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Topic: Hot Water Tank ** What temp is to HOT (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hot Water Tank ** What temp is to HOT
Yahoo Message Number: 150355

The H W Tanks come with a 140 stat. Last year I  changed the stat to a 120 OFF 110 ON. That was still a little higher than I  wanted. 120 is what I keep the home tank at. In the MH I still wanted to go  lower. I tried timing the on time but was not there always to turn it off. So I  have bought a new stat that is 100 OFF/90 ON.

There are many stats that you can find to change  the temp of the water. First is the adjustable but it will only go down to 120  at the lowest. Then there are the set stats. They range from an off temp of 140,  130, 120, 110, 100, 95, 90 and even 80.

The 90 is way to cold because it will turn the  tank off at 90 but not on till 80. That is to cold to shower or do dishs. Was  looking at the 100 OFF/ 90 ON. I did some testing at the house to see just how  cold of a shower I was willing to take. Adjusted the water at the show head to  100/90/85 degrees. (electronic digital stick thermometer). 90 off was OK but 85 was  to cold. We own a $100,000 MH and I'm not going to rough it as if I was staying  in a tent. Cost of the propane is not the problem but having enough when DRY  camping for several weeks and having to share it with the stove and furnace.

I seen this stat on E-Bay Sunday and got it for  $7.25. To good of a price to pass up; It mounts just like the one I have in the  tank now. Seller had two and I got the last one.

http://www.ebay.com/itm/310191307693?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT    Scroll Page down to see the ad at the bottom of the page.

The part number for the stat is 47-22860-05 make  by Protech. I have seen them on sale for $20/30. Shop around on E-Bay and  Amazon

Stat needs to be 100 OFF 90 ON and Normally closed AUTO RESET Mounting: FLANGED AIRSTREAM. To make it easy to  mount.

I checked Grainger already and they do not carry  any thing that goes below 120

Here are 2 pic of the old 120 degree stat in the  HW Tank to be removed and 3 pic of the new 100 degree stat to be installed .


Up Date: The new stat came today and I have it installed. Took 10 min. I  was working so hard getting the old unit out that I had to stop and have a  cold ONE before starting to install the new unit. But the job is done. Now to  wait and test it in the spring when I can fill the water system.


Retired Plumber