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Topic: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery (Read 55 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 151968
"The lithium polymer batteries used in R/C models such as your mini-monster truck are different from the lithium-ion batteries we're talking about for RV use."

Thank you for pointing this out. One reason love this group is I am constantly learning from the technical experts here.

Maybe TESLA will revolutionize battery technology at the multi billion dollar plant they are building in Nevada. They have special charging stations in Las Vegas. Sure would be nice to pull up and recharge "free of charge".


Small lithium batteies used in Tesla with link to PDF was --> Re: [L
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 151969
This is about small batteries not large battery packs that are available for RVs.

Do you know that Tesla uses 18650 batteries?  These are 18 mm dia by 650 mm length.  Shaped and a little bigger than a AA battery (I believe AA batteries were used to power the fastest electric car).

One thing that hurts the lithium market is there are a lot of cheap bad quality batteries on the market, especially from ebay and Amazon.  Tesla uses Panasonic brand.  Recently there was a news story of a vapor cigarette machine catching on fire.  The reporter did not say what kind of battery other than it was lithium but my guess it was a cheap ebay battery.

On Youtube there are a lot of people opening up laptop battery packs and taking out the 18650s and using them for electric bikes.  And some of them get amazing ranges.  Search on "18650 battery".

I have not come across anyone taking real Panasonics and building safe packs like Tesla (because of the costs) with cooling and fire foam.  And Tesla batteries are safe.

But according to the linked PDF, the 18650 compares in price with high density packs (surprise).  Also in the PDF are what other car companies use (no other company uses cylindrical cell batteries).

BTW  18650s are used in almost all laptop battery packs and in lithium battery packs for power tools.  There is a 28650 but because it is not used as much as the 18650 the price per watt does not work out because of production.

Some 18650s come with an electronic circuit at the top of the battery that adds a mm to the length.

One thing must be said about Tesla and that is Panasonic is a part owner and Panasonic makes their batteries.  But Tesla is the worlds leader in batteries.

I would like to come across a commercial battery pack that uses 18650s and allow the user to test and replace bad batteries, that are for RVs or solar home use.

I think the moral of this story is well designed batteries do not catch on fire and cheap ones do. And on top of good cells, you need good electronics and fire suppression systems.

This PDF is 39 pages.  The first photo shows the 18650 tops in a plastic see through case.  The real case is black.  This PDF is an extract of the full report which costs money (I assume a lot).  Details in the cooling is blacked out but there is one diagram showing the flow path of the coolant. It goes down every other row of batteries.  My guess is no one can figure out how to do this cooling.

Heavy reading but some interesting photos and facts.  One is that Tesla may go to a larger cell like a 20700 (I never heard of this size)


Amazon link to Panasonic 18650


I believe Technomadia (they use the big packs) talks about heat in:


So if anyone comes across someone using 18650s for RVs let me know.  My gut feeling is Tesla is not wrong.

One last comment - I believe the large lithium battery packs for RV cannot dissipate the heat well and thus reduce the life of the battery.  If someone is thinking about large packs, I think they should look into this.

FYI  H bombs use lithium, the same element as the battery !!   It just takes a A bomb to set them off (also an H can set off another H).  I just wonder if a A bomb goes off, would it set off all the cell phones ???  ie a world wide chain reaction ?? ummm  going to Google this now ha ha

San Diego Roger
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Reply #27
Yahoo Message Number: 151971
Years ago I used TinyURL and I do not now.  However some still use it but I do not remember why I used it.

Does anyone know why or why not to use TinyURL?

Could it be in the old days we could not include a long link in emails???


Re: TinyURL
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 151972
I use it nearly every day. It can compress a URL of 100 letters, numbers, etc. down to a dozen or so. I wouldn't be without it. I really hate those long URL's, and sometimes they get broken up so they won't open without rebuild.
I use it more as a courtesy to my recipients.    tinyurl.com


Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #30
Yahoo Message Number: 151975
It is amazing how this small object weighing a little more than one pound can provide the approximately 400 Amps required to start the Ford V10. But it can, I have tried it several times. No more jumper cables for me.

--- Tom, "inquiring minds" (and me, too!) would like the details of this little one-pound jumper? Thank you!

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #31
Yahoo Message Number: 151976
Joan, here it is. It comes as a complete kit. Battery (1 x 3 x 9 inches  approximately), carrying case, cables to connect it to your LD battery, chargers  to charge it, and small adapters to use it to charge your cell phone, or laptop  or whatever. They say it outputs about 600 Amps peak, and I believe it.


It is amazing  how this small object weighing a little more than one pound can provide the  approximately 400 Amps required to start the Ford V10. But it can, I have tried  it several times. No more jumper cables for me.

--- Tom,  "inquiring minds" (and me, too!) would like the details of this little one-pound  jumper? Thank you!

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: TinyURL
Reply #32
Yahoo Message Number: 151977
However, when you get a suspicious email, even from someone you know, you have no idea where the tinyURL will take you.  It could be an evil website, i.e. one that will attack your machine looking for a vulnerability.

Also, given that the link goes via the tinyURL website, they can track you.  They know who you are and where you're going and will remember it.  That's why it's free.

Other than that, tinyURL is convenient.

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #33
Yahoo Message Number: 151978
That is a very neat, multi-purpose tool! Thanks, Tom!;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #34
Yahoo Message Number: 151979
My electric motor assisted bike (2015 Pedego Interceptor III) has an 9 pound lithium battery in a rack atop the rear wheel. It is good for 20 miles of riding in hilly New Mexico when I assist with pedaling, which I always do.  Battery retails for $750 and allegedly is good for 1000 recharges. Entire bike with battery retails for $2900.  After decades of riding conventional bikes in Flat Florida and Long island we moved to Steep Santa Fe and at age 86 I can keep on riding.

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #35
Yahoo Message Number: 151980
My electric motor assisted bike (2015 Pedego Interceptor III) has an 9 pound lithium battery in a rack atop the rear wheel. It is good for 20 miles of riding in hilly New Mexico when I assist with pedaling, which I always do.  Battery retails for $750 and allegedly is good for 1000 recharges. Entire bike with battery retails for $2900.  After decades of riding conventional bikes in Flat Florida and Long island we moved to Steep Santa Fe and at age 86 I can keep on riding.

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #36
Yahoo Message Number: 151982
"That is a very neat, multi-purpose tool!"

Indeed. And I can verify that it will start a Lazy Daze's Ford V10 engine multiple times on a single charge... as well as recharging cell phones, tablets, wireless hotspots, and anything else that can be powered from a USB port.

It also comes with a variety of adapter cables that allow charging many laptop computers. (Unfortunately, a cable with Apple's MagSafe charging connector is not included.)

The Antigravity battery pack is still more useful if you add an accessory 12 V outlet, so that it can power any 12 V plug-in device (up to 8 amps).

Andy Baird
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #37
Yahoo Message Number: 151984
"a cable with Apple's MagSafe charging connector is not included." --- But, it does have the "lightning" connector for the iPad, right?

"The Antigravity battery pack is still more useful if you add an accessory 12 V outlet, so that it can power any 12 V plug-in device (up to 8 amps). " --- How many amps does an iPad Mini 3 draw?

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #38
Yahoo Message Number: 151985
The Antigravity battery pack is still more  useful if you add an accessory 12 V outlet, so that it can power any 12 V plug-in device (up  to 8 amps).

Andy Baird
 Good idea. Where did you find the  adapter than had a 12v outlet on one end and a plug to fit the 12v 8A  (10a  on mine) port on the battery on the other end? Tom

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #39
Yahoo Message Number: 151986
"But, it does have the 'Lightning' connector for the iPad, right?"

I don't remember offhand whether a Lightning cable is included, but since the Antigravity battery pack has a USB charging port, the cable that came with your iPad Mini will work just fine--and Lightning cables are widely available for just a few bucks. Heck, I regularly see 'em in truckstops at the counter.

"How many amps does an iPad Mini 3 draw?"

A maximum of 2 amps at 5.5 volts, the standard USB charging voltage. Actually, it will rarely draw that much unless its battery is really, really low, but you want a charger that has the capability.

When buying a charger for an iPad, look for labeling that says either 2 amps or 10 watts. Older chargers that put out 1 amp/5 W will charge a phone just fine, but will barely trickle-charge an iPad.

Andy Baird
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #40
Yahoo Message Number: 151987
"Where did you find the adapter...?"

It's eight bucks at Amazon. Click the link in my post.

Andy Baird
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #42
Yahoo Message Number: 151990
Looks like a nice complete kit. Since I have a toad can jump off it, or LD house batteries if needed. My solar keeps the house and engine batteries charged so I can pass on this. Long jumper cables are your friend.


Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #43
Yahoo Message Number: 151991
The announcement is for late in April

Elon Musk is about to announce a new product that's not a car. He said so in a mysterious Tweet designed to induce the highest level of nail-biting suspense. But the Elon Musk of two months ago may have told us exactly what we should expect.

"We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the consumer battery that would be for use in people's houses or businesses fairly soon,"
2000 MB

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #44
Yahoo Message Number: 151993
Elon Musk fascinates me. The guy is a risk taker, and I applaud that. To go up against the obsolete Detroit Auto Industry, firmly entrenched in this country shows guts. And his SpaceX endeavors, the world needs more fresh ideas like his. I firmly believe the battery technology they are developing will find it's way to RV's, Households, Solar Arrays, etc. This guy knows no limits.


Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #45
Yahoo Message Number: 151994
He has done a lot with $165 million he received in the eBay buyout of PayPal in 2002. He is free to do anything he wishes. And he's very intelligent and forward-thinking.

Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: Trojan Reliant AGM Battery
Reply #46
Yahoo Message Number: 151996
Charles, Agree completely. I saw a video of a Tesla race a Ferrari. The Tesla left it in the dust.
Never thought I would see that. Elon, Bring us the high tech batteries and charger! Oh and while your at it can you retrofit a cool electric power plant to my LD? 100% torque from zero rpm would be nice.


Re: TinyURL
Reply #47
Yahoo Message Number: 151997
Sorry. All websites and apps track you if you let them. And nothing is free; someone has to pay the bills so it's either you, the site/app owners, or a third party that pays for it.

Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: TinyURL
Reply #48
Yahoo Message Number: 152004
Hi Unknown,
 Gee, thanks for your great advise and for allowing me to make my own decisions in life!

Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King