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Topic: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13, 2011 Morro Bay State Park - Reserv (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 119493
Folks, I know it's a little late to mention it, but all these "We've booked site #XX" messages would really be better handled in private emails.
Thanks, Andy, for keeping our postings in line with our "purpose"!  Sometimes we get a little off track, out of hand, and way off topic!  We need a little nudge now and then.
Ed and Jeanne Gaffney

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 119494
Lydia said: If it were not for all the posts, I wouldn't have convinced myself to take 2 days off work for this trip.
 And I just did the same! Snagged #112 and looking forward to meeting old and new friends and their critters.

Barb, Jake & Smokey (the cat heaters) aboard Gypsy
1992 22' TK

Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #27
Yahoo Message Number: 119495
I know that I am new and probably don't know much, but I took Andy's message to mean that for security's sake that we ought not post to much info. Things like space numbers might be more securely handled private messages.
 I am a great example, no one knows me.... maybe I am a burglar looking to steal LD's and part them out!



[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Details About West GTG March 10-13
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 119497
Excellent idea and just what I was thinking. The Albq Balloon Fiesta group has a separate yahoo group just for Fiesta chat and announcements that was set up by Tessa. One announcement could be made on LWALDRV that for anyone wanting more info about the Yahoo West GTG to sign up with the separate yahoo group.

2011 Blue MB

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #29
Yahoo Message Number: 119499
I love hearing about the GTG's in general, and especially the Morro Bay one, although it always makes me sad that I am unable to attend.     :-(
 The enthusiasm for any GTG is part and parcel of the camaraderie that adds flavor to the experience that I get from doing most of my visiting with other Lazy Dazers via my computer screen.  I eagerly go to the Photos file to see the happy faces of the participants after such an event when someone has been kind enough to take and post photos.

But the basic site selection information is probably best communicated directly to the organizer.  Some listservs, whose participants are organizing a GTG, will post a listing of the participants and their site numbers near the time of the event, especially if it is a large group, for ease in finding your friends upon arrival.  It's hard to find someone when the phrase "I'll be in a Lazy Daze", or even "I'll be in a blue Lazy Daze" is not sufficient information for accurate location of a friend. ;->

Virtual hugs,

Judie (2005 RB) Temporarily back in Sierra Vista, Arizona Plotting a May escape

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #30
Yahoo Message Number: 119501
   I love hearing about the GTG's in general, and especially the Morro Bay one, although it always makes me sad that I am unable to attend.     :-(
Morro Bay is just a public campground, of course, and all participants at this website should understand that we are a friendly group of LD owners that does not get upset if there are a few non-LD campers also enjoying the beautiful facilities at Morro Bay. If anyone is a prospective or former owner, we would enjoy talking to you if you would like to stop by.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #31
Yahoo Message Number: 119508
I love hearing about the GTG's in general, and especially the Morro Bay one, although it always makes me sad that I am unable to attend.    :-(
Me too, but only if I can also learn about a Toastation at the same time.



Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #32
Yahoo Message Number: 119509

I love hearing about the GTG's in general, and especially the Morro Bay one, although it always makes me sad that I am unable to attend.    :-(
 Me too, but only if I can also learn about a Toastation at the same time.



OK, Ed, we know the devil made you say it.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #33
Yahoo Message Number: 119511
We're camping at The Slabs as we speak, Chris. I attribute my inappropriate  comment to either the strange vibrations that permeate the air or the strong smell from the burning of the Funny Weed.
Not sure which.


Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #34
Yahoo Message Number: 119512
Thank you, Steve.  I'm assuming that you don't know that we have been Lazy Daze owners yet again for nearly the last two years, and the limitation to attending is strictly our own time constraints.  One day we will make it there, as it has been a long time since we have been able to RV in the beautiful state of California.

Were we able to attend, I would be glad to show everyone my Toastation - and its location under the dinette - which inspired the original post on its utility within a Lazy Daze RV!  ;->

Virtual hugs,

Judie (2005 RB) Toasting English muffins in Sierra Vista, Arizona

Morro Bay is just a public campground, of course, and all participants at this website should understand that we are a friendly group of LD owners that does not get upset if there are a few non-LD campers also enjoying the beautiful facilities at Morro Bay. If anyone is a prospective or former owner, we would enjoy talking to you if you would like to stop by.

Me too, but only if I can also learn about a Toastation at the same time.

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #35
Yahoo Message Number: 119516
Yes, I know Judie - but since you were for a time LD-less, I was reminded by your post that many participants here are not yet owners.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #36
Yahoo Message Number: 119524
We're camping at The Slabs as we speak, Chris. >
I will be heading there after Q.  I would appreciate some comments and tips so I don't offend the "locals"

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #37
Yahoo Message Number: 119525
It just hit me, this Yahoo group geographically overlays the Caravan Club. Larger too?? I seem to recall that they had the largest group at the Golden Caravan.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Yahoo West GTG March 10-13
Reply #39
Yahoo Message Number: 120865
Hi Larry,
 Just wanted to let you know that we are not going to be able to attend this get together after all. Too much snow to contend with up here to get where we need to be in a safe and sane manner. We just canceled our reservation, so site 87 is now free for someone else to use 3/10 thru 3/14. We are very sad to have to cancel as it sounds like a great time in a beautiful area.

Have fun.

Cindy and Paula 09 FD Sylvia Northern NV

Why not? Life is short....live each day fully.