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Topic: Millenicom device to Verizon (Read 20 times) previous topic - next topic
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Millenicom device to Verizon
Yahoo Message Number: 149071
Well, I bit the bullet today and visited the Verizon store. My Millenicom account was on hold, waiting for our next trip. Since I own the device I decided to see what Verizon had to offer. They swapped the SIM card and activated my Jetpack for $49.. We have 2 basic phones and had been paying $64. a month for I can't remember how many minutes. Old age is fun ;-). The plan doesn't exist anymore but I think it was 450 shared minutes, unlimited text and 1gb data. Now we have unlimited minutes and text plus 30gb of data for $210. plus tax.

We have to go back in to show them hubby's DD214 from his very old army days to get a 15% discount. I wish we had known about that years ago!

We had been paying $30. per device for line access fees. They have a new, lower fee now - $20. each.

The best part for us is the no contract service. We've been out of contract for years and we still are with the new plan.


Re: Millenicom device to Verizon
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 149083
I checked my receipt today and noticed an additional $7. charge for "tech coach". No thanks. I cancelled that today. Now the bill is $199.60 until the 15% veteran's discount kicks in. They say that can take two or three billing cycles - sigh.
