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Hot water tank
Yahoo Message Number: 129337
I checked the Lazy Daze Companion first and maybe this is so obvious to everyone else that it's not written. I had my LD professional winterized last fall and now I am gearing up for use. I've filled the holding tank with water and ran water through the spigots in order to clear out the anti-freeze. Water does not come out of the hot water spigots. Do I just leave the pump run for a while to fill up the HWH? Makes me nervous to run the pump with no water coming out.

Thanks, anyone.
Linda Scout, Willing & Sunka Anne

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 129338
I assume your water heater has a bypass, so make sure the lever is set to "un-bypass" it.  If the water heater is bypassed, you'll never get any water from the hot water faucet!  Once that's done, then in order to fill the water heater, just open one or more hot water faucets until water starts coming out.  As long as there's water in the fresh water tank, you won't hurt the water pump by letting it run.

And next winter, you might want to learn how to do your own winterization...it's a very simple thing to do, and it'll save you the exorbitant fees an RV dealer wants to charge!

Linda Hylton http://earl-linda.blogspot.com
Linda Hylton

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 129340
There is a lever accessible, from the storage area below the HWH that, when in a vertical position, drains water. When it is in a horizontal position, water does not drain. Is that the HWH bypass? Linda

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 129348
Here is a link of a Mid Bath WH by pass. Even if you do not have a Mid Bath, it will look something like this and be tucked out of the way.  For example on the Mid Bath you need to remove a drawer.

 I came across it while looking for something else, but need to install one before next winter.  Don't want to be
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 129349
If the water heater is bypassed, you'll never get any water from the hot water faucet!
I need to disagree with the above statement.  If the water heater is bypassed you WILL get water from all the hot water faucets but it will not be hot.  The bypass ties the input and output lines of the water heater together so no water enters the heater but it allows antifreeze and/or water to pass thru all the hot and cold water lines.
 It sounds like the water heater was drained and that it must fill up before any water will flow from it.  It also appears like there is no bypass installed.  It holds 6 gallons of water so it will take a while to fill.


Monument, CO

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 129352

 It sounds like the water heater was drained and that it must fill up before any water will flow from it.  It also appears like there is no bypass installed.  It holds 6 gallons of water so it will take a while to fill.

Monti Monument, CO

Linda, as Monti said, the HWH holds 6 gal and takes a while to fill.  I just did mine today and was wondering if I would ever see water from the hot water side.  Also, there should be instructions for dewinterizing in your LD manual.  There is in mine (2002).

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 129358
Linda, as Monti said, the HWH holds 6 gal and takes a while to fill.  I just did mine today and was wondering if I would ever see water from the hot water side.
Linda, I agree with what Chris just posted. But one other tip, to prevent having the water pump run so long to fill the tank, connect a hose to your city water connection and use that to fill the water heater and flush out your water lines. If you open the pressure relief valve it will allow the air to escape and fill the water heater much more quickly. You will hear the water filling the tank when you open the pressure relief valve and after a bit, water will start spraying out of the pressure relief valve. Just let it snap shut when you are done.

Good luck, Steve K.
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Hot water tank
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 129384
I don't believe that you will find instructions in the Lazy Daze manual about water heater bypass devices.  LD's normally don't come with one, unless it is a "special."  The LD way of winterizing is to blow out the water lines with compressed air.

Many of the water heater bypass devices are built by Camco.  The others are similar.  If you look at the back side of the water there are two pipes connected.  The one at the top is the hot water outlet and the one at the bottom is the cold water inlet.  Typically there is a funny looking valve in the cold water input line.  It has a third pipe attached to its top that goes to the hot water outlet line.  This is the bypass valve.  Typically if the valve handle is pointed up, water is "bypassed" and does not enter the heater.  Turn the handle sideways.  However, I have seen at least one bypass valve that was just the opposite.

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