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Topic: Quartzsite Update (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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Quartzsite Update
Yahoo Message Number: 150389
About 12 of us out so far with several  more circling the field.  Forger the GPS.  Go to La Posa West.  At this point, if your GPS is on "map" you can see the roads.  Come past the kiosk and go straight on the paved road.  It curves to the left and turns to well packed dirt.  This is Old Yuma Road.  Go South about .5 mile and look for the road marker on the left that says "532"  My "Lazy Daze Homeless Camp" sign is there also.  if you look East, you will see us.   You can ask at the desk and they know where we are.

So far we have had great weather, great happy hours, a couple of campfires and one candle balloon launch. Two generator failures, (not stolen) one dead fridge, (at MS right now being replaced) and my black water dump valve assembly falling off, (fixed). I was at the dump station and the tank was empty.

Nothing stolen or attacks by roving bands of thieves or marauders.  Also one of the Rangers passed through yesterday.

Sorry the "Q" Yahoo board was hacked.  So far I cannot log on as Administrator and fix it.  I hope Yahoo will pick it up.