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Millenicom Hotspot
Yahoo Message Number: 148972
Looks like my Novatel access point has bitten the dust. Have to re-boot about every hour. What are others using for an access point/wireless router that have Millenicom service?

Thank you, Bob

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 148974
I have been using the Millenicom Jetpack 4G since April. As long as I have a good signal from the Verizon cell tower, it has worked very well. I even got rid of my home DSL service that was slower and sketchy, using the Jetpack at home also. We seldom go over the 20GB limit. They will slow down the speed after using more than 25GB  (we did once after downloading Mac Maverick).
I am happy with the service.
2010 RB "Monty"  & currently: 2021 RB "Villa Verde"
2004 Born Free 26'
1998 Beaver Patriot 33'
1992 Barth Breakaway 28'
1982 Fleetwood Jamboree 23'
1982 Dolphin/Toyota 22'

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 148988
We have been cut off twice since May for hitting 20gb. The first time was 21gb and I don't recall the second. The first time was 3 days before and the last was one day before the end of the billing cycle..

I use software on all devices to monitor usage and each time I was not near the 20gb limit. I don't allow apps or software updates on the system except when I am on free wifi. I don't stream movies or music. I have had large file downloads but nothing to explain this and I check usage often.

It is difficult to explain but I have seen more people complaining of this in recent months. One person just posted today that she had used 8GB as of October 4. She turned off the millenicom device and since has been using wifi only at the park where she is staying. Yesterday she got a message from Millenicom that she was cut off for having used 23GB.

Like me she uses software monitoring. The response from Millenicom to both of us has been the same. They only go by what Verizon is telling them. I should add that the person I am talking about is a graphic designer and uses two hotspots from Millenicom and she has now run into this problem twice in the last two months and can't figure out what is happening and we both understand data usage.

Anyone who is familiar with the blog Wheelinit and Nina and Paul will see that she recently posted about this same issue and again it has just started since the rate increase to $89.99.

Something would seem to be clearly screwing up with VZ but it appears that we can't fix this.

Jim C

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 148989
That happened to me, too.

Only I had already told them to suspend my service starting Aug 1.

On Aug 1 they emailed me they would be billing me $89.99 that day.

And a few minutes later they told me they had billed me.

BOTH emails in the mid of night.

I told them they were getting pretty sleezy and told them to cancel my account.

They refunded my $89.

I suspect Verizon is putting the screws to them to get them to go out of business.

best, paul






Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 148990
I suspect Verizon is pushing the data...we ran into overages this past Spring while in Goodyear AZ while running our Samsung Galaxy tablet (the reason we chose it is because it can tether back to the laptop and serve as wifi).  We don't do movies, music, youtube or Google Earth...we check do banking, e-mail and surf a bit and read the NYT and back home papers.  We rarely go near our limits with our normal usage.

We could watch the usage go up when nothing was happening.  We explored  everything we knew to do (and probably more than what we knew to do) and went over to the Verizon store...they were sympathetic, but had no way to help us.

We finally turned it off and bought the Park's wifi vendor.

In the end, we suspect it's Verizon.  But in the end, I can't  see it, feel it or smell it...so it's all magic to me.

TinaP 2006 MB...setting out in the a.m. for this season's voyage
2006 MB

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 148992
We are running into similar issues but believe it is our lack of knowledge as to how much data is used for what. I am invested in the 20G. We are in a phone group and only have 2.4G each -or 4.8 together. We received no data when we bought the Millennium. I see now that for an extra $30/mos we can get 10 G from Verizon but that is still not 20G. How did you folks get that amount of data?

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 149005
"Looks like my Novatel access point has bitten the dust."

The Novatel 2200 and (especially) 4620 "MiFi" or "Jetpack" hotspots that Millenicom used to distribute were notoriously unreliable. Multiple Wi-Fi connections were especially problematic. (This wasn't Millenicom's fault; they got the hotspots from Verizon.)

But earlier this year, Verizon and Millenicom switched to Pantech MHS291L routers. I've been using one since early spring, and it is far more reliable than the old Novatel 4620. I highly recommend it.

As for Millenicom/Verizon billing problems: I haven't had any of the "mysterious data leak" type described by a few people here. but bear in mind that many computers nowadays will download software updates "in the background," and these can be massive (in excess of a gigabyte). I've noticed that Windows PCs are especially prone to doing this, but Macs and iOS devices (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) aren't immune. The solution is to check your settings and disable automatic software downloads of any kind.

Another possible cause is a cloud backup utility. These can use huge amounts of bandwidth without your being aware of it. If you're on the road, I strongly recommend NOT using this type of backup service! Instead, back up to a hard drive using a utility such as SuperDuper or Carbon Copy Cloner.

In fact, any cloud-based service (e.g., Dropbox) is likely to upload and download data via the internet behind your back. Again, the solution is to disable these utilities or at the very least, watch them like a hawk.

An easy way to do this is with a data monitoring app such as Net Monitor (Mac OS X) or equivalent. I always keep the Net Monitor window open in one corner of my screen, so that I'm immediately aware of any unusual internet activity.

Andy Baird

Travels with Andy
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 149006
"We are running into similar issues but believe it is our lack of knowledge as to how much data is used for what. I am invested in the 20G. We are in a phone group and only have 2.4G each -or 4.8 together.  We received no data when we bought the Millennium. I see now that for an extra $30/mos we can get 10 G from Verizon but that is still not 20G. How did you folks get that amount of data?"

Sandra, I'm not clear what you're talking about here, but I think it's not what we're talking about. :-)

We're referring to a company called Millenicom, which offers data-only internet service for $89.99 a month, which buys 20 gigabytes (GB) of data use per month. There's no voice service or "phone groups" with Millenicom--this is strictly internet.

A small box called a "router" or "hotspot" makes a data-only connection to the internet via Verizon cell towers, and allows up to five computers or tablets to share that connection via  Wi-Fi.

You could buy 20 GB/month service from Verizon, but you'd pay nearly twice what Millenicom charges. That's why those of us who are heavy internet users choose Millenicom for internet service, and have separate Verizon accounts for voice telephone use.

Andy Baird

Travels with Andy
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 149007
I had that happen on my iPad. It was set for "no system updates" when on cellular service (it's a unit with Verizon cell service), but OK on wifi. Well, when it's connected to a Jetpack (by wifi, of course), it thinks it's on "all you can eat" wifi, and will happily download huge files, even an OS update! So, now I know to shut off even all updates until I can connect to someone else's wifi :-)

Eric Greenwell
  [lifewithalazydazerv] wrote, On 10/13/2014 9:07 PM:
2005 Jayco 24SS

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 149014
Thank you for the response Andy. I sent an email to Millenicom to see if they offer the Pantech unit.
On the website it says you can connect up to 10 devices to their WIFI. I only have 3 so doesn't matter. Who would have up to 10 devices to connect?

Bob 01 23.5 TK with toys

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 149017
"I sent an email to Millenicom to see if they offer the Pantech unit."

Oh, they do--that's where I and my friends got ours.

"Who would have up to 10 devices to connect?"

Obviously you don't travel with teenagers. ;-)

But seriously, here are a few things that can use Wi-Fi:

laptop or desktop computer tablet smartphone iPod Touch standalone webcam networked printer networked bathroom scale networked blood pressure monitor fitness monitor (e.g., FitBit) smartwatch (e.g., Pebble, Apple Watch, Motorola 360) smart thermostat (e.g., Nest)

The list gets longer every day, with refrigerators and other unlikely items being added. Now, admittedly most of us older folks won't ever come close to hitting the limit of ten devices. I don't want my life to be that complicated! But if you traveled with a family, and each member had a phone, a tablet and maybe a laptop... it could add up surprisingly fast.

Andy Baird

Travels with Andy
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Millenicom Hotspot
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 149020
Millenicom sent me an email saying they are out of stock on the Pantech units and don't know when they will get more. Found one on Ebay I might buy. No warranty though and that bothers me.

Bob 01 23.5 TK with toys