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Paint matching
Yahoo Message Number: 148940
Our 1994 23.5 TK has a repaired area on a rear corner that was covered with a matt finish paint.  Is there a green paint available for touch ups or do I need to supply a chip to get a color mixed?  I'm thinking the latter as age and exposure would likely render my rig a different shade than new factory green.

Georgia Wood

Re: Paint matching
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 148960
"Is there a green paint available for touch ups or do I need to supply a chip to get a color mixed?"


While there are some color codes available for LD paint, you probably will not find anyone that can mixed them. The odds that the paint would match are slim since your 20 year old paint has faded. Changes in air pollution laws have limited what types of paints are now available.
So here is what I use when repairing a damaged LD exterior.
http://www.spraymax.com/index.php?id=497&L=1 It is a two-part paint in a spay can. The hardener is included in a internal bag that is broken by pushing a button in the bottom of the can. After mixing, the paint can be sprayed for up to 24 hours.
Remove an exterior storage hatch and take it to an auto paint store that uses the SprayMax system. The store will custom mix the paint to match the existing color.
You may have to hunt for a auto paint dealer that uses the SprayMax system. It is not available in Los Angeles County, forcing me to go to Ventura County to buy it (Martin Paint in Simi Valley).
The paint is a two-part type that produces a finish very similar to the Factory and is very durable and easy to spray. It does require special precautions when using, primarily using a organic air filter to prevent breathing the overspray plus covering your skin to keep the overspray off. Do not use this paint without the proper filter mask.
http://www.amazon.com/3M-Paint-Project-Respirator-Medium/dp/B00004Z4EB The mask is useful whenever solvents are use in quantity. When Eternabonding the roof, acetone or lacquer thinner is used for the final cleaning. With the mask on, there is no smell of solvent at all. Keep the mask in a air tight bag in between uses to prolong its life.

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2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
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