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Topic: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD? (Read 44 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 129279
Hello Ann and Jerry It has been a while but if you search for bug screen in Amazon it might be there. I do remember it shipping from Canada and it wasn't very expensive. It's worth the effort to find one.

Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 129285
JJ, Thank you, found it!  The other place I mentioned as a possible source did not pan out.  Even called Vince at LD factory to see if they had something or a suggestion.  No dice.
Thanks again.  Ann & Jerry   2010 MB 27'  http://fulltimeusa.com/

Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #29
Yahoo Message Number: 129291
Thanks Terry, for the link it works perfectly.  We read this blog last year and we are rereading it now.  It is very helpful.  We had planned to go to Alaska last year but...Ann fell, broke her wrist, & had to have surgery to repair it.  After hospital admissions and multiple trips to the Emergency Room for her we cancelled our Alaska plans.  So this time, we hope it is a go!  Right now, we do not have a toad.  Will try some ferry trips if time permits.  We do plan to leave in May.  When we told some Canadians we would be going through Canada in May, they said "Good Luck with the weather". Ann and Jerry   2010 MB 27'   http://fulltimeusa.com/
 --- In lifewithalazydazerv@yahoogroups.com, tlburnes  wrote
 " http://web.me.com/burnes/Alaska_Summer/Home.html
 My suggestion would be to try to leave in early May. It's a long way up there and the more time you have the better. I'd also encourage you to spend some time on the Alaska ferry system, either with your vehicles or without.
Some feel a cruise vacation at another time would be an adequate substitute for the ferry. I disagree. You'll get much closer to the real Alaska on the ferry system.

Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #31
Yahoo Message Number: 129295
Thanks for the info, Terry.  We have spent the last three hours looking at the Alaska ferry site.  No plan yet, but we're definitely looking at our options.  Did order the Alaska toursaver book.
Thanks again.  Be well.  Ann & Jerry 2010 MB 27'  http://fulltimeusa.com/

Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #32
Yahoo Message Number: 129310
Ann and Jerry,
 We did this trip in 2009. Here is a link to the Web site I created from trip reports sent to family and friends along the way.

It won't be up much longer as Apple is discontinuing Web hosting and I won't be posting it elsewhere. And it may have a few glitches now, as I don't maintain it.
 We had no trouble on this trip other than with our Shurflo Extreme water pump, which you don't have (lucky you). Travel in Alaska was little different from travel elsewhere. My main advice would simply be to slow down. The issues unique to this trip mainly relate to road conditions. Traveling more slowly gives you more time to react and avoid frost heaves and pot holes. We often traveled at about 45mph on the paved routes, less on unpaved. Saves on gas too. And just that much better to see the scenery.
 I personally don't feel you need to take anything "extra." Whatever you'd have with you for a trip across Nevada should do for Alaska. I put some plastic protectors on the headlights and got a removable screen to protect the radiator but in retrospect I don't think either was necessary. I did buy new tires right before the trip. We never had a flat.

Finally, never hesitate to camp by the road. Alaska has many large turnouts and overlooks along its road system that make excellent overnight stops. And I never felt safety was an issue anywhere in BC, the Yukon or Alaska (except the wildlife of course).
 You simply can't go wrong on this trip and you will be glad for every extra day and every extra destination you can squeeze in. It was the trip of a lifetime for us.

Terry 2003 26.5'RB Gardnerville, NV
Oh no! Please don't let that beautiful website/blog disappear! It was one of our most valuable references last year on our 4month Alaska trip. And we concur with every bit of your advice - it's not Siberia and the natives are friendly, very friendly.

Linda & Carole

Re: Alaska 2012 What to bring for the LD?
Reply #33
Yahoo Message Number: 146246
Hi Terry - we are kicking around the Alaska idea and wondered if you ever posted your blog somewhere where we could get access again?

Thanks! Michele Murphy 30 IB 2005