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Topic: First good night sleep in a motorhome (Read 4 times) previous topic - next topic
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First good night sleep in a motorhome
Yahoo Message Number: 119219
Just enjoyed reading the first installment of Terry's 2009 Alaska trip in their Lazy Daze.  What a great adventure.
 My wife and I have been using RV's now for about four years now.  In the other smaller RV's that we have had I have NEVER had a good night sleep.
 That changed now that we have our 26.5 MB.  We dry camped a few weeks back for three nights and for the first time in an RV, I got restful sleep.  What a pleasure that is.
 The beds are comfortable and large enough to not feel boxed in or feel light you are sleeping on a sheet of plywood.
 Looking forward to this spring and summer as we put this quality machine to work.
 Most of our adventures will be in the sporting dog field world where you drive out to the middle of nowhere and set up amoung others with their dogs and horses.


Here is looking forward to a good 2011.
