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Topic: Regular versus Synthetic Motor Oil (Read 25 times) previous topic - next topic
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Regular versus Synthetic Motor Oil
Yahoo Message Number: 149063
Although I tried to do some research on this site about previous posts I could not find any. I probably overlooked them.
 My question: Should a 1999 Lazy Daze on a E450 chassis with 85,000 miles on the odometer

be changed from  5W20 regular oil to synthetic,

From what I have read there should not be any problem with only one exception. Someone reported that a Ford engineer had made a statement that with regular oil the seals do expand more than with synthetic.and could result in more oil consumption. I have changed our Lazy Daze at approximately 55,000 mile into synthetic oil with no notice of oil consumption at 80,000 mile.

I am considering changing our daughter's Lazy Daze with 85,000 miles into synthetic also. So far this engine is not using any oil either. Any suggestions or comments about experiences please.

Aad Rommelse
2001 MB

Re: Regular versus Synthetic Motor Oil
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 149072
"I am considering changing our daughter's Lazy Daze with 85,000 miles into synthetic also. So far this engine is not using any oil either. Any suggestions or comments about experiences please."


I see no reason why synthetic cannot be used in your daughter's LD. Oil leakage was a problem many years ago on older engines when switching to synthetics but newer seal materials do not seem to have this problem.

A point to consider, synthetics oils greatest advantage is their much longer useful lifespan compared to standard dyno oils. Our V10 engines do not run hot enough to stress the today's standard lubricants (dyno oil).

Unless you plan on longer oil change intervals, there is no real advantage to using them as the standard oils fulfill Ford's lubrication requirements. Fleet oil testing has shown that with dyno oil, the recommended oil change intervals are just fine using normal oil. Long-term testing on the fleet at LAX showed that 7500 mile change intervals, using dyno oil, were fine for all vehicles, including trucks that would idle for hours, when on runways and taxiways. Synthetics were still good at 12,000 mile intervals, primarily due to a better, longer lasting additive package. Oil doesn't wear out, it gets dirty and the additive package diminishes with mileage and time.
Wanting to inspect the vehicles more often than every 12,000 miles, we switched everything to regular oil, except equipment that specifically specified synthetics, and stayed with the 7500 mile intervals.

FYI, Motorcraft 5-20 oil is the semi-synthetic oil that Ford recommends using in the later model V-10s. It should be fine for you daughter's LD.

Ford rates the V-10 oil change intervals according to usage, either normal or severe (towing, stop-n-go).
I use Mobil 1 and the regular, 5000 mile oil change interval instead of the severe duty 3000 mile interval, even when pulling the Jeep. If you insist on 3000 mile intervals, stick with the Motorcraft semi-synthetic oil, there isn't much to gain spending the extra money on synthetic.

Depending on the brand and model, many cars today do spec synthetics. As engines become smaller, more efficient and powerful, all at the same time, they need the additional heat resistance that synthetics provide.
Years ago, when jet turbines were being developed, standard oils could not handle the very high temperatures that the turbines bearing were subjected too. Synthetic oils were developed to stand up to the extremely high temperatures. If not poisonous, synthetic oil would be great for deep frying.(I must be getting hungry).

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Regular versus Synthetic Motor Oil
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 149073
If not poisonous, synthetic oil would be great for deep frying.(I must  be getting hungry) Larry
 I'm not poking fun. But that statement made me smile somehow. I said to  myself, yeah,  and if toadstools weren't poisonous they would be nice  sauteed with potatoes, onions and sausage. Perhaps sauteed in Mobile 1 ? Ok, so I have a weird sense of humor.

Re: Regular versus Synthetic Motor Oil
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 149074
Thanks Larry for your response. Yes the purpose of the change to synthetic 5W20 is indeed for longer periods between oil changes.


2001 MB