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Any GPS thoughts?
Yahoo Message Number: 149179
For 6 years I have been using a Garmin Street Pilot GPS.  I like its large screen.  These tired old eyes are able to see and process the screen info "at-a-glance".  Well, its map is pretty out of date, 2008, and cannot be updated.  I have been thinking about a new GPS.

Garmin has two that I am considering.  One, the RV 760LMT, is specifically targeted at RV use.  It allows entry of vehicle height, length, width and weight info so that it can preclude routing you along bridges with weight limits, roads with length limits, and underpasses with height limits that might be a problem - or so they say.  It has a Garmin price of $400.  The other, the 2757, cannot screen the route for such concerns, but is only $220.  Naturally, both are available for less elsewhere.  Both have a 6" screen, nearly as large as my Street Pilot.

In 6 years of full timing, only once have I been routed onto a road where I encountered a weight limit that meant I had to turn around.  It feels like I don't need the advanced capability, at least not at nearly double the price.  Part of my thinking is that many things such as weight limits may be put in place but not make it to the map database, then to me.  Bridges may be rebuilt without the restriction coming off the data base.  Having mis-information could be as bad as having no information.

If anyone has any experience with either of these units, I would like very much to hear from you as to how it is working for you.

Thanks, folks.

Ken F in NM
'08 MB

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 149180
Hi Ken,
 Another route to consider is a tablet with GPS capability.  You could use either a full size or mini sized tablet.  There are a number of apps that can use offline map data so a cell connection isn't needed all the time  (including by Garmin).  There are a number of tablet mounting systems useable in an RV.  If I was buying right now, I'd really have to consider this route.

Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 149182
I have a Nuvi 3590 with life time maps and traffic (LMT) that I purchased before I went to pick up our new to us mid bath in CA.  The traffic is better done by the smart phone application "WAZE" and I also have little use for the voice recognition feature (but I do not like talking to machines).  Don't get me wrong,  I was looking for an RV specific GPS at the time but Garmin did not have one out yet (mid Dec 2011) and the others that were out were meeting with mixed reviews.
I really like the Nuvi.  I like the size.  I like the life time maps - I update before every trip. I like the visual picture in the split screen of the turns as your approaching an intersection.  I like being able to switch to printed directions if needed.  I like the overhead view.  Now that I got use to the "how to do it" I like being able to add way points to a route (you have to blow up the map enough to put the point so one actually comes close enough that the devise considers the point accomplished).
I mount the Nuvi on glass but so the base rests on the dash near the left windshield post.  That way if the suction cup comes loose the GPS stays in place and usable until have a planned pull over. The 5 in screen is big enough to see while small enough that it does not get in the way of forward vision. It has blue tooth and I can make it work through the phone, nice if I am listing to pandora on the radio instead of XM or over the air radio.
If I had to replace the Nuvi, even after the long discussion a few months ago about using the iPad Garmin app I think I would opt for the unit your looking at.  It helps my case that I do not have a iPad of similar devise though.  I keep telling my dear wife she needs a newer GPS but so far she has seen through me and continues to us WAZE or her very old third generation Street Pilot (that does not like to be updated any longer).

John 07 MB
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 149183
"You could use either a full size or mini sized tablet.  There are a number of apps that can use offline map data so a cell connection isn't needed all the time  (including by Garmin).  There are a number of tablet mounting systems useable in an RV. "

--- I don't have a GPS (in any format), but I do have an iPad. I can see how using an offline map data app when I'm *stationary* would work, but it's very often inconvenient and/or very difficult to pull off the road to do even that; I sure wouldn't want to be messing about with a GPS or a tablet app while I was going down the road.

How do solo travelers safely manage the tablet "poke and swipe" routine while driving? Or, even pushing buttons on a GPS while driving? I can see a front seat passenger taking over the navigating chores from the driver, but if one is alone, using navigational tools, even a map, while also trying to focus on the road, can be unsafe.

Maybe I'm particularly sensitive to this issue because of the loopy antics of the high numbers of "toy distracted" drivers whom I encounter every day. ;-) Seriously, I'm curious as to how solos, particularly those who drive in heavily-trafficked conditions, deal with making "in motion" adjustments on a navigation app on a tablet or a GPS, even one which talks to you, while driving...???

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 149184
I use Garmin USA app on my IPAD. Have RAM mount that is floor mounted and I can put IPAD wherever I need it. Always pull over and stop if needing input. Having ZAGG external bluetooth keyboard helps. Now if only I could figure out how to integrate backup camera into IPAD and dispense with it's separate screen.

Bob 01 23.5 TK

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 149185
Joan, There was a discussion on this some months ago.  Andy did an excellent article on his blog about "the how it works".  http://www.andybaird.com/travels/skylarking/improvements/ipad-mini-gps.htm

--- I don't have a GPS (in any format), but I do have an iPad. I can see how using an offline map data app when I'm *stationary* would work, but it's very often inconvenient and/or very difficult to pull off the road to do even that; I sure wouldn't want to be messing about with a GPS or a tablet app while I was going down the road.

How do solo travelers safely manage the tablet "poke and swipe" routine while driving? Or, even pushing buttons on a GPS while driving? I can see a front seat passenger taking over the navigating chores from the driver, but if one is alone, using navigational tools, even a map, while also trying to focus on the road, can be unsafe.

Maybe I'm particularly sensitive to this issue because of the loopy antics of the high numbers of "toy distracted" drivers whom I encounter every day. ;-) Seriously, I'm curious as to how solos, particularly those who drive in heavily-trafficked conditions, deal with making "in motion" adjustments on a navigation app on a tablet or a GPS, even one which talks to you, while driving...???

Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 149186
"Another route to consider is a tablet with GPS capability. " Add an OBD scanner and gauge software and your tablet also has full gauge capability.

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 149188
Ken, Before we started our 2014 Summer/Fall North American excursion, I studied the major manufacturers (Magellan, Rand McNally, etc) and chose the Garmin RV 760 that you are considering. I am very glad I did! Of course there are the times (as it is with most GPS units)  their destinations aren't totally accurate, but it is nice having the extensive campground database. As you know, we have traveled from Florida to Newfoundland, from there across to South Dakota and down to Arizona and are currently in Red Rock Park in Gallup, NM. The RV 760 had more back roads in both Canada & USA than my old Nuvi 550. I did enter all the LD specs in the RV mode but have mostly used the 'Car' mode. I don't use all the extras (voice commands, cell phone connect, traffic alerts, etc.) the unit has as I like to keep the use simple. Also it works very well attached to the windshield. It doesn't know the cab-over is there.
I ordered the unit from the GPS Store (better price at the time than Amazon) who gave very quick service and a good warranty.  www.thegpsstore.com> Mike
2010 RB "Monty"  & currently: 2021 RB "Villa Verde"
2004 Born Free 26'
1998 Beaver Patriot 33'
1992 Barth Breakaway 28'
1982 Fleetwood Jamboree 23'
1982 Dolphin/Toyota 22'

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 149190
You can get the Garmin RV 760LMT with Wireless Backup Camera for $470 from Amazon. Still, I'd also like to wirelessly connect a backup or similar camera to my iPad.

Eric Greenwell
  [lifewithalazydazerv] wrote, On 10/26/2014 12:42 PM:
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Any GPS thoughts? Gar in 760
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 149192
Like Mike and Elizabeth, Kathy and I also have the 760.  We use the traffic and Bluetooth, and of course the routing and location elements.  This year from Florida on a meandering route to North Carolina and form there to California (meandering for example: New Orleans, San Antonio, Big Bend National Park, Carlsbad, White Sands, Tucson, Phoenix (for a meeting), etc.) again on a meandering route to see friends and sites.  No issues.  I have set on RV mode to match our '06 30 IB AE and every now and then "she" routes us conservatively - read around the block to avoid tight turns and U-turns.  I also like the fact that the unit adjusts quickly when we know of or decide to go a different route.  Nice size, easy to read, gives you speed limits and your speed, gives good verbal alerts on speed limit changes and other traffic type alerts, etc.

Bob SE 5

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 149193
"You can get the Garmin RV 760LMT with Wireless Backup Camera for $470 from Amazon. Still, I'd also like to wirelessly connect a backup or similar camera to my iPad."


There doesn't seem to be a way of hooking an external camera to an iPad yet. When it does become practical, an iPad Mini, with a GPS app, will replace our Garmin.

Our LD's  three year old Garmin works fine but I find myself using the Garmin app on my iPhone more and more. Either leave the iPhone in a shirt pocket and have it talk to me or use a CD player mount and hang the phone in front of the radio. Leaves the iPhone accessible for playing music or pod cast at the same time.
InfiniApps Slyde CD Slot Mount for Smartphones, Cradle-less Universal cell phone holder with Quick-snap technology, magnetic cell phone mount

As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 149209
Funny how i'm working thru this very issue of navigating as a solo.

For years i used Microsoft Streets & Trips on a laptop/ultrabook. Two issues: No longer supported as of the end of the year & i now need reading glasses & can't read smaller map data.

First i tried Good Sam/Rand McNally latest 7" RV GPS.  I could read it but long trip planning while on the road stinks. Returned.

Now am using CoPilot app on 7" Samsung tablet (all maps reside on devise & uses only GPS satellites.) Much happier. Still need to resort to Google nav on my smartphone in town to find some addys.

And, yes, i pull over if i have to make adjustments. My travel plans are day-to-day dynamic & yes, i usually check GPS against Truckers Atlas if getting off the beaten path.

Better solution?  I too am listening. For me, the solution must NOT rely on cell towers.

Lori Y 24FL
Lori Y
2011 24FL

Re: Any GPS thoughts?
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 149234
Joan said: "I sure wouldn't want to be messing about with a GPS or a tablet app while I was going down the road."

The Garmin USA gps app on the iPad works just like it does on their dedicated units. But, with my iPad mini I get an 8 inch screen which is much easier to glance at while driving. As you get closer to your destination, or when in congested areas, the image automatically zooms in so you see street names and details easier. It also gives you voice instructions when nearing a turn. I find it very helpful. It requires no input from you unless you want to change your route, or access other data. I've found it to be very useful and easy to use.

If you already have a table, the app itself is much less expensive than a dedicated GPS unit. You should give it a try.
Pleinguy : Full-Timer
2004 Twin-King "Tardis"