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Topic: Best RV service near Phoenix...warning!!! (Read 6 times) previous topic - next topic
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Best RV service near Phoenix...warning!!!
Yahoo Message Number: 136971
People, I have to speak up on Charlie Echols ability to do a decent alignment on a 30ft LD.
 This is the "person" Premier Coachworks took my RV to for the SECOND alignment after i complained about the quality of my steering.

I was told that Mr. Echols said it was "within specs", and  that the reason for the pronounced 'wander" and feeling of play in the steering was due to my sagging rear springs unloaded the front end.
{sent a post asking others here about this]
 Since my rig had NOT handled that way before the accident, and I had just had it to Sanderson Ford Truck Service Center in April of 2011, and had the print out of the correct alignment in hand, I insisted that I wanted their opinion.

They found the front end "SIGNIFICANTLY out of alignment"!! I will post you copies of the before and after print out to show just how bad it was if you like. It now handles like it did pre-accident.

When confronted with this indisputable information, they tried to give me a check for $49.95---supposedly what they had been paid by the ins. co. for that second alignment by Mr. Echols. Do you honestly think you can get an alignment done on a 30ft. E-450 cutaway for $49.95?? They said they weren't responsible for alignments, and had third party people do the work--not their problem!

I have been in continuing dispute with Premier almost from the beginning of this saga. One thing after another they "fixed" that wasn't fixed; that was never fixed; that had to be repaired by other parties because they didn't see anything wrong with their repair, or they weren't "able" to do anything about the problems.

Ask Larry Wade what he found and had to work on for me. There's 8 months more of this sort of thing, but the alignment lie was my last straw, as was the passenger side step collapsing under me while I had an arm load of supplies....broke or cracked a couple of ribs with that one! It was their shoddy almost non-existent repair job that failed. Just TODAY got them to get it repaired correctly @ Sanderson.
 So, I would think very seriously about using Mr. Echols. He may be a perfectly nice man, but he really missed the boat with my rig. And i would avoid Premier Coachworks completely, and Orangewood if at all possible. sadder but wiser....:-)

Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire "CHERRYOTTE" our litte red home on wheels "Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."
Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire
"CHERRYOTTE" our little red home on wheels
"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."