favorite places.  Thx for the quick recap...especially your "most unusual guest," which brought back a fun memory.  When my daughter was about 7 we were on our annual sojourn with our Denver Aunt & Uncle, who had taken us up to Rocky Mountain National Park.  Rangers had stopped traffic so as not to interfere with animals coming down to a particular meadow/lake for water in the afternoon, & we were in a perfect spot for watching the critters.  Maggie was in the front passenger seat of The Aunt & Uncle's Suburban, with the window down, when a mule deer doe practically stuck her nose inside.  It was amazing to be so close, & a good indication of how acclimated the critters can get to humans.

Looking forward to more of your posts now that ya'll are back to internet.  Stay cool--we've had several days of heat advisories here in north Missouri, with dreadful humidity--I usually don't turn the AC on 'til July, but it's been running for over a week.   :'(

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm