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Topic: Upholstry (Read 7 times) previous topic - next topic
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Yahoo Message Number: 148802
Silver Fox, our "on order" 26MB, White/Grey exterior, light wood interior, is facing a quandary, and that is,  which upholstery is the most practical and long wearing. Our considerations are as follows:

* Tan with dark brown rounded leaves, called "Cafe".

*  Blue with beige pattern, called "Slate".

* Grey with beige long pointed leaves, called "Granite"
 Have heard of some problems with fabrics and am interested is LD owners comments and experience with fabrics provided over the last few years. Are these fabrics holding up? What about pilling, looking dirty, fraying, etc. Which of the three listed seem to be the best fr the application?

Would like to get comments soon as we need to make a decision shortly.

Thanks for your help!

Ian & Jean, Seattle

Re: Upholstry
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 148804
I don't know who is providing the fabric and upholstering for Lazy Daze now - Butterfield closed its doors a few years ago - but the first things I'd find out from the upholsterers are the *content* and *weave tightness* of the three fabric choices you listed. In general, the "harder" the fabric surface and the tighter the weave, the more wear-resistant and longer-lasting the fabric. The softer, "fuzzy"-surfaced fabrics will usually pill and often develop shiny spots from wear. I doubt that the fabric content of the choices you mentioned are all the same, so I suggest asking the shop which is most resistant to wear over the long haul. IMO, "Olefin" is very tough and resists abrasion, mold, moisture, stains, and fading.


Not to knock anyone's housekeeping practices, but any upholstery fabric that's unprotected and gets heavy use is bound to suffer some wear; kids, pets, sloppy people who spill stuff, sunlight, dirt, sand, smoke, grease, what-have-you all take a toll on upholstered surfaces. If one really wants to keep the upholstery clean, dry, unfaded and looking presentable, cover it with washable throws or slipcovers.

Good luck.

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