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Topic: Where the hell are you guys? (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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Where the hell are you guys?
Yahoo Message Number: 150347
WTH!  I'm getting mixed messages on the location of the "Q" group campsite. The coordinates Roger provided does not match the road given.  Can someone provide the coordinates to the camp please?  Thank you..............................mike

Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 150348
Mike, it's no worse than finding transship in blue.  If you still have my card  the board address with directions and my phone number are on it.  Call me if you can.  We are in La Posa West down the old Yuma road at BLM road 532.  email me direct roger@...


Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 150354
Thanks Roger, I do have your number (so to speak).  I plan to park with the SOLOs for a few days and when I wear out my welcome there I will continue south to your place.  How long is the group gonna be around anyway?   Take care for now..................mike

Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 150357
Larry posted complete directions to Roger's LD gathering spot in message #150235.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 150358
I am in San Diego

It would be interesting to see where everyone is???

Maybe someone is driving around in a LD in Fiji?


Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 150382
Thanks Roger, I am currently on Plomosa Road with the SOLOs.  I'll be down in the few days to bug y'all......................mike

Re: Where the hell are you guys?
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 150385
do you think you could please come up with another name for the e-mail.

I'm not bothered by one bit by the name of this thread, but I don't understand why everybody on this list has to be involved in the specific ins and outs of others' rendezvous in Quartzite.

Any chance the discussion could be limited to those who are already there and those who are trying to find them?
