Etenabond July 30, 2010, 05:30:41 pm Yahoo Message Number: 114910FYI...Again I have Eternabond issues! This time the glue is bonding to the RV, but now the white from the top is releasing horribly. I will never deal with this product again. I'm definitely not impressed! It has caused me nothing but heart ache and money!Ellen... No ETERNABOND for me! Bodega 1986 FL[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: Eternabond Reply #1 – July 30, 2010, 10:08:52 pm Yahoo Message Number: 114913Ellen, I can certainly sympathize with your frustration. As I recall, you had previously had trouble with the Eternabond coming loose from your roof (per your message #102840), and the consensus was that you had received a bad batch of the tape. This latest post is the first time I've ever heard of the vinyl layer coming loose from the adhesive, but that seems to confirm that in your case the adhesive was bad. According to your message #102878, the company was going to send you a couple of rolls of fresh tape and an instruction sheet on removing Eternabond, and asked to see a sample of your (presumably defective) tape. I don't remember seeing a followup, so I'm curious: did you remove all the defective tape and replace it with the new material they sent you? Is it the new tape that's losing its vinyl layer, or the old tape? Did you ever hear what they discovered from examining the sample of defective tape you sent back to them? I don't blame you for being annoyed at the product after your bad experiences, but if you could provide more information, it might help the rest of us figure out what went wrong and how to avoid it.Andy Baird