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Topic: clothing, ladies, what to keep (Read 5 times) previous topic - next topic
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clothing, ladies, what to keep
Yahoo Message Number: 111372
The Silver Gizmo (27' MB) has been ordered (YES!!!) and is due in July, we will then be full timers.  Have been ruthless about paring down but clothes are the sticking point.  Got rid of more than four fifths of our clothes but need hanging info.  Ok with pants, shorts, etc., will fold them, but shirts are a much bigger problem.  Have them separated by color and hung all of one color per wire coat hanger.   Since we will be full time without a storage unit somewhere, how many shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, jackets, etc. can hang in the closet?  I get cold even in the desert so am looking for layers (maybe I am rationalizing why I want to take so much?)  I am the one that pushed for a small RV and for a Lazy Daze so I would like to start out by not ripping the hanging bar down with the weight of too many clothes.
I know, everyone has different needs but I'm looking for ideas.  I'm trying to be a realist but have been sorting out and giving away stuff all month and I'm quite overwhelmed.  This is to say nothing about my poor husband sorting through his beloved tools! Tried to do a search on this site for the info I'm looking for but if it is here, I'm not finding it.
Thank you, Ann

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 111380

Congratulations on the new rig, you're going to love it.
 We're in a 30TB, but our closet space is similar.  I finally gave up almost entirely on hangers, and now fold everything, then use one of those de-wrinkling sprays when we go to wear them.  For the few things we HAVE to hang, we hang them from a tension bar in the shower and just lay them on the bed when we shower.
 As to numbers, I have somewhere between 5-8 longsleeve tees, and the same in short sleeve, plus a few tank tops.  I also have a couple of mens shirts I wear over tees on occasion.  LOTS of underwear, and probably 5 pair of long pants and 4 pair of shorts.  I have 2 nice shirts wadded up in an upper compartment "just in case".
 It's worked pretty well for close to 5 years (but I did just recently redo my closet, a huge improvement).

Kate http://cholulared.blogspot.com

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 111392
Thank you Kate.  We are very excited to get our Lazy Daze and begin traveling.  After so many discussions, worry about our choices and so much research, we can hardly believe we are so close to getting it.
Will try the de-wrinkling spray as you suggest (a much more palatable idea than ironing) and appreciate your clothes list.  It turns out that while I was typing my question about closet storage, Mike Coachman 31 was also typing a closet question about his new RV.  (Congratulations Mike, safe travels!)  The answers to his question also helped us.  When one of you answer a question, I'm sure you know that your answer may help many more than the original poster and that is part of what is so good about this group.
Thanks to all of you, Ann

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 111407
I have taken a slightly different tack on clothing storage.  I tend to wear the same things over and over, having just a few favorite things, but, that said . . . I have in reserve enough clothing to last about a month without doing laundry.  I have it stashed all over in various containers - some within easy reach, and some more difficult to extract, but doable.

For instance - I utilize to the max the Eagle Creek Pack-It system, especially the Pack-It Folders and Cubes.


It is totally amazing how much underwear and T-shirts the Cubes can swallow up, and the Folders do an admirable job of holding pants and shirts, etc..
 We have the rear bath, and I have placed in the closet two columns of large-ish drawers, leaving an open space to the left, where I stash multiple boxes of various plastic bags, plastic wrap, and aluminum foil, topped with one of those vinyl-coated wire shelves, on which I stash several of the large Pack-It Folders, and various other temporary items corralled in several stacked dishpans, with items in only the top one.  These extra dishpans take up very little extra room, and have come in quite handy on a number of occasions.  I also keep two dishpans (hospital sized) in the sink, again taking up no extra room, but good for emergency "nausea problems", without sullying the dishpan actually used for washing dishes.

I keep several duffel bags with winter clothes in them and use them as a headboard at the head of the overcab bed, on top of the storage well up there.  This is where I keep our down parkas and lighter- weight rain jackets, along with a collection of long underwear, sweaters, fuzzy jackets (I love fuzzy jackets!), and other things not needed on a day-to-day basis in moderate weather.  If/When we get to unpleasant weather, I can change out these things for the medium- weight things that currently reside in the built-in drawers in the closet.  I have the bottom drawer for my things, and my husband has the top two drawers, plus one Pack-It Folder, and various things in the duffel bags.  All of this is out of sight, and requires no hanging space.

I keep one Pack-It Cube of very light-weight summer clothing in our toad, which provides about four or five days' worth of clothing in a very small space.  These Pack-It units are great for compressing out the air without making too many wrinkles.
 Now I see that the downside of providing the above link is that there are many new possibilities in the Pack-It line - all so tempting!

Virtual hugs,

Judie (2005 RB) Dry camping in New Mexico, soaking up the solar rays falling on our roof panels  ;->

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 111410
   For instance - I utilize to the max the Eagle Creek Pack-It system, especially the Pack-It Folders and Cubes.
Judie, That Pack-It system is absolutely invaluable. I use many of those on any trip... makes packing suitcases a breeze. And I also plan to use it in the LD in my big plastic drawers in the closets.
- David in Long Beach

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 111423
I have taken a slightly different tack on clothing storage.

Thanks Judie and David.  Judie, I have looked through the Pack-it system and it looks like a great way to stay organized.  Hadn't thought of using them in the overhead cabinets  and drawers.  The many choices cover a lot  of different uses.  Reading how much "stuff" folks manage to get in and how they problem solved helps those of us facing the task.
The daunting chore of downsizing probably has us over thinking how we will manage the storage issue so will try to relax and use our best guess for what we might need and how to fit it into the space available.  Then, with the link you sent, will try to get it all organized over time.
Thanks again, Ann ps I, too, love fuzzy jackets but forced myself to only take two.
Course, took some non-fuzzy ones also.

Re: clothing, ladies, what to keep
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 111429
And remember, unless you are boondocking, there are stores for anything you really need.

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